Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1060 Extra Story: Qingshan Chapter 4 You, Deceitful King

The full moon hanging high in the night sky was paler than ever before.

Everyone in the open space on the mountainside looked nervous like never before.

All eyes were on the pothole.


Most people's eyes are full of fear.

But more, still irrepressible greed.

Human nature is greedy, and Yang Xiayuan took advantage of this kind of greed.

After Yang Qingshan yelled the second half of the incantation, his forehead was already covered with beads of sweat.

Because the second half of the incantation is not a real incantation.

The former is true, and the latter is changed.

Liu Sanyuan once said that no one in the world can compare to Yang Qingshan's abundance of righteousness.

He is more talented.

This talent is to change the curse.

Yang Qingshan has refined and improved many Taoist arts of the Liu family.

Although the modified spell, only Yang Qingshan can use it with his awe-inspiring righteousness.

But the tyranny of the spell will not be weakened at all, and it is even more powerful.

The second half of the incantation was changed because of this!

The coffin was suddenly quiet.

The original trembling stopped.

But it didn't sink as Yang Qingshan expected, nor did it sink like his spell

On the contrary, the gentlemen above the coffin raised their heads tremblingly.

This scene shocked everyone even more, and there was even more fear in their eyes.

"Haven't they been sucked out of their yang energy? How can they be turned into corpses?"

One gentleman spoke in panic.

The next moment, all the mummies turned their heads to look at Yang Qingshan.

There was coldness and indifference in their eyes.

They opened their lips almost at the same time: "There are so many strangers here."

"You, bully."

The voice was too cold.

In an instant, those gentlemen who looked like several corpses jumped up almost at the same time, and jumped up!

Yang Qingshan's complexion changed drastically!

Everyone was equally shocked!

All retreat towards the rear!

In an instant, several stones of different colors appeared in Yang Xiayuan's hands, and he shouted in a low voice: "An blue stone in the northeast, a red stone in the southeast, a white stone in the southwest, a black stone in the northwest, and a yellow stone in the cave."

"The curse says: five stars and eight places, blessed by the gods. Sui Xing is on the left, Taibai is on the right. Ying Huo is in front, and Chen Xing is behind. The star guards the center and avoids disasters. Monsters and catastrophes are captured by the five stars. The dead are peaceful, and the living are peaceful." Fushou! Hurry like a law!"

During the spell, four stones fell on all sides of the pit.

The yellow stone fell directly towards the white marble coffin!

The moment the Anwujing town talisman appeared.

Those gentlemen who have become mummified corpses are still motionless.

Those gentlemen retreated and stopped almost at the same time.

They all looked extremely stunned.

Everyone is even more wary of comments.

"Mr. Kanyu actually knows the Taoism of the Liu family?"

"Isn't that Daoist Qingshan the Taoist priest of the Liu family?"

"I heard that since he was a child, he has been studying art in the Liu family. He is a Taoist priest with a foreign surname. I didn't expect that Senior Kanyu would do the same?"

As everyone discussed, the fear in their eyes was dispelled a lot.

It all happened extremely fast.

Yang Xiayuan's hand flicked again!

Just now, the iron skewer was thrust straight downward, and it was inserted directly into the gap in the coffin!

Then, Yang Xiayuan pulled up hard!

The coffin of the yin and yang corpse trembled, as if it was about to be pulled up!

"Since it doesn't want to go down and make way, pull it up, and we will enter the Yinlong and the tomb!" Yang Xiayuan growled.

Just now, Yang Qingshan was intimidated by the words of that Mr. Mummy, and now he can barely recover.

He pulled out his waist whisk in an instant, rolled the rope in Yang Xiayuan's hand, and the father and son pulled hard at the same time!

"Comrades, don't come to help!"

"Junyang Yin Corpse, once out of this Yinlong water, he will not be able to absorb enough Yang Qi, and he will have nothing to do. With my father and son here, we will never let everyone die in an accident! After this incident, I Thank you very much!"

