Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1053 Master, the Yin-Yang chapter is coming to the finale

It is very likely that Zhang Er took away the money because the two brothers had looked for Mr. Zhang.

Mr. said Yuan wanted silver dollars

Even though I refused, Zhang Er still did not give up on learning Yin Yang.

After a moment of silence, I have made my decision.

If I see Zhang Er again in the future, if Zhang Jiugua cannot restrain him, I will also mention a few words, at least to prevent him from going astray.

After that, in Kaiyangzhong, I have no other souvenirs.

He Zhi and He Zhi got into the carriage and drove back towards Tang Town.

Back then, we were busy traveling and went to Tang Town to learn art.

Today, it is calm.

We weren't in too much of a hurry.

On the way, when encountering beautiful scenery, He Zhi would pull me down and stop to appreciate it.

If we had passed through a town, we would have stayed there and stayed overnight.

He Zhi also asked me a question.

Is there any problem if all the instruments are given to Luo Zhongliang and Zhang Jiugua?

I smiled and explained my thoughts to He Zhi again.

Now I will train these two disciples first, and when I really want to look for successors like my master, I will take back the magic weapon of geography.

Besides, I still keep the house scriptures and bone phases on my body, and there will be no problems.

He Zhi suddenly realized and didn't say anything else.

The journey time took longer than usual.

After two full months, He Zhi and I returned to Tang Town.

Apparently, the people in Tang Town didn't know we were coming back.

When entering the town, the first person who saw me and He Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then jumped up for joy!

After that, almost all the people in the town gathered together.

They sent us all the way outside Li's house.

I was going to order someone to ask the paper figurine for permission.

Unexpectedly, the door of the house was pushed open.

The old cheeks of the paper figurine came into my eyes.

He was stunned, and his expression was instantly agitated.

Trembling, the paper figurine Xu Cai said: "Yin Yang, why do you know that you are still in Kaiyang?"

"Uncle Xu, trivial matters, yin and yang have been dealt with, and Kaiyang is left to the young people, to Dunkong."

"I will follow my teacher's orders, return to the Xianglu in Tang Town, and guard the Xiangyu." I replied softly.

A smile appeared on the paper figurine Xu's face, and he said a few nice words in succession!

Then, he said, he will call Lao Zhu over immediately.

I waved my hand, indicating that Uncle Xu didn't have to go there. We don't live in Li's house, and we will live in Xianglu from now on.

In the eyes of the paper figurine Xu, there was still a bit of bewilderment.

I also turned around and dispersed the crowd a little.

When the townspeople also knew that I would not leave Tang Town, everyone left even more pleasantly.

Wait for me, He Zhi, and the paper figurine Xu to return to Dixianglu.

When I saw Lao Zhu again, I felt a lot of sadness in my heart.

In the past few years, Lao Zhu has aged too much.

After all, it is fate. Even if I change my fate, I still cannot change the root cause.

Lao Zhu had many wrinkles on his face, and his figure was uncontrollably tired.

Lao Zhu knelt down in front of me, his body was trembling, and he choked up, saying: "I never thought that I would still see Mr. in the remaining years of my life. I have no regrets in my life!"

I helped him up and sighed softly: "Why did you say that, Lao Zhu, you guarded the hut for me, but I can't repay you. From now on, you can take care of your old age."

I lived in Dixianglu for a few days.

The paper figurine Xu didn't show up for the first three days.

When he appeared again, he was really hit by what the second uncle said.

He brought a bamboo basket of paper bundles and said he would show me and He Zhi a good thing.

After he set up the stage and put the paper back in place, what he made turned out to be a stage similar to a shadow play.

This is also a paper trick.

However, this is smaller than Yuan's Yin and Yang House.

It looks more refined and more dramatic.

The play sung by Xu Ming, the paper maker of Yuan's Yin and Yang House, is rather creepy and terrifying.

Uncle Xu studied Chinese opera contentedly, and he actually compiled some of our early experiences.

At first it was in the house, let He Zhi and I listen.

After that, I went to the town, and the townspeople gathered together to listen to the opera under the stage.

At the end, I still told Uncle Xu about Xu Changlin.

Of course, I didn't go into too many details, but I just said that Xu Changlin is safe, and there is a gentleman who can use Yin and Yang Talisman behind him.

Uncle Xu was stunned for a long time before he put on a smile on the corner of his mouth and sighed softly: "I hope the Xu family stays, I hope Changlin, and don't go astray again."

At this point, I will not reply any more.

For the Mr. who knows Yin Yang Talisman.

And the person behind Dou's family at that time, Lai Qian was killed before he could say anything

I have not forgotten, I have always kept it in my heart, and I have not let down my vigilance against him.

Neither Ren Jiugan nor Ren Zigeng was that person.

I don't have any clues or knowledge of that person now.

However, life has to pass, and I can't keep running around because of a secret calculation.

In Dixianglu, relying on Tang Town.

This is the home field of geography, who can do anything to me?

In addition, people from Suspected Dragon Dojo also formed a team in twos and threes, and visited me for several days.

Those yin arts and yang arithmetic masters back then have all become yin and yang masters of different levels.

This also makes me sad.

In a blink of an eye, half a year is almost here.

In less than half a month, it will be the day I made an appointment with Zhang Jiugua and Luo Zhongliang.

And today is another big day.

All the people in Tang Town hung white silk lanterns on the door.

Everyone, all stopped in front of the door to mourn.

I put on my back basket and walked out of Tang Town with all the sacrificial items.

I didn't take He Zhi with me, but let her sacrifice in Dixianglu.

After walking for a while, I arrived at the foot of Dengxian Mountain where Master was buried.

Take a step and climb the fairy mountain along the mountain road.

Wait until halfway up the mountain.

Faintly, in some branches and bushes, I saw tiny white mushrooms.

Further up, there are more mushrooms.

Under the sunlight, the corpse head mushroom looks harmless to humans and animals.

But these are the best protection for climbing the fairy mountain!

It is also for this reason that I did not bring He Zhi here.

After a while, we reached the top of the mountain.

I came to the tombs of Xu Fu and my master Jiang Yihong.

I didn't dare to read Xu Fu's inscription, so I saluted him, and after talking about Dunkong's recent situation, I went to the master's tomb and knelt down.

After placing the tributes one by one, the joss sticks were lit, and the ghost paper was burned.

I performed three kneeling and nine knocking rituals!

On the mountain peak, the mountain wind blows!

Looking at the words Jiang Yihong on the tombstone.

After several years of edification, the font has become more profound.

Moreover, there are already some traces of white feathers on the tomb at the back.

Feathered out of the grave.

I'm afraid that the corpse in the coffin is also on the verge of becoming a fairy!

I was very happy inside.

Suddenly, what emerged before my eyes was the scene when I first entered the Dixianglu.

In a trance, a sigh seemed to be heard in his ear.

"Isn't the life of this Yinshengzi very bitter?"

The corners of the eyes are a little hot.

It was tears streaming down his face.

In an instant, the mountain wind seemed to become much more violent.

The burning ghost paper is raging with the wind!

The sky is full of fire!

It seems to be the joy of the master!

I completely knelt on the ground and murmured: "Master, the life of yin and yang is not bitter."

"Yin Yang, don't forget Master's teaching, come back."

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