Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1046 My father said that women are very troublesome

There is a bit of uncontrollable joy in my words.

He Zhi didn't go any further.

She came back to me, took my arm, and rested her head on my shoulder gently.

Dunkong looked up at me, then whispered: "Then can you let Grandpa Xu and Second Grandpa come to Kaiyang to play for a while?"

"Why?" I asked Dunkong.

"It's not just my mother and I who need to heal our wounds. Mr. Yuan needs to refine medicine for three months. It may take some time before we recover."

"At that time, Mr. Yuan will make a sworn obeisance with you. Also, you promised the Great Elder that I will often go to that village."

Duan Kong's words made me startled again.

I smiled wryly and sighed.

The moment of peace made me think of the peace afterwards.

It is even more in line with the phrase "fans of the authorities."

"Let me write the letter." I told Dunkong.

"Have you gone back? I've almost finished shopping." He Zhi said softly.

"Okay." I nodded.

Just as he was about to turn around and walk back, Liu Zhengdao suddenly said, "Tonight, do a fortune telling for me."

"I will leave after He Zhi and Dun Kong have fully recovered from their illnesses."

"Okay." I nodded again.

When I got back to Yuan's Yin and Yang House, I asked Liu Zhengdao to wait for me in the room.

I first wrote a letter in my room.

The general content of the letter is to tell Uncle Xu and Uncle Xu that I plan to retire to Tang Town after everything is done, and never ask about worldly affairs. I have to teach two more disciples, and I have to make a sworn oath with Mr. Kaiyang Da.

If Uncle Er and Uncle Xu have the time and mood, they can come to Kaiyang to live for a while.

I dried the letter paper and wrapped it in another piece of yellow paper.

I ordered Dun Kong to go into the city to find a post office and have the letter delivered to Tang Town by the fastest horse.

Dunkong asked me, why didn't Xin Jiazi send someone?

I smiled and told him that it's better not to bother Yuan's Yin and Yang House with such trivial matters.

He Zhi also took this opportunity to tell Dun Kong to disturb others as little as possible, and we will stay here for a maximum of two or three days before returning to Feng Village.

Dunkong nodded, took the letter paper and went out.

I let He Zhi go to bed first, then turned around and went to Liu Zhengdao's room.

The door of Liu Zhengdao's room was ajar, and when I entered, he was sitting at the wooden table with his shirt on.

The candle flame flickered, but the high crown was straight.

After closing the door, I sat down opposite Liu Zhengdao.

I took off the long wooden box on my shoulder, and put the golden abacus on the table.

The candlelight reflected on the golden beads, exuding a mottled halo.

Liu Zhengdao lowered his head, he looked at Jin Abacus, his eyes were a little dazed, and there was a rare faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

I could see Liu Zhengdao's emotions.

Being fortune-teller by Jin Suan, a geologist, has a similar experience to the Great Elder Liu Tianniu.

This probably changed Liu Zhengdao's mood a lot.

"Liu Daochang, the date of birth." I put my hand on the golden abacus and asked in a deep voice.

Liu Zhengdao opened his lips and said his birth date.

I closed my eyes and memorized the five elements and eight trigrams corresponding to my birth date.

Fingers, start to move the beads.

Amidst the crackling sound, the beads began to fix each position.

My fingers faintly felt greater resistance.

Calculating Liu Zhengdao's fate seems to be extremely difficult.

I opened my eyes suddenly, my fingers trembled slightly, and the dull pain made me groan.

At this time, only the last hexagram on the abacus is about to take shape.

But the fingers are trembling, even bloodshot

"Liu Daochang, your life is so heavy." I said hoarsely, with a rough tone.

Liu Zhengdao frowned, but he didn't interrupt me.

I closed my eyes again, and opened them again.

With all his concentration, he barely dialed the last bead.

Raising my hand, there were various degrees of cuts on the pads of the five fingers of my right hand.

This is different from the mist of Liu Huayan's hexagram.

