Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1061 Fanwai: Qingshan Chapter 5 As a father, you can't die yet

For a moment, the air seemed to freeze.

Yang Xiayuan's face was terrified, even if it was him, his eyes were full of fear!

Yang Qingshan also looked shocked.

Both of them, father and son, did not expect that the coffin of the yin and yang corpses would be opened!

The iron skewer was in front of Yang Xiayuan's waist in an instant.

Yang Qingshan made a sudden move, and Fuchen drew the rope directly.

However, even with his strength, the rope did not deflect!

Seeing that the iron skewer was about to plunge into Yang Xiayuan's waist.

Yang Xiayuan suddenly reached out and grabbed the iron skewer in the middle with both hands!

He uttered a miserable scream!

"Father!" Yang Qingshan roared.

He drew back with one hand, and pinned the whisk into his waist with the backhand. At the same time, he pulled out his hand from his waist, and a bronze sword fell into his palm!

"Gaiwen! The sky is round and the earth is round, and there are hundreds of laws and regulations!"

"One cut off the heavenly calamity, the demons are all damaged, the stars come to protect them, the sun and the moon shine three lights! The second cut off the earth calamity, Wu has already sat in the middle, the corpses are all dispersed, and the monsters always perish! The third cut off the ghost calamity, the ghosts are all gone Hiding, the soul of the dead surpasses the fairy world, and the hole is always auspicious!"

The sound of incantations echoed endlessly on the mountainside.

Dozens of bronze swords shot at the rope!

But even if it is close at hand, the rope is not broken

Faint white air lingered on the rope.

This is the anger that is so thick that it condenses!

It was this anger that dispelled Yang Qingshan's Taoism!

At this moment, Yang Xiayuan's complexion is even more painful.

His originally fat and round cheeks have shriveled, and the cheeks are sunken inward

Anger is not only the anger of Yin Longshui, but also the anger emanating from Yang Xiayuan!

The yin corpse loves yang, and what it sucks is anger.

Even if it was only touched by a rope, Yang Xiayuan still couldn't resist it!

"Qingqingshan is about to break, I can't let go"

Yang Xiayuan only felt a warm current flowing out of his hands

Although it was not a wound, he knew that it was more serious than the injury

Even if he has learned Taoism and is [-] times stronger than ordinary gentlemen, he will definitely not last long.

Moreover, the hands seem to be sucked by the iron skewer

Big drops of sweat rolled down Yang Qingshan's forehead.

He immediately pulled out a golden hoe!

"The sky is round and the earth is round, and there are nine chapters of laws and regulations. Get rid of evil this day, and everything will be prosperous!"

The golden hoe with a long forearm fell directly to the center of the rope!

There was a soft bang.

The force of the shock made Yang Qingshan's forearm go numb for a while.

"Disturbing my quietness, you should be punished!" The cold and heavy voice came from the coffin below again.

The hand slowly sank downward.

Then, the lid of the coffin closed

As the white marble coffin sinks more and more, Yang Xiayuan's body slowly moves towards the pit

Yang Xiayuan's eyes flicked to the left and right.

His complexion became paler and his eyes became more anxious.

The next moment, he became even more tormented, even disappointed

Because, he thought of a way to escape.

The hands are glued so tightly because of the nature of yin and yang, and the anger is pulled out.

As long as there is someone to replace him, he will be able to let go!

But now, the gentlemen around them have already dispersed and reached the edge of the mountainside.

Where can anyone dare to approach? !

Yang Qingshan's complexion became more tense, and his eyes became more serious.

He whispered: "Father, don't panic, I'm still trying to find a way!"

Yang Qingshan's voice became much hoarse.

His expression suddenly became tougher, and he had already grabbed the clothes on his shoulders with one hand.

Liu family's Taoism is good at attacking, but both Taoisms are useless.

Ordinary Taoism can no longer cut this rope.

he has only one choice

Yang Xiayuan on the other side suddenly closed his eyes.

Covering the struggle in his eyes, and the fierceness.

He couldn't wait any longer, and he didn't dare to wait any longer

He has begun to feel faint, and he may faint at any time, and he is becoming more and more unable to hold on

Slowly, he approached Yang Qingshan

The two were already very close.

