Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1064 Extra Story: Zhang Nine Hexagrams

South of Kaiyang City.

This is the place with the most mountains in Kaiyang City.

At the foot of a mountain in a city with excellent Fengshui, there is an antique-style courtyard.

The front room is a shop.

The antique decoration has a vertical plaque on each side.

The one on the left reads "Speaking of the world's misfortunes and blessings with one iron mouth."

The one on the right is "A pair of gold calculates the past and present."

The horizontal batch is three characters.

"Zhang Jiu Gua."

Inside the house, on a rattan chair, lay a tall, thin man in his 30s reclining.

She was dressed in a Tang suit, but there were some light golden patterns embroidered on it.

Under the glasses with gold rims, there was a slightly thin but shrewd face.

With piercing eyes, he looked at a slightly younger man sitting across from him.

The same thin and tall figure, but the man's face gave off a sense of loyalty.

He is also wearing a Tang suit.

But different from the former, the Tang suit on his body has patches, and although the cloth shoes on his feet are clean, they are also very old.

Although he was younger, the wind and frost had left more traces on him.

"Zhongliang, you are still young, and you still don't understand the painstaking efforts of your brother. You and I can learn from each other. I will teach you Yang arithmetic, and you will teach me Yin art. Why not?" Zhang Jiugua pushed the gold-rimmed glasses In the frame of his son, the shrewdness in his eyes is more.

"You and I, brothers and sisters, have reached a very high level of yin and yang calculations, but the master has lived in Tang Town for a long time, and I have not been out for a long time. I made a secret divination, and I probably guessed that he might have to pick another apprentice." , that is the descendant of Geography Kanyu." Zhang Jiugua said again.

Luo Zhongliang still didn't respond, completely indifferent.

Zhang Jiugua's hand tapped twice on the table.

There was dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Luo Zhongliang looked up at him again, but there was a bit of sternness in his eyes.

"Why don't you dare say this in front of Master?" Luo Zhongliang's words were more calm, just like the temperament revealed by others.

"Master, next year, he will come to Kaiyang again. You really want to learn Yin art, you can ask Master to teach you."

"If the aptitude is achieved, he will not stop teaching you." Luo Zhongliang looked directly at Zhang Jiugua, and his brows frowned even tighter.

Zhang Jiugua's brows were also furrowed, and there was even more dissatisfaction in his eyes.

He said again: "Why don't you go on the road? What brother means is that none of us are truly chosen."

"You want to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors?" Luo Zhongliang stood up abruptly, with his hands on his waist.

He has a delicate copper hammer at his waist.

Back then Luo Zhongliang learned too many fighting techniques, but he was afraid of hurting people's lives, so he replaced the broad ax in the coffin technique with a copper hammer.

A blunt weapon has no edge, so it is easy to injure someone, but to kill someone, you have to do it with a dead hand.

This way he can control the strength of his shot.

Zhang Jiugua's complexion instantly darkened.

He clenched the handrail tightly, but a few beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Your head is even thicker than Zhang Er. Master gave me a new life, what can I do? It's just that we are not the chosen ones, which means that Master has insufficient confidence in us, but What if we could teach ourselves?"

"One year later, Master came back to Kaiyang, isn't this a big surprise?" Zhang Jiugua explained again. "You and I have sworn poisonous oaths." Luo Zhongliang's tone became more severe.

"Brothers from the same sect, how can you count outsiders? I've done a fortune telling, the two of us," Zhang Jiugua continued, his eyes brightened even more.

Luo Zhongliang slapped the table heavily.

"There is no need to mention this matter again."

"Also, many children have been lost in Kaiyang City recently. Master Yuan Xian is preparing for his birthday in half a year and will not be there for a long time. I am still investigating this matter."

"If you really want to have so much leisure, you should do the math first, how to deal with this matter."

"When the time comes, the master will come, carefully hit the board on the two of us!"

He didn't let Zhang Jiugua finish at all, turned around and left the shop.

There was a [-] big stick parked at the door, and after he got on it, he drove towards the direction out of the city.

Inside the shop.

Several cracks appeared on the table that Luo Zhongliang slapped just now.

Zhang Jiugua stared blankly at the cracks appearing.

What flashed in his eyes was intense heartache.

"My Golden Phoebe"

His heart was bleeding.

"Elm head, it's an elm head!" He stood up and walked to the shop door.

Luo Zhongliang's figure had already disappeared.

Zhang Jiugua cursed again in a low voice: "It's right to give birth to a baby who can only eat rice paste, and rotten wood can't be carved!" He paced around in front of the shop door twice.

He sighed.

Immediately, he raised his hand and tapped his thumb on his middle finger a few times.

Then, Zhang Jiugua frowned.

Returning to the cracked golden nanmu table, he took down the long wooden box and took out the golden abacus.

The crackling sound, with a strange rhythm, seemed to form a tune.

After a while, Zhang Jiugua stopped.

He murmured: "Strange, this hexagram has something to do with me?"

At this time, what he calculated was exactly what Luo Zhongliang said just now, that there was a missing child in Kaiyang City.

For so much time, at least Li Yinyang taught him the art of yang calculation, and he has completely mastered it.

He even comprehended a special algorithm!

In yang calculation, some use eight characters to start the hexagrams, and some use faces to form eight hexagrams, and then start the hexagrams.

Every mountain, every city has its gossip.

If you also regard mountains and cities as different people, you can also make hexagrams!

It is also because of this that he wants to learn Yin art.

Otherwise, he can only be regarded as the most superficial hexagram

At this time, in his hexagram, there is a slight connection with him, and this connection is the phase of pain.

Zhang Jiugua squinted his eyes slightly, he put away the golden abacus, put it in a long wooden box, and walked straight out of the shop.

He walked towards the center of the city.

After Zhang Jiugua left for about three or four minutes.

From the side of the shop, a person came out slowly.

This person is younger than Zhang Jiugua, but his appearance is six points similar to Zhang Jiugua.

Hemp-like legs and a thin figure.

A very ordinary compass hung on his waist, with no more than ten layers.

The Tang suit on his body is also very ordinary.

The temperament of the whole person is even more vulgar.

Zhang Er's hand fell on the pillar of the shop door unwillingly, and said in a low voice: "Brother, you are not an outsider. But brother, you are actually an outsider."

"Brother, the reason why you don't teach me bone physiognomy is because I don't have the skills to do it?"

"Mr. Li is coming back again, I still have another chance." Zhang Er took a deep breath and let go of his hand again.

Over the years, he has studied art with teachers everywhere, but the Yin skills he has learned are completely inferior to Luo Zhongliang's Yin skills.

I have learned some Yang calculations superficially, and I am not even qualified to carry Zhang Jiugua's shoes.

Even when he stood in front of Zhang Jiugua, Zhang Jiugua knew what he was going to say next.

Zhang Jiugua also said that if he persists in his obsession, he will go astray and die unexpectedly.

He was very angry about this.

Why, he is eager to learn Zhang Jiugua, so he can be a gentleman who speaks hard words!

Zhang Er was eager to learn, but he went astray and died unexpectedly?

"Same parents, same children, brother, I will let you know that you are wrong." Zhang Er murmured, he stepped back and disappeared behind the shop.

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