Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1047 Each has its own autumn

"Yang Qingshan." I replied softly.

Liu Zhengdao was thoughtful, and then he showed a sudden look.

In fact, I was curious at this moment, why Liu Tianniu would say this "thing" like a dogma of inheritance.

After thinking about it, I'm afraid this has something to do with his experience.

As for what exactly he experienced, it is not known.

The atmosphere in the house began to quiet down.

I put away the golden abacus, put it back in the long wooden box, and hung it back on my shoulder.

Liu Zhengdao didn't ask any more questions, and sent me out the door.

When I returned to the room, He Zhi was leaning against the head of the bed, and she was still reading the house scriptures.

Under the reflection of the light, she looked a little better again.

This gave me more peace of mind.

"Don't look at it, there will be plenty of time in the future." He Zhi put away the house scriptures and handed them back to me.

Lying on the bed, He Zhi rested on my shoulder.

After a while, she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

I soon fell asleep too.

After that, we stayed in Yuan's Yin and Yang House for three days.

Of course, these three days were not all in the Yin Yang House.

During the day, I took He Zhi and Dunkong to play in the city, listen to music and go shopping.

At night, I will return to the Yin Yang House to rest.

On the night of the third day, I said goodbye to Xin Jiazi and asked him to explain to him when Mr. Yuan left the customs that I still had to go back to Feng Village to teach as an apprentice.

Xin Jiazi didn't stay with the guests, he just bowed to me respectfully and told me that if there is anything that needs help, feel free to send someone to notify me.

When we got back to He's house in Fengcun, the red mastiff threw itself on Dunkong's face, licking him frantically.

Lao Huang raised his eyelids and mooed to me, as if to say hello.

He Zhi and I rested overnight.

The next day, I was going to see Zhang Jiugua and Luo Zhongliang.

As a result, when I arrived in the village, it was still the old tree, Zhang Jiugua was still in the same attire, a large group of half-grown children lined up, and Zhang Er was on the side to maintain order.

Those children are waiting to come forward and let Zhang Jiugua touch the bones

There are many other villagers around who are also looking around, while whispering to each other.

I couldn't help but laugh, Zhang Jiugua is too smart, in this way, his yang calculations will definitely improve rapidly.

This moved me two points of compassion.

Still, I pressed it down.

Without interrupting Zhang Jiugua, I went straight to the back mountain.

Luo Zhongliang was not in the ruined temple.

There are only a few young children in the temple.

I thought they were going to the city to ask for a living, but those children ran to me and told me that Luo Zhongliang was building a temple.

I paused, then nodded, and walked down the mountain.

When I got near the foot of the mountain, sure enough, I saw a group of refugees picking bricks and mud, and some were digging the ground.

Luo Zhongliang was at the side, dragging a fixed compass in his hand, looking at the pointer very seriously, and pointing at the same time.

I didn't step forward to interrupt, but stood in the shelter under the tree and watched quietly.

Another emotion faintly rose in his heart.

This emotion is called gratification.

Although the two apprentices are facing different environments now, they each have their own strengths, and both Yinshu and Yangshu are improving rapidly.

And I am not very old now, maybe, in another seventeen or eight years, I will find another child who is suitable for inheriting Yin-Yang Art, and when he becomes an adult, I will be about the same age as Master.

At that time, Yin and Yang techniques will be taught step by step.

Perhaps, this is also the destiny and the way back in the dark?

A faint sense of exhaustion arises, this emotion is prompted by calmness.

Time passed little by little.

In a blink of an eye, I waited until noon.

Luo Zhongliang and the refugees finally stopped.

Started to sit on the ground, eat dry food and drink water.

I just walked out from under the tree and walked towards Luo Zhongliang.

When I got close, Luo Zhongliang raised his head, his eyes were filled with surprise.

In three or two steps, Luo Zhongliang ran up to me. He wiped the dust off his face and immediately saluted me.


I smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Very good, calm, and not forgetting the original intention, I am very satisfied as a teacher."

Luo Zhongliang's face was very excited. He was obviously very excited about my praise.

Then, Luo Zhongliang pointed to the place where they were constructing just now, and said: "Master, look, the new temple I chose."

"No, this is not a temple anymore, it's just a big house, so that everyone can live here safely." Luo Zhongliang's words were sonorous.

At this time, the people around showed respect and gratitude again.

"During this period, Zhang Jiugua came up with a lot of ideas. We saved a lot of money. After building the temple, I felt that we could no longer let everyone beg. Going begging without worrying about food and clothing is no less than cheating. Before the disaster, Everyone is a farmer, and some people have done business, renting land in the village, or becoming a merchant in the city are good strategies." Luo Zhongliang and I explained in a low voice.

I nodded, more satisfied in my eyes.

"From today onwards, every day at [-] o'clock, you come to see me, and I will teach you more Yin skills." I said.

"Disciple obeys master's orders!" Luo Zhongliang was even more happy.

Afterwards, Luo Zhongliang took out a bag of dry food from his bosom, handed it to me, and asked me to eat something along the way.

I didn't reject it, nor did I dislike it.

After eating some dry food, Luo Zhongliang asked me if I could show me the current homestead.

I glanced over again, and briefly told him a few things to pay attention to in the position, as well as the problem about the population of the mansion.

Luo Zhongliang listened very carefully.

In a blink of an eye, another half an hour passed.

Everyone started working again, and Luo Zhongliang also returned to the house to watch.

Instead of staying here and waiting, I turned around and went down the mountain.

When I returned to the center of the village, there were no other villagers under the old tree.

Zhang Jiugua seemed to be exhausted and paralyzed, leaning against the tree to rest, while Zhang Er held a fan and fanned him vigorously beside him.

I walked towards Zhang Jiugua.

When he got close, Zhang Jiugua quickly got up from the ground.

He gave me a big bow.

"Master, you have gone down the mountain. I am looking for it. If I take a breath, I will hurry to the temple."

Obviously, Zhang Jiugua saw me watching from the sidelines just now.

I signaled him to be excused first, and then said: "I went to see Zhongliang, and thought it would take you some more time to touch the bones, but I didn't expect that your speed is very fast."

Zhang Jiugua got up a little bit, he smiled and said: "Not fast, not fast, I told the people in the village that the bone-feeling will end at noon, and the number of people is limited every day. Otherwise, just touching the bones for them will be exhausting." If they become dogs, there is no time to analyze their bones."

I nodded and said, "It's good to have a degree of relaxation."

But Zhang Jiugua came closer to me, put his hands on my shoulders, and helped me to hold my shoulders.

I was really stunned for a moment.

Then I said: "Tell me, what do you don't understand, or what I said, what have you forgotten?"

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