Yang Xiayuan's action did not surprise Yang Qingshan.

Because he himself was being pulled towards the pothole.

The next moment, Yang Qingshan pulled down his clothes, and he pulled out a willow-leaf bronze sword, about to cut through the skin on his chest.

At the same time, Yang Xiayuan's hands suddenly pulled back!

He roared loudly, as if he had exhausted all his strength!

Originally, the iron skewer was held in the middle by him.

As soon as he pulled it, he inserted it directly towards his waist and abdomen!

At a critical moment, he suddenly tilted his body again.

The iron skewer pierced Yang Qingshan's abdomen!

At this moment, Yang Qingshan reacted instantly.

He was shocked and shouted, "Father!? What are you doing?"

Before he finished speaking, Yang Xiayuan's leg suddenly lifted up, and his knee hit his waist directly!

There was a muffled sound.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain in the abdomen.

The iron skewer completely sank into Yang Qingshan's abdomen.

Yang Qingshan's resistance was also interrupted by a blow from the waist

His body was instantly absorbed by the iron skewer.

The moment Yang Xiayuan let go, he stepped back two steps.

Then, he raised his leg and kicked Yang Qingshan hard in the back!

Yang Qingshan's whole body was kicked and fell towards the pothole

At the last moment, Yang Qingshan turned his head!

His eyes became red, shocked, astonished, and annoyed and disappointed after suddenly realizing

Yang Xiayuan's lips trembled slightly, his face was like gold paper.

His body was trembling, and his eye sockets became more and more red.

He was struggling too much, and tears rolled down the corners of his eyes.

There was a gurgling sound.

In the pothole, the water rises up

In a blink of an eye, the entire pothole is filled

Yang Xiayuan tremblingly climbed a few steps forward and reached the edge of the pothole.

He clenched his fist and slammed it on the ground.

"Qingqingshan" he trembled, his heart ached to the point of breaking

"As a father, there is no way for other people. If you go too far, you can't die as a father." Yang Xiayuan's eyes turned redder.

At this time, the water in the pothole began to sink again.

After a few breaths, all the water sank into a deep and dark hole at the bottom.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, I can barely see clearly, below is an extremely fast dark river!

But Yang Xiayuan didn't have the guts to follow

"It's a failure, it's a failure." Yang Xiayuan only felt a sweetness in his throat.

He turned his head abruptly and looked at the people around the mountainside.

"It's all you! You are cannon fodder and pawns. But why did you run so far!"

"You killed Qingshan! You will all be buried with him!" He stood up abruptly.

"Qianyuan Henry Zhen, the acupuncture method is especially profound, it can sacrifice housework, the yin and yang are wonderful and spiritual! The secret is like a supernatural power! The most spiritual sense!"

"I invite Miao Guangqiao, Zhao Guangpu, Yuan Tiangang, and Li Chunfeng to all the ancestors! Take care of Zhenxiang and enshrine them together. Today there are ancestors of the Qiang people, descendants of the Qiu family, please destroy the rebels!"

Yang Xiayuan pulled out a needle belt from his waist!

He didn't whisk the dust, so he turned around violently.

With the needle belt flying, the silver needle burst out!

"The sky has three wonders, the earth has six appearances, elves and monsters, and dead bodies! Yellow mud and terracotta, rubble tombs, a hundred steps of light, you can see it as you go! Hurry up like a law!" Between the bursts of silver light, the mountainside Those gentlemen who hadn't escaped all around screamed incessantly!

The mountain trembled again

It seems that Yang Qingshan's inhalation caused a change in feng shui

The mountainside, began to crumble again.

Yang Xiayuan's face was ashen, and he galloped down the mountain

If only someone could watch from the top of the mountain.

You can see that the rocks on the mountainside are constantly rolling. This is not a landslide, but the mountainside is cracking, and it seems to be reorganizing

The bodies of those gentlemen are gradually being covered by rubble.

I'm afraid no Taoist priest of the Liu family would have imagined that the curse of the Liu family would kill so many people today

All the insiders were submerged under the gravel, and there was no possibility of seeing the light of day

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