The eyes of Dunkong and Liu Zhengdao began to scan the place where the two mountains meet.

Soon, Dunkong's eyes first fell on a rock on the side of the road.

The next moment, Liu Zhengdao also looked there.

Dunkong said a few words in a low voice, and Liu Zhengdao nodded.

Then, Liu Zhengdao went straight forward.

When he stopped in front of the rock, Liu Zhengdao took out another sword.

With the sound of brushing, the surface of the rock became extremely flat.

Dunkong took out the inkstone and pen, and after sharpening the ink quickly, he spat blood from the tip of his tongue into it.

Hold the pen and dip it in ink, and then write on the plane of the mountain and rock.

One talisman is all it takes!

After Dunkong retreated, Liu Zhengdao swung his sword again.

The tip of the sword crossed every stroke of the rune, carving it deeply on the rock!

The blood ink has already soaked into the rocks, and this talisman looks deeper and thicker than before.

The dead and cloudy air that was faintly flowing in the air almost disappeared at this moment.

Yuan Huashao was even more amazed. He walked up to the rock, touched the Dao rune with his hand, and murmured: "What kind of rune is this?"

"Houtian gossip exorcising evil and death talisman." Dunkong said softly.

Yuan Huashao stared at it for a long time, then sighed, and said: "Xu Fu, after all, is Xu Fu, Fu has Yin and Yang, combined into Yin Yang Talisman, if separated, a single technique is even more perfect."

"It is rumored that his real name is Xu Sanbi, and he still has a talisman, which requires three strokes to outline, but no one knows the effect. Nephew Dunkong, do you and Daoist Liu know this talisman?"

Yuan Huashao turned his head, his expression was sincere.

Dunkong was stunned for a moment, and Liu Zhengdao shook his head at the same time.

"It must have been lost." Yuan Huashao's eyes showed regret.

I was also taken aback. In Xu Fu's travel notes, there is indeed no related talisman. If Dun Kong and Liu Zhengdao learned it, they would definitely say it.

But this does not mean that Xu Fu's travel notes are incomplete.

Every gentleman, at every different time period, has a different understanding of Yin Yang.

For example, how many people in the world can bear a glance at the inscription Xu Fu painted for himself before he died?

That talisman is naturally not included in the travel notes.

Yuan Huashao walked back to me, the regret in his eyes disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"Mr. Li, let's go back to Kaiyang City."

On the other side of the road is Xin Jiazi and the carriage that sent us here.

After the group got into the car, they headed straight for Kaiyang City.

After returning to Yuan's Yin and Yang House, Yuan Huashao felt the pulse of He Zhi and Dun Kong.

Then, he took out a jade bottle that was different from before.

Two pale white pills poured out.

Yuan Huashao asked Dunkong and He Zhi to eat it, and he was going to retreat to refine a cure-all medicine.

On the spot, He Zhi and Dunkong took the pill.

The complexions of the two recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Over the years, He Zhi always likes to put on makeup because of his complexion.

With the same makeup and better complexion, she glowed with a special radiance.

Dunkong's eyes were also piercing, even his eyes were deeper, and there seemed to be something in them.

I asked Yuan Huashao again if he was sure about the time, it would take three months.

Yuan Huashao smiled and replied: "It will be three months at the latest, maybe two and a half months at the soonest, Mr. Li need not worry, this medicine is absolutely safe." I breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuan Huashao told me again that during this period of time, let me, He Zhi, Dunkong, and Liu Daochang live in Yuan's Yinyang House.

Just treat this place as your own home, without restraint.

I hesitated for a while, and said that I would only stay for a few days, and I would show He Zhi and Dun Kong to see Kaiyang City, and then I would go back to Feng Village.

I explained to Yuan Huashao that I still have two apprentices there after all.

Moreover, it is quite inconvenient for our family of three to live in the Yin-Yang House.

Yuan Huashao pondered, and he said again: "Then I will not force Mr. Li, I will send someone to invite you when I leave the customs." After speaking, Yuan Huashao entered a secret door at the back of the main room.

When the door was not revealed, I didn't even know there was a dark room there.

Yuan Huashao did not hide anything in front of us, which gave me a little more trust.

"I'll take the four of you to the room." Xin Jiazi's respectful voice caught his ears.

Afterwards, Liu Zhengdao and Dun Kong arranged residences respectively, and He Zhi and I shared a room.

Xin Jiazi also said that he arranged for the kitchen to cook meals, and we can go for a walk in the city after we have eaten later, and he will keep guard at the door.

Xin Jiazi and I clasped our fists to express our thanks.

Not long after, the meals were delivered to the main room.

When we were eating, paper figurines began to hang down on the stage at the other end of the courtyard.

I vaguely remember that the paper maker who sang the opera should be called Xu Ming?

The babbling melody brings goose bumps from time to time.

After the meal, I listened to more than half of the opera.

We all sat without moving, and listened to the whole scene until He Zhi asked softly, if she wanted to go out of the yard, she wanted to visit the city and buy some makeup.

I smiled and said yes.

A group of people left Yuan's Yin and Yang House.

On the road in Kaiyang City, many passers-by looked at the four of us.

The most eye-catching is Liu Zhengdao, his high crown is too eye-catching.

He Zhi and I, as well as the Tang costumes of Dunkong, seem quite normal.

However, with three gentlemen attired and a Taoist priest attired, it was impossible to calm down no matter what.

After walking around half of the city, He Zhi was obviously in a good mood, and she was carrying a lot of things.

Dun Kong said in a low voice: "The opera that the paper maker sang is about the good things Mr. Yuan has done in his life. Same, encountered so many great events.”

"Grandpa Xu's paper bundles are better than that paper maker's. Can he make up a tune for you too?"

Originally, He Zhi had the posture of a little girl, walking with joy.

She froze all of a sudden


"You paper man, Grandpa Xu, can't sing." I explained.

"Really not? Daddy, is it because you haven't listened to it leisurely, and Grandpa Xu hasn't had time to sing it?" Dun Kong seemed very serious.

"The technique of paper piercing is a method passed down by your grandpa Xu to save his life, and it cannot be used for singing." My tone was quite cautious.

"But that paper maker is also a paper maker." Dun Kong still wanted to speak.

"Dunkong, that's different. Your grandpa Xu is an elder, and Xu Ming treats Yuan Huashao differently." My expression also became severe.

"Oh" Dunkong lowered his head, he stopped talking.

But what he said just now reminded me.

During the period of coming to Kaiyang, besides going to the mountain with Yuan Huashao to break the grave, dealing with Ren Jiugan and Ren Zigeng.

The rest of the days have been extremely peaceful.

At least, compared to my past ten years, it has been extremely stable.

He Zhidun can learn art, and I can also accept apprentices.

Their poisonous wounds can be cured, and I don't need to run around anymore.

Maybe, after treating their wounds, I should return to Tang Town?Like the master, stay in the earthly residence?

Thinking of this, I looked a lot more excited.

"Dunkong, after you go back, you take a pen and a letter to tell you Second Grandpa and Grandpa Xu, we will return to the Xianglu in Tang Town after a while, when you and your mother recover from illness!"

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