Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1062 Extra: Aoyama Chapter 6 Aoyama Invites God

At the foot of the mountain, opposite the stone bridge.

The thin and weak Yang Xiayuan looked at the mountainside unwillingly.

He stood for a long, long time.

Watching the Zhilong mountainside from rolling and rolling, it slowly calmed down.

His eyes were dazed, stunned, and finally turned into extreme coldness.

"There is no landslide, the earth dragon rolls, the intruder is strangled and the Feng Shui is restored to its original state"

"Qiu Chudao, it's good that Qiu Chudao has taken such strict precautions against your children and grandchildren."

"It's impossible to forcibly break the grave if the green mountain is damaged. There are yin and yang corpses in the yin dragon water, so it's nowhere to go." Yang Xiayuan lowered his head and muttered, he was thinking hard.

"It seems that Qiang's feng shui technique doesn't work, maybe geology can find a way."

"Li Yinyang Qingshan is trapped, will you come?" There was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.Turning around, Yang Xiayuan walked out of the mountain step by step.

The dazzling sun hangs in the middle of the sky.

Behind a towering mountain, there are four peaks from high to low, gradually extending down, and slowly becoming the Zhijiao Mountain Range.

Between the third and fourth branch foot mountains, there is a calm mountain pool.

In the very center of Shantan, there is a very antique big house!

Just look at a room, called the lonely room.

And in that big house, there is still a coffin parked!

The sun shines on the mountain pool, creating a lot of halos.

The tiles of the big house also reflect the harsh sunlight

At first glance, this place seems to be a peaceful and quiet place.

But on closer inspection, that's not the case at all.

On the edge of the mountain pool, there are many corpses piled up together.

These corpses are all extremely shriveled. Although they are soaked in water, they are completely mummified.

Mummy, not because of lack of water.

It's because before dying, the body's [-] essence was almost sucked dry

The sun also shines on them.

But there is no warmth at all, only gloom and death

In the westernmost part of Shantan.

A coffin floated on the water.

The inner and outer coffins of white marble have a few simple and simple characters on the side.

"Yin dragon water, and the sun is moving, and those who see the coffin will die."

In the center of the water surface, there is still a person floating.

The man was wearing a blue robe.

His abdomen was completely red with blood.

His long hair was completely spread out on the surface of the water, and his sunken cheeks made him look even thinner.

The weak ups and downs of his chest meant that he still had a breath of breath left, which was about to die.

His hand moved slowly to his abdomen.

He grabbed the iron skewer at his waist with great difficulty.

Then, using iron skewers and ropes as a booster, he slowly moved towards the shore

After a long time.

Yang Qingshan finally reached the shore.

His eyes are not closed, but have a gap.

With difficulty, he took out a jade bottle from his chest.

Pushing the cork away with his fingers, he poured all the pills in the jade bottle into his mouth.

These pills are all the special pills he gave Li Yinyang back then.

At first, he thought that there were no more, but after returning to the Qiang tribe, Liu Sanyuan gave him some more.

These medicines are already the last remaining of the Qiang people.

Following the entrance of the pill, a smear of blood instantly appeared on Yang Qingshan's face.

His eyes widened suddenly.

The weak eyes were instantly filled with light.

With his other hand, he firmly grasped the iron skewer and pulled it out.

There was a slight sound of sticking, and the iron skewer was pulled out halfway.

But the blood on Yang Qingshan's face is rapidly diminishing

Soon, he was half kneeling on the ground again.

The anger brought by the medicine should not be so little

It was also because of the iron skewer stuck in the abdomen.

The yin and yang corpses are constantly sucking yang energy from him.

As soon as those Qiang secret medicines made him recover a bit, they were sucked away again

Yang Qingshan pulled out the iron skewer again with great difficulty.

But he still couldn't pull it out completely.

If the yang qi is completely sucked up by the yang yin corpse and dies, I am afraid that if he dies, he will become a murderous corpse.

And I can't die here yet.

There was determination in Yang Qingshan's eyes.

he has to go back

Because, he wants to tell Master Liu Sanyuan, his father's face.

He killed so decisively and viciously that he could even directly sacrifice his parents and children.

If he is allowed to take over the Qiang people, not only will the Qiang people be in great trouble, but the Liu family may also cease to exist soon.

"Li Yinyang, I was wrong"

Yang Qingshan gasped heavily again.

Feeling weaker and weaker, the effect of the medicine has completely disappeared

He gradually began to despair

Because of this situation, it is impossible for him to leave.

Until the end, a quarter of the iron skewer was still stuck in his stomach.

The weather is gradually changing.

From the middle of the sun, it was almost dark.

Yang Qingshan closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, only determination remained in his weak eyes.

must go!

Even death!

Be sure to leave too!

He took something out of his pocket again.

It was a small cloth bag, and the cloth belt was filled with silver needles.

Tremblingly, he took out a silver needle and stabbed it tremblingly towards the top of his head.

Originally, he wanted to recover some strength with the help of the elixir, so he pulled out the iron skewer, and finally managed to save his life.

At that time, I will definitely be able to return to the Qiang nationality.

Now there is no other way but to resort to the last resort

The Liu family's magic trick!

Invoke the divine method, no longer relying on the power of anger, but relying on the awe-inspiring righteousness in the chest, as well as willpower and spirit, to forcibly burn away the last potential, so that the body can reach the peak of health!

After using the method of inviting gods, the time you can persist depends on your potential.

Yang Qingshan estimated that he could last at least seven days.

Seven days is enough time to leave!

People, or have to die.

But just like what Liu Tianniu said to him.

Everything, for the Qiang people!

It's more like what he said while kneeling in front of Liu Tianniu

If one day, the Qiang clan needs it, the Liu family needs it, and Yang Qingshan, he will die!

With the silver needles one by one completely submerged into the top of the head.

The last silver needle is used up.

Yang Qingshan sat cross-legged

The sky started to get dark.

Yang Qingshan's face became thinner and thinner.

The silver needle above his head was trembling slightly.

Suddenly, Yang Qingshan opened his eyes.

This time, the light in his eyes was restored again.

Moreover, what came out of him was an extremely tyrannical righteousness.

Let this quiet and gloomy mountain pool be dispelled a bit of haze

His hand fell on his abdomen, and he pulled it out.

With no difficulty, he pulled out the iron skewer.

The next moment, Yang Qingshan stood up.

He raised his head and swept across the entire mountain pool and the entire environment, trying to determine the direction.

At the moment when he was about to draw water from the mountain pond.

He had just jumped up and hadn't landed on the water yet.

Suddenly, the white marble coffin on the water trembled.

The coffin lid suddenly stood up, and smashed towards Yang Qingshan!

Steadily, the entire coffin lid fell on Yang Qingshan's body.

Yang Qingshan's body fell heavily to the ground

With a bang, almost his whole body fell into the wet stone mud

A lot of blood, soaking the ground even more wet

His bare hands seemed to be raised with difficulty!

But after holding it in mid-air, it froze feebly and never moved again.

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