Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1050 Brother Dayi, Brother "Be Careful"

Second uncle drank too much.

I also drink a lot.

Before, I dare not drink.

Because there are always mistakes after drinking, and my drinking capacity is also shallow.

During this period of time in Kaiyang, under the tranquility, my vigilance has not been reduced, but I have been able to ensure that there is no danger around me.

Coupled with the fact that He Zhi doesn't drink, she is not weak, so I have a lot less scruples.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The second uncle was supported by Bai Shuangqin and Liu Pingjiang back to the room arranged by He Qiyue.

He Zhi also helped me into the house.

With this sleep, I fell asleep until noon the next day.

After waking up, there was a basin next to the bed with soaked towels in it.

He Zhi is not in the house.

I got up and wrote a letter first, which I wanted to send to Huang Qi and Huo Kunmin.

Then I left the room.

In the courtyard, Bai Shuangqin was chatting with He Zhi.

However, Bai Shuangqin is obviously not as close as he was with He Zhi back then.

One is time, and the second is that He Zhi has now learned Yin Yang, and his aura has changed.

The second uncle hadn't come out yet, but the red mastiff and Lao Huang were not seen in the courtyard.

"Dun Kong came back for a while, and he took the red mastiff and Lao Huang out, saying that he was taking Lao Huang for a walk, and he would come back later."

He Zhi turned to look at me, she said softly.

I nodded, entered the main room, and handed the letter to He Qiyue.

Holding the child in her arms, He Qiyue hurriedly found someone to deliver the letter.

He Zhi came over and poured ginger tea for me, and went to the kitchen to bring food.

I was eating, and my second uncle also staggered out of the room.

I told my second uncle that the letter had already been sent away.

The second uncle nodded solemnly.

Then, I said that I would go to choose a homestead later, and then find workers in the village to repair the house, and build it as soon as possible.

The second uncle's face was even more satisfied.

Afterwards, on our way out to find a homestead, my second uncle asked me a few words.

It's almost about the corpse hunters around Yangjiang.

I hesitated for a moment, and told my second uncle that there were water ghouls in the past, because there were too many of them, and there were indeed some corpse-hunters here, but I heard that they dared not go into the water, or some ran away.

If I remember correctly, there are no corpse hunters in the main stream outside Kaiyang.

There must be upstream or downstream.

The second uncle's eyes brightened a lot, and he murmured: "Isn't this section? Isn't that your second uncle's boundary?!"

"Fuck! Over there in Tang Town, there is no chance of going into the water to catch a dead person, the Gou family's animals!"

The second uncle took a mouthful of saliva and said, "If Yangjiang can fish for corpses, I won't go back. Pingjiang has a bad temper. Isn't it because he thinks learning the art of picking corpses is useless? There are corpses for him here. Do you think he's still making trouble?"

I smiled wryly.

If the second uncle thinks this way, I'm afraid there are some problems.

I want Liu Pingjiang to have a child, so I'm not afraid to start touching corpses now, there are still a lot of troubles

Of course, this is a necessary process, I don't have to worry about it.

Finally, the boundary of the house was marked in the village, and villagers who could do the construction were found.

After drawing the blueprint of the second uncle's house, it was almost dark.

We are back at Ho's house.

Zhang Jiugua is already waiting for me in the courtyard.

I took him into the house, explained Yang Suan to him, and listened to what he didn't understand.

During this period of time, Zhang Jiugua had already touched the bones of Feng Village people, and then ran to other villages.Sometimes I would go back to Kaiyang City and set up a stall to touch the bones.

He told me many things, some of which made me laugh and cry.

After teaching Zhang Jiu Gua, let him go to see the second uncle again.

Zhang Jiugua called Second Grandpa, and the happy Second Uncle couldn't close his mouth.

After Zhang Jiugua left, Luo Zhongliang followed.

After I finished teaching Luo Zhongliang, it was already dead of night.

Let Luo Zhongliang and the second uncle meet again.

The second uncle looked at him and sighed again and again.

Luo Zhongliang didn't know why.

But I do know.

The second uncle knew Luo Yinpo, and there must have been intersections in those years.

Luo Zhongliang is a descendant of the Luo family, that's why the second uncle sighed.

Time flew by in peace again.

About a month later, the second uncle's house was completed and they moved in.

At the request of my second uncle, He Zhi and I moved in with the old yellow red mastiff.

