This boy is Liu Pingjiang.

He staggered from the beating, and when he raised his head, his expression was a little anxious.

Behind, Bai Shuangqin couldn't bear it.

"Ghost hand" she yelled.

The second uncle frowned again, and muttered: "Don't yell, a loving mother has many failures."

I was dumbfounded, He Zhi looked at the second uncle with a slightly weird look.

It is said that she is a loving mother with many failures, but when Pingjiang was just born, the second uncle held it in his hands for fear of falling, and held it in his mouth for fear of melting.

He dotes on Liu Pingjiang more than anyone else

With the changes now, and looking at Liu Pingjiang's face, it is conceivable that the second uncle has been tossed a lot these years.

"Second Uncle, Aunt Shuangqin, you all come in."

"Pingjiang, Dunkong is not here for the time being. When he comes back later, I will let him take you around." I made a gesture of invitation and said with a smile.

The second uncle then went in.

Bai Shuangqin followed in.

There was more joy in Liu Pingjiang's eyes, he ran to me, took my arm, and shook it again.

"I want Dunkong to teach me how to draw talismans!" Liu Pingjiang said eagerly.

I was stunned for a moment, recalling that back then, Jiang Panshi taught Liu Pingjiang some talismans.

Before I can speak.

The second uncle paused, then turned around, frowned and stared at Liu Pingjiang and said, "Haven't you messed around enough? If you have no qualifications, you just don't have qualifications! The people in the Doubt Dragon Dojo will be annoyed to death by our family. Don't bother Yin Yang anymore." time!"

Liu Pingjiang's face immediately collapsed, he gritted his teeth, and said, "It's because they are not good, not as good as Uncle Jiang Pan, and not as good as Brother Yin Yang." What he said made me freeze immediately.

Liu Pingjiang called Jiang Pan according to his age, but he called me according to his seniority.

I am the second uncle's junior, and indeed he is of the same generation, but this is extremely weird.

The second uncle still discovered Pingjiang's qualifications, but he also took it seriously, which made me breathe a sigh of relief.

Those people in Suspected Dragon Dojo are kind to my second uncle's family, which makes me satisfied.

"Pingjiang, there is a specialization in art. If you don't have the qualifications of Mr., it's okay to learn a few more talismans. Then I will ask Dunkong to draw some amulets for you." I said.

There was more surprise in Liu Pingjiang's eyes, and he nodded again and again, agreeing.

The second uncle frowned again, before he said: "Yin Yang, leave him alone."

Liu Pingjiang ignored his second uncle, he turned his head to look at the corner of the yard, and saw Lao Huang.

There was more joy in his eyes, and he walked towards Lao Huang.

Old Huang mooed and flicked his tail.

When Liu Pingjiang approached, there was still some emotion in his bull's eyes

I feel like it's a shame.

Liu Pingjiang went to stroke Lao Huang's head, and Lao Huang raised his head and avoided it a little.

"This unrepentant doll is nothing!"

The second uncle turned around angrily, and immediately went after Liu Pingjiang.

Bai Shuangqin showed a wry smile, she sighed: "Yinyang, don't worry about them, before, Pingjiang was spoiled by ghosts, but suddenly, he didn't spoil his children, and his temperament became even more rebellious."

I nodded and didn't say much.

Back in the main room, after a while, the second uncle kicked Liu Pingjiang into the room.

My second uncle sat in front of me, while Liu Pingjiang hid beside Bai Shuangqin.

"I'm going to get food." He Qiyue said while holding the child and coaxing her.

From another room, Grandma He also came out, with joy in her eyes.

My uncle and I introduced them.

The second uncle nodded. He stroked his chin and said, "Before, I thought you were good at yin and yang, and married a concubine. It seems that this baby is not yours."


He Qiyue looked uneasy, she lowered her head, and hurried out of the main room.

Grandma He sighed, with a wry smile on her face.

"Second uncle, you are joking." He Zhi said softly.

She also glanced at me, and said again: "Yin Yang won't want to marry a concubine, right?" I obviously smelled something different in the air, so I nodded immediately!

The second uncle shrugged, and he scanned the room again.

Then, the second uncle tilted his head slightly towards me and said.

"Yinyang, you've been renting at He's house? The second uncle plans to stay for a few more years, isn't it inconvenient?"

Grandma He was stunned for a moment, and she immediately said first: "There is no inconvenience, the room is enough."