Liu Huayan's fate seems to be affected by the cover-up, so I can't figure it out.

Liu Zhengdao's fate is too heavy.

He is not only a Taoist priest, but also a Mr. Fu Dao who is a black man. When the two are added together, it is by no means as simple as two gentlemen.

I shook the palm of my hand, and the whole hand was soaked in blood.

But now, I'm a little more relaxed.

The hexagram image has been formed, and the number can be determined. It only needs to solve the hexagram.

Liu Zhengdao handed me a white cloth.

I wiped the blood on my palm for a while, and my eyes fell on the golden abacus.

After looking at it for a long time, I murmured: "Xia Xun and Shangli, the Fire Wind Cauldron." Liu Zhengdao's eyes burned a lot, and he said in a deep voice, "What is the Fire Wind Cauldron?"

"Burning wood to cook food, turning life into cooked food, removing the old and bringing forth the new." I said in a deep voice.

Liu Zhengdao didn't speak anymore, more doubts appeared in his eyes.

I thought about it for a while, and then said: "The Huofeng Ding is the hexagram of Shangji, combining hardness and softness."

"On the sixth line of the first day, the tripod's toe is upside down, and there is no benefit. If you get a concubine and give him a son, there is no blame. The explanation of this line is that after you clear the wicked, you will take a concubine because you have no children, and you will get a concubine for taking a concubine. There is no misfortune in having a son, and the incense burns.”

Liu Zhengdao was taken aback for a moment, and his brows were tightly furrowed: "Take a concubine?" He only said these two words, and then stopped talking again.

I nodded, and said again: "In short, this is auspicious, and the ninety-two line is a tripod with solidity. If I have a hatred, there is a disease, but if I can't, it is auspicious. The solution to this line is that there is rice in the family, and the enemy has a disease. There is nothing to trouble Daoist Liu. Good luck."

"Nine three lines are tripod ear leather. Its travel is blocked, and the pheasant ointment cannot be eaten. Fang Yu, regret and regret, and finally auspicious."

After a pause, I frowned and said again: "There is something wrong with this line. The ears of the tripod fall off, which indicates that you will encounter some difficulties, Daoist Liu. But you will react in time, and if you live with vigilance, the divination will be auspicious."

Liu Zhengdao nodded, motioning for me to continue.

I opened my mouth and said again: "Ninth and fourth lines, the tripod breaks the feet, and covers the public's head, its shape is fertile and fierce." I frowned, and did not immediately explain, and said: "The sixth and fifth lines are, six and five. Ding Huanger Jinxuan, Lizhen. The last line is Shangjiu, Ding Yuxuan, great auspiciousness, no disadvantages."

At this point, I relaxed a little bit and explained the three lines at the same time.

After Liu Zhengdao turned the corner, he will encounter another danger.

And this time, the evil is not that he did something wrong, but that his ability to face the matter in front of him is not enough to change the status quo, so that the result is messy.

But he will quickly break through and stand up, and quickly complete himself!

If you make a comparison, he used to be a bronze tripod, but after that incident, he will be refined into gold with fire, and he will have jade earrings.

After I finished explaining, Liu Zhengdao nodded, and he said again: "Hardness and softness are combined, the Liu family's Taoism is steel, and Xu's talisman is soft? This means that there is a better way to combine Taoism and talisman ? A hundred feet to the top, not just a step? But a road?!"

Liu Zhengdao's words started with doubts and inquiries, but in the second half, his eyes were full of longing and excitement.

From him, there has never been such excitement!

"I don't know about this. The hexagrams are in the human body, and you need to feel them in reality." I explained.

Liu Zhengdao calmed down for a while, he nodded, and said again: "I haven't married a wife yet, but the hexagram says that I have a wife and no children, and my concubine has children. This matter is still quite troublesome."

"My father said, women are very troublesome."

I was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "The Great Elder should have told Liu Sanyuan about this."

"Why do you know?" Liu Zhengdao was puzzled and extremely serious.

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