During this period of time, He Zhi taught Luo Zhongliang many skills, including Guixing Diandou of the ghost woman, and some methods of the coffin maker.

Whenever teaching these things, Luo Zhongliang studied the art carefully, but Zhang Jiugua complained endlessly.

For one thing, Zhang Jiugua didn't want to learn it.

He felt that his clever mouth was enough to walk the world, and he also thought that he should learn more about calculations and not be distracted.

Second, he was afraid that He Zhi would slap his ass.

In the end, I didn't force Zhang Jiugua anymore, and let him concentrate on learning Yang arithmetic.

This is also the path of Mr. Normal.

In addition, I taught Zhang Jiugua to start the hexagram based on facial features.

His qualifications are indeed excellent.

In addition, he has no less than thousands of people, and he understands this face faster than me!

As for Luo Zhongliang, his aptitude is not only in Yin Art, but also the speed at which he learned it is astonishingly fast.

After He Zhi taught him for a month, he had already taught him the general moves, and the second uncle sometimes mentioned a few words to Luo Zhongliang.

In addition to insidious techniques, his fighting skills are a mixture of low-level and third-rate.

Another month passed

Time, it's the last day of three months!

Although Yuan's Yin and Yang House has not yet sent anyone, I have already asked Dunkong and He Zhi to get ready.

Liu Zhengdao also came by our side and wanted to go to Yuan's Yin and Yang House with us.

The night before, I told Zhang Jiugua and Luo Zhongliang not to look for me for a few days.

Another good night's rest.

The next day, our group will leave for Yuan's Yin and Yang Residence.

But I just left my second uncle's house.

There was only one person waiting outside the courtyard.

This man was thin and tall, with two legs that were like sticks, and trembling nervously.

This person is actually Zhang Er!

Zhang Er's neck was slightly bent, and he didn't dare to lift it up.

There was some timidity in his eyes.

He Zhi looked at me suspiciously, and Dunkong was also puzzled.

Liu Zhengdao's complexion remained unchanged, and a long shadow was reflected in the high crown.

I glanced at Zhang Er, and he walked towards me with two legs.

Looking up at me again, Zhang Er's forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

In the next moment, there was a bit more stubbornness and tenacity in his eyes.

"Mr. Li, I, I also want to learn art from a teacher." After saying that, Zhang Er directly knelt on the ground, and his whole body almost bent down.

I frowned, took a little step, and didn't bow down to Zhang Er.

And Zhang Er's body moved inadvertently, and he was still kneeling facing me.

I shook my head and said, "You look up." Zhang Er raised his head again, his eyes full of longing.

In fact, I have seen Zhang Er's face a long time ago.

He is blunt and has a bad temper.

He is not as good at talking as Zhang Jiugua, and he is not as calm as Zhang Jiugua.

This has a bit of petty heart in it.

"Zhang Er, follow Jiugua carefully. In fact, there is nothing wrong with being an ordinary person."

"To be a gentleman, you have to bear too much and ask too much. You have no qualifications, and I can't accept you."

After I finished speaking, Zhang Er's face paled instantly.

His eyes were slightly red, and he trembled, "Why? Isn't my brother qualified? Why don't I?"

"I still have something to do. I need to go to Kaiyang City. Don't block the way." My tone was a little more serious.

Zhang Er looked extremely depressed, he lowered his head in a daze, and his head was completely lying on the ground

We bypassed Zhang Er and walked to the side of the road.

There the carriage was ready.

After getting into the car, Liu Zhengdao drove the horse directly.

During the process of entering the city, He Zhi hesitated for a moment, and asked me in a low voice: "Yinyang, that child is a bit pitiful, will you hurt him too much by saying that?"

I pondered for a moment, and said: "If you don't have qualifications, you have no qualifications. Also, his character and Zhongliang, Jiugua, are too far apart."

"When Jiu Gua faced Ren Jiugan, he dared to stand up directly, but Zhang Er hid behind. Although he caught up, it also explained a lot of things."

"Xinxing?" He Zhi frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Brotherhood, even if he doesn't let him go all out, Jiugua can fight for someone who has nothing to do with it. This is a great righteousness."

"He has no righteousness, and he doesn't care enough about brotherhood. When he was young, he was like this. When he grows up, he may be like Lai Qian." I said in a deep voice.

"I hope Jiugua can discipline him and try not to let him enter the Yin-Yang realm."

After speaking, I closed my eyes and stopped talking about this matter.

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