Yang Xiayuan's voice was about to fall, and everyone rushed over.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xiayuan flicked the remaining rope, he pulled a section, and the others pulled the rest.

Coupled with Yang Qingshan's help at the side, Han Baiyu's coffin was quickly pulled out!

Just when everyone was exerting their strength to the hardest.

Suddenly, the open space on the mountainside trembled.

The quiver came without warning.

It seems that the mountain is moving

Yang Xiayuan's expression changed drastically, and Yang Qingshan's expression was also shocked.

Yang Qingshan said in a low voice: "Not good! This coffin has been immersed in the Yinlong water for too long, and the anger has been balanced with it and forcibly pulled out, it will collapse the Yinlong, and the landslide will definitely happen!"

"Let go!" He shouted again!

Yang Xiayuan's face was full of unwillingness!There is still unwillingness on the faces of many gentlemen.

At this time, some gentlemen began to let go.

Yang Qingshan frowned tightly, deep vertical lines formed between his brows.

"Father, let go! We still have a chance. If there is a landslide here, it may affect the final grave."

"The earth dragon has already begun to roll." Yang Qingshan said, the mountainside really trembled, and cracks began to appear on the ground.

Someone screamed and was caught in the crack.

Only then did Yang Xiayuan let go of his hand unwillingly.

Yang Qingshan also pulled out his whisk.

The two main players let go, and the gentlemen behind, even if some of them were looking at the direction of the wind, they couldn't catch them if they didn't let go!

Someone slowed down a bit, and was directly led by the rope to fall towards the pothole!

Another person was knocked over by them, and there was a moment of chaos, screaming again and again.

Yang Xiayuan was about to retreat.

But at this moment, his legs suddenly tightened, and half of his body suddenly fell downwards!

Below the pothole, there is a gentleman, holding Yang Xiayuan's calf tightly with both hands!

His face was extremely painful.

Because the rope was entangled, it just twisted one of his legs.

The moment Yang Xiayuan fell, Yang Qingshan reacted and grabbed his arm!

Suddenly, the fall balances

However, with the sinking of the white marble coffin

The man's face became extremely painful, and he grabbed Yang Xiayuan's hand even tighter.

"Release!" Yang Xiayuan shuddered, and the pain caused big drops of sweat to appear on his forehead.

"Save Mr. Kanyu, save me"

"I don't want to die." The man was too afraid and painful.

The rest of the gentlemen who were dragged down have all become mummies now!

Because the earth dragon rolled over, all the stones of Anwujing town talisman have been displaced

Yang Xiayuan's eyes turned red.

If he is pulled down like this again, his leg will be crippled.

In an instant, Yang Xiayuan raised his other leg and kicked the gentleman hard on the top of his head!

The gentleman opened his eyes wide.

A large amount of blood spilled from the mouth in an instant.

The next moment, he let go of his hand.

Yang Xiayuan quickly pulled Yang Qingshan and used his strength to climb up the pothole.

His legs were trembling, and he stared fixedly at the fallen gentleman below.

The man fell onto the white marble coffin in an instant, turning into a mummy.

Yang Xiayuan was panting heavily.

Yang Qingshan's face was full of surprise, he stared at Yang Xiayuan's face, his complexion paled for a moment.

Just at this moment, someone suddenly yelled: "See if the coffin has been opened by the hands of the yin and yang corpses?"

This sound is too scary.

The rest of the people all scatter with a bang!

Yang Qingshan didn't have time to analyze Yang Xiayuan's behavior at this time.

Although, watching Yang Xiayuan kill someone, his heart was already cold for the most part.

But at this juncture, life-saving is still the most important thing.

The moment he lowered his head, he saw a crack in the white marble coffin.

A dark hand stuck out.

That hand happened to grab the iron skewer that Yang Xiayuan inserted into the coffin just now.

That hand trembled suddenly, and the iron skewer with the rope shot towards Yang Xiayuan's waist!

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