There were no accidents along the way, we entered Kaiyang City, and came to Yuan's Yinyang House.

At this time, the door of Yuan's Yin and Yang House was opened.

Xin Jiazi was waiting in front of the door.

In addition, there are four or five people standing on both sides, all of which are of various professions.

After we got off the carriage, Xin Jiazi stepped forward to lead the horse. He said respectfully, "Originally, I was going to inform some of you this morning, but the immortal master came out of the customs and told me that you have already set off. I will wait here." I nodded, faintly impatient in my heart.

"Thank you Mr. Xin."

I clasped my fists slightly, and walked directly towards the gate of the house.

He Zhi Dunkong followed closely behind me, and Liu Zhengdao jumped up and directly passed the roof of the house.

When we arrived in the courtyard, Liu Zhengdao was already standing in the middle of the courtyard.

They walked together to the front of the main room, and Yuan Huashao walked out from the room.

With a lot of joy on his face, he greeted us.

"Mr. Yuan." I paused and clasped my fists in salute.

Dun Kong and He Zhi also saluted.

Yuan Huashao smiled brightly and said: "Mr. Li is very polite, please sit down!"

"Liu Daochang, virtuous brothers and sisters, and Dunkong's nephew, please sit down." Yuan Huashao made a gesture of invitation.

The four of us sat on three sides of the wooden table in the room, He Zhi and Dun Kong sat together.

In the middle of the wooden table, there are two small jade porcelain vases.

My eyes fell on the porcelain bottle in an instant.

Dun Kong and He Zhi also showed longing in their eyes.

Yuan Huashao nodded with a smile and said, "Yuan was fortunate enough to not disgrace his life. In the two jade bottles, there is a elixir that can cure the loss of two or five essence qi. There are ten qi invigorating pills, one for each day. After ten days, the sage Brothers, sisters and nephews of Dunkong must be alive and full of energy."

While speaking, Yuan Huashao picked up the jade bottle and put it in front of Dunkong and He Zhi.

He Zhi opened one of the jade bottles, and poured out a dark red pill.

She bit her lower lip slightly, about to swallow it.

"Brother Xian, you still have to take it indoors later, and then lie down to rest. After waking up, you will look completely new."

Yuan Huashao smiled again and said, "Before, your room was always cleaned." He Zhi and I nodded.

She stood up with Dunkong and picked up the jade bottles respectively.

Then, I hugged Yuan Huashao and got up to send He Zhi and Dun Kong into the room.

They went into the room separately, and I watched them take the elixir separately and lay down on the bed before returning to the main room.

Liu Zhengdao sat upright, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Yuan Huashao stood in front of the grand master's chair with his hands behind his back.

"Mr. Yuan." I cupped my fists again and called out.

Yuan Huashao turned his head, the smile on his face remained undiminished, and he said: "Mr. Li, wait another ten days, and all your worries will disappear." I bowed deeply to Yuan Huashao, my voice was hoarse Many, more sincere thanks.

Footsteps were approaching, and then, a pair of hands lifted my shoulders.

Yuan Huashao looked extremely serious, and said: "Mr. Li, there is no need for a big gift! Yuan is also doing what he can, and his family is helping the world to save people. It is also a blessing that Yuan can help Mr. Li."

I stood up, but for a while, I didn't know what to say.

Yuan Huashao's eyes were burning, and he said again: "Sir, I should have never forgotten that Yuan said about the marriage."

"Naturally I haven't forgotten." Yuan Huashao's eyes lit up even more, and he said: "In this case, Yuan asked his subordinates to distribute invitations. After ten days, the virtuous siblings and nephew Dunkong have recovered. You and I will drink blood together and form a bond of friendship." Jinlan, how are you?!"

I nodded, clasped my fists together, and said, "It's all up to Mr. Yuan's arrangements."

Yuan Huashao laughed heartily, obviously, he was in an extremely good mood.

I turned my head to look at Liu Zhengdao again.

"Righteous Daoist, how about staying for ten more days?"

Liu Zhengdao opened his eyes, he nodded with me, and said, "Okay." Yuan Huashao also bowed to Liu Zhengdao.

Liu Zhengdao frowned slightly, showing some hesitation, as if he wanted to say something.

After a while, his eyebrows relaxed again, and he didn't intend to speak anymore.

Yuan Huashao looked at me again.

He just smiled and motioned for me to sit down and drink tea.

After sitting to the side, Yuan Huashao moved to Huatou again, and we chatted about some things.

Most of them were about the current situation in the world, and Yuan Huashao asked me about my future plans, whether I would like to live in Kaiyang for a long time.

Regarding the current situation, I actually have no intention of interfering, nor do I care about its direction.

It still means that.

Destiny is a huge gear, it keeps going forward, naturally it has its place, the trajectory has already been established.

As for staying in Kaiyang for a long time.

I momentarily shook my head at that.

I told Yuan Huashao that I planned to return to Dixianglu after teaching two disciples and finishing some other tasks.

Live some peaceful and peaceful days in the place where the geologists lived in the past.

Yuan Huashao was stunned, he sighed softly, and said, "Mr. Li seems to be tired of fighting and disputes in the world of Yin and Yang."

"It's just that the sky is about to send a great mission to the people, and they will definitely suffer from their will, exhaust their muscles and bones, and starve their bodies and skins."

"Ability comes with responsibilities. Mr. Li is young. If Mr. Li retires directly, it will be a pity for the world of Yin and Yang, and it will be a pity for the world."

I was silent for a moment, then shook my head again, and said: "Mr. Yuan, this world is too big, and I, Li Yinyang, are just a speck of dust. I can't stir up the wind and clouds, and if I throw myself into the lake, there will be at most a ripple."

"Peace, the company of a family, or what I most desire."

Yuan Huashao smiled again, he nodded and said: "A gentleman has aspirations, each depends on his own heart, since this is the case, Yuan will not persuade him any more."

After drinking tea for a while, Yuan Huashao chatted with Liu Zhengdao again.

But Liu Zhengdao was relatively silent, he didn't say much.

In the blink of an eye, almost two hours passed.

He Zhi and Dun Kong came out of the room.

The spirits of the two of them were much better than before, and He Zhi looked even more radiant.

Dunkong is even more energetic, his eyes are extremely bright.

As they approached, I stood up, and the joy in my eyes was even harder to suppress.

For Yuan Huashao, I am even more grateful.

At this moment, Yuan Huashao suddenly said: "Mr. Li, Yuan has another unfeeling request."

I said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yuan, please tell me, what Yin and Yang can do, there will never be half-hearted excuses."

"Yuan has no children, and Dunkong's nephew is very talented, and he is also the successor of the talisman that Yuan wants. Let Dunkong worship me as a foster father and fulfill Yuan's little wish. I hope Mr. Li will agree."

During the speech, Yuan Huashao bowed deeply to me.

All of a sudden, the arena became quieter.

He Zhi's eyes were filled with shock, and Dunkong was also at a loss.

Liu Zhengdao raised his head and took another look at Yuan Huashao.

This also shocked me, after a short pause, I nodded directly and said: "Mr. Yuan wants to recognize his adopted son, and Dunkong will not refuse."

Yuan Huashao's eyes brightened even more, and he said: "Okay! After ten days, you and I will marry Jinlan, and let my nephew worship me as a foster father!"

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