The second uncle looked at Granny He with a smile, and said, "Old lady, I, Liu Guishou, is a rough person, and Yin Yang can be regarded as the half son of your He family, but my old Liu family is always inconvenient."

"Second Uncle, Feng Village is a good place. I'll choose a place for you later and build a house." I said.

The second uncle's eyes lit up, and he said, "Okay."

After that, He Zhi went to the kitchen to help He Qiyue, and Bai Shuangqin followed.

The child was handed over to Granny He, and Liu Pingjiang went over to watch it.

The second uncle sent Liu Pingjiang to buy wine at the entrance of the village.

After Liu Pingjiang went out, the second uncle looked at me again, more with embarrassment.

He sighed softly, and said: "In the blink of an eye, it has been more than ten years, and Second Uncle always feels that it was only yesterday that I went out of Jiuhe County with you back then."

"But Yinyang, your face has long since lost the slightest trace of childishness."

"Mr. Dang, you look old. You don't look like you are in your thirties." I smiled, but I didn't answer the last sentence.

I have used life surgery and lost ten years of life.

Although the Good Corpse Pill didn't hurt my muscles, there were always traces of time on my face.

"Second uncle, fate is just a huge cog, it keeps moving forward, and it's hard to go back to the past." I said softly.

The second uncle shook his head, his brows were furrowed, and he tapped his fingers on the table.

The house became much quieter.

After a long time, the second uncle said again: "Actually, there is one thing that the second uncle didn't mention back then, and your father probably didn't mention it to you either."

I was startled and said, "Second Uncle, it's okay for you to say it."

The second uncle sighed again, and then said: "At the beginning, your father died two wives, and they were killed with their children. One was in the stomach, and the other was under the age of one."

"Didn't he scare away one of them afterwards?" I nodded. I simply know some of these things.

The second uncle said again: "The one who scared away was because the girl was a poor person. She was so hungry that she couldn't eat, so she was sold to your father. She didn't know what happened to your father before, and then she gave birth to a baby. He also listened to the root of the tongue in the Lijia village in Nalaoshizi, taught someone to beat him a few times, and ran away."

"If she's lucky and not cruel, don't throw the doll away, your father still has blood outside, probably ten years older than you."

The second uncle's words completely stunned me.

After a while, I slowly came back to my senses, closed my eyes, and a smile appeared on my face.

"Father, he is a good man. The reward for a good man may be late, but there will be."

"It's just that child. It's been too many years. Without clues, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find."

At this time, Liu Pingjiang came back with wine.

The second uncle took a bottle, pinched the lid off, gulped down a few sips, and muttered, "But what's the matter? He has a son like you!"

"Geography master Mr. Liu's ancestral graves are emitting green smoke!"

"I reckon, that woman must have run far away back then. When she heard about you, she had to take someone back to Jiuhe County to join you. Maybe she died. Who cares about this matter?" Can you explain clearly?"

The second uncle's face flushed a little.

I lowered my head and thought for a while, then asked my second uncle, is there anyone in Lijia Village who knows what happened back then, or who knows the child's birth date?

The second uncle frowned, but he didn't answer.

I said softly: "Look back, I will write a letter and send it back to Jiuhe County. Huang Qi and Huo's family are there. Let them search with all their strength. If I can find his birth date, I will be able to find him. I will definitely let him know My ancestors return to their ancestors, and my father’s life to support me is not in vain.”

As I said that, I also took a wine bottle, unscrewed the lid, and took a sip.

The spicy wine was poured into my stomach, making my face flushed, and my consciousness became a little hazy.

It seems to have returned to those days when my father taught me how to dive into the water and how to pick up corpses.

Soon, He Zhi, He Qiyue, and Bai Shuangqin brought out a lot of food.

My second uncle and I drank a lot, and I asked a lot about Tang Zhen over the years.

I have a general idea of ​​Lao Zhu's recent situation.

Back then, he was already near the end of his life, so I helped him change his life and prolong his life.

But in the end, the established fate, even if it is changed, cannot be changed too much.

Lao Zhu himself is not too young. After all these years, he is about to run out of fuel.

As for Uncle Xu, he is still healthy and strong.

However, his personality has become a lot more withdrawn.

When the second uncle was drunk, he slapped the table again, startling everyone.

He barely opened his eyeballs, and muttered: "This old Xu, stubborn, can't accept another one, and he likes to listen to shadow puppets every day. What's there to hear about those scraps of paper?!"

"Anyway, he made it out of paper, so why not sing it to himself?"

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