Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1052 Preparations Before Retirement

Ten days passed quickly.

During this period, Dun Kong and He Zhi took medicine at night.

During the day, I either take them to wander around Kaiyang City.

Either Yuan Huashao will spare some time to chat with us about his views on Onmyoji.

Yuan Huashao also learned about He Zhi's Tianyuan Dixiang, and I also chatted about Zhang Jiugua and Luo Zhongliang.

In this regard, Yuan Huashao sighed lightly, and he told me that he also wanted a good disciple for mind training in this mundane world.

But innately, there are ancestral precepts, and blood is needed to pass on to others.

And he didn't want to find an ordinary woman.

Want to find a like-minded person.

In this regard, I began to have doubts. Although female gentlemen are rare, they are not uncommon.

Why can't he find it?

Yuan Huashao told me that the comrades he mentioned did not mean that women should know yin and yang skills, but that they had the same thoughts as him.

He aims to save the world and save the world.

How many women in this world can have such thoughts?

I can't answer the phone for a while.

Yuan Huashao's request is really too high!

On the evening of the tenth day, there were many people in the Yin Yang House, and they began to decorate the house.

The next day is when Yuan Huashao and I became sworn brothers.

The entire Yin-Yang House was decorated with lights and festoons, and there was a big banquet, which was very lively!

In addition to Yuan Huashao and I becoming sworn brothers, and Dun Kong wants to worship his adoptive father, these two things.

The door of Yuan's Yinyang House was opened, sending a signal to Kaiyang.

Mr. Da, you will not retreat for ten years, and you will leave the retreat early!

Not only Kaiyang's prominent figures, but all of them were present.

Even the many people in Kaiyang blocked the water around the yin and yang house!

Of course, I also invited my second uncle, and I had someone call Zhang Jiugua and Luo Zhongliang.

The whole process of becoming sworn brothers was very lively.

After that, Dunkong worshiped his adoptive father again.

This is even more envious of others.

Yuan Huashao prepared a set of pen, ink and inkstone for Dun Kong as a thank you gift.

He said that this is a set of magic tools handed down from the previous generation. It may not be as good as the Tiangan inkstone and the pen of the geology, but it is definitely better than most of the utensils in the world of Yin and Yang.

Dunkong was overjoyed.

For this, I am also extremely grateful, and a little sigh.

Yuan Huashao is very good at Dunkong, and he can actually use the magic weapon of innate calculation.

After a whole day's work, it will be dark when the guests leave.

The second uncle, Zhang Jiugua, Luo Zhongliang and others were sent away.

We stayed in Yuan's Yin and Yang Residence for a few more days.

Liu Zhengdao didn't say goodbye to me, and left Yuan's Yin and Yang House without a sound.

Three days later, I said goodbye to Yuan Huashao, saying that I would go back to Fengcun to teach my disciples, deal with trivial matters, and prepare to return to Xianglu in the future.

Yuan Huashao sighed lightly, but he didn't keep him either.

He just told Dun Kong and He Zhi that they can come and go from Yin Yang House freely at any time.

In fact, during this period of time, He Zhi also benefited a lot from Yuan Huashao talking about yin and yang arts.

We have agreed that before we leave Kaiyang, we will often discuss Yin-Yang techniques.

After that, he left Yuan's Yin and Yang House.

When I returned to Feng Village, I lived there for a while.

Both Zhang Jiugua and Luo Zhongliang are making rapid progress!

I am extremely amazed at the yang counting yin art.

Most of the time in Dunkong is to find Liu Tianniu and accompany him to retire.

He also told me that Liu Zhengdao and Liu Huayan were there, which relieved my heart a lot.

As for the second uncle.

He is in a mess!

In Xuanhe in Kaiyang River Basin, he was the only one who scavenged corpses.

Liu Pingjiang had been picking up corpses with him since he was young, and because of this, his reputation has spread a lot.

A year passed quickly

This kind of calm makes me extra comfortable.

I also did one thing, which was to make a fortune for myself.

This hexagram is not what I want to change.

It's that I want to protect.

Guard this peace, guard the quiet life of our family of three.

It's just that this hexagram is extremely complicated.

It's so complicated that even I can't figure it out.

I can only write down the hexagrams first, and plan to explain the hexagrams after returning to Tang Town.

The second uncle learned that I was leaving, so he took me to drink a lot of wine, and we were very drunk.

He told me that when I met the paper figurine Xu, remember to tell him, don't be so stubborn, or you won't have many years to live, and you will be depressed and unhappy all day long.

He also said, let me not live in Tang Town for too long, the place is always too small, it is not as comfortable as Kaiyang.

I smiled and told my second uncle that a peaceful corner is the life I long for.

He looked like he hated iron for being weak, and finally sighed, and said: "Which gentleman like you, who is in the limelight, has the strongest ability, and is young, actually wants to retire?" I didn't answer. .

The second uncle paused, then he frowned again and said, "Dunkong is young, and you have the heart to let him stay in the Xianglu forever? To be an unknown person?"

I shook my head and said, "The Great Elder takes care of the old age, and Dunkong will serve him by the side. He stays in Kaiyang, only me and Zhi'er leave."

The second uncle was stunned for a moment, and he didn't say much.

I drank a lot of wine, and I also sighed a lot in my heart.

In fact, I planned to stay in Dunkong, and I discussed it with He Zhi for a long time.

He Zhi was reluctant to give up.

I also don't give up.

But Liu Tianniu, Liu Zhengdao, they have all told me to varying degrees that I will control the escape too harshly.

Today's Dunkong is stronger and more capable than I was back then.

I let him practice on his own, and Liu Tianniu taught him the principles of life, so I can rest assured.

In this way, the time for escape will not be wasted.

On the second day after waking up, I asked He Zhi to pack his bags.

I did one last thing again.

After calling Zhang Jiugua, I handed him the golden abacus.

And I repeatedly told him that it is taboo to use the golden abacus.

In the end, I also handed over the Dizhi Brush and Tiangan Inkstone to Luo Zhongliang.

I also told Luo Zhongliang that he must keep his original heart and never forget the word Zhongliang.

Both Zhang Jiugua and Luo Zhongliang were extremely reluctant to give up on me and didn't want me to leave.

I smiled and said that this world is very big, but this world is also very small. When I left, I didn't mean to go to the ends of the earth, but to go back to Xianglu to live in seclusion and solve the hexagram.

The Land Xianglu is the home of Mr. Yin Yang, a land geographer.

At this time, Zhang Jiugua asked me in a low voice, "Master, can we go then?"

Luo Zhongliang also nodded again and again, and there was hope and longing in his eyes.

I pondered for a moment, and said, "In half a year, you can come to Tang Town to look for me, but I hope to see your considerable growth after half a year."

Both Luo Zhongliang and Zhang Jiugua nodded swiftly.

They kowtowed to me again as a farewell salute.

Just found a small problem.

Zhang Jiugua usually brings Zhang Er by his side.

But today, Zhang Er was gone.

I called Zhang Jiugua and asked him, where is Zhang Er?

Zhang Jiugua showed a wry smile, and he said, "This bastard suddenly disappeared, and I don't know where he went."

"Not only did he leave, but he also took away the few yellow croakers that I managed to save during this time. When I find him, I have to unscrew his ears!"

I thought about it, but I vaguely had some guesses and calculations.

If this is the case, I am afraid that this is also an arrangement of fate?

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