He Zhi's speed was extremely fast, as soon as she raised her hand, she directly grabbed the gray fairy on Yuan Huashao's ear.

In the next moment, Liu Zhengdao and Liu Huayan shot at the same time

The gray immortals that landed on Yuan Huashao's head and shoulders were all swept away.

With the sound of ding ding, several peach wood swords flew out, nailing them to the ground or tree trunks.

Liu Zhengdao swept across the gray fairy on the ground with disgust in his eyes.

"Not all the Chumaxian family are villains, but these Chumaxians who have gone astray are indeed extremely disgusting."

In the end, Liu Zhengdao's eyes fell on that head, and his eyes were even more cold.

Yuan Huashao was a little embarrassed, and there were still some scratches on his face and head.

He smiled wryly: "I didn't dare to show my face when I dealt with them that day. These gray fairies bite their ears and eat their toes, making it hard to guard against."

Then, Yuan Huashao quickly threw his head back to Xianjialou.

When he looked at Liu Zhengdao and Liu Huayan again, his eyes were extremely grateful.

"Thank you Daoist Liu, Daoist Huayan, and brother and sister Guoxian." Yuan Huashao clasped his fists and bowed in thanks.

I was slightly relieved.

Liu Zhengdao supported Yuan Huashao, and He Zhi said softly, "Mr. Yuan speaks seriously."

Liu Huayan remained silent.

"Hua Yan, what else do you have to say, Mr. Yuan was almost in trouble before." Liu Zhengdao's tone became quite serious.

"Lead the way, you don't need to take their heads again." Liu Huayan didn't answer Liu Zhengdao, but still looked at Yuan Huashao.

"Huayan?!" Liu Zhengdao's tone was a little heavier.

Yuan Huashao immediately pressed Liu Zhengdao's arm, and his tone softened a lot: "Don't get angry, Daoist Liu, didn't Daoist Huayan stop letting me touch the corpse's head?"

After that, we went up the mountain all the way, passing many Xianjialou during the period.

During this period, no accidents occurred.

When we reached the last Xianjialou, the Xianjialou was several meters high.

Yuan Huashao told us that this is the Baixian Building, and there are not only Baixian horses, but also several Baixian skins.

He can only leave all the fairy families in this way.

Otherwise, if they entered the city, they would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

And among the immortal family, Baixian is the most difficult to deal with.

I took it for granted and nodded.

Liu Huayan didn't speak, Liu Zhengdao kept frowning, his eyes became more displeased, and his severity gradually increased.

I can understand Liu Zhengdao's attitude, he wants Liu Huayan to apologize.

Liu Huayan remained indifferent.

While speaking, Yuan Huashao continued to walk forward.

We've climbed over the top of this mountain, and we're just on the back downhill slope.

There is a long staircase going down here.

Under the slight fog, some runes could be seen on the steps.

These are the directions of the 24 mountains.

Standing here, Yuan Huashao let out a long sigh, and he turned around and said, "Master Huayan, do you have any questions?"

Liu Huayan closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, she looked at Yuan Huashao with deeper eyes.

"Huayan!" Liu Zhengdao let out a low voice, and said, "Don't be rude." Liu Huayan took half a step back, and said softly, "No doubts for the time being, Senior Brother, I won't go with you anymore." Where?" Liu Zhengdao frowned.

Liu Huayan raised his head, but looked at Liu Zhengdao's Gao Guan.

A bit of sadness flashed in her eyes, and then she turned around and left towards the mountain like a flying swallow.

But I could see where Liu Huayan was going.

Yuan Huashao stared blankly at Liu Huayan's back, and after a long time, he smiled wryly.

"Four, come with me to see the mansion in the mountains." Yuan Huashao said again.

Naturally, we did not reject Yuan Huashao's kindness again.

Down the mountain along the mountain steps.

We passed through several woods, and then through a bamboo forest, before we came to a very imposing government office.

This place is different from Yuan's Yin and Yang House.

Yuan's Yin and Yang House gives people a heavy feeling, an indescribable sense of superiority.

Here, more is the anger of Feng Shui.

Entering the gate of the government office, there is an open space in the courtyard, and the runes of the sixteen hexagrams of the innate are engraved on the ground.

The entire courtyard is shaped like the sixteen hexagrams!

There are sixteen rooms in total, presenting sixteen sides.

Yuan Huashao walked ahead and reached the center of the open space. He spread his hands and looked up at the sky slightly.

He murmured: "Qiantian, Kundi, Genshan, Zhenlei, Xunfeng, Duize, Kanshui, Lihuo, Bright Sun, Jingyue, Gathering Stars, Scattering Clouds, Solid Shape, Void, Spiritual Life, death."

"This is the sixteenth town house in the former house. At that time, I plan to seal all the doors."

When Yuan Huashao looked at me again, there was some light in his eyes.

"Seal the door? Why is this?" I was a little puzzled.

"Town house, the word town explains something." He Zhi answered in a soft voice.

My pupils constricted by two points.

Yuan Huashao's eyes brightened even more, he said with a hearty smile: "Sisters and sisters really have sharp eyes, and they can see Yuan's intentions." Come on, let's put away the vicious corpses and ghosts that cannot be removed, within Kaiyang, there are still many such evils that cause harm to the common people." "I dare not leave Kaiyang for too long, for fear of accidents, it will be difficult to find a big Fengshui Suppressing ghouls, this congenital sixteen hexagrams town house is the way I came up with!" Yuan Huashao's voice was full of confidence.

Taking a deep breath, his idea instinctively made me admire a lot.

At least, I haven't thought of it yet, I can use the hexagram itself to build a town house on an open lot.

I'm afraid, this is also the characteristic of the innate sixteen hexagrams!

Afterwards, Yuan Huashao said: "It's inconvenient to bring a few people over to the backyard for the time being. The construction over there has not yet been completed, and there are 64 days of Xuanjia to be counted as the prohibition formation in front of the gate. In the future, Yuan will leave a legacy there. .” I cupped my fists and said, “Since it’s inconvenient, just don’t go.” After that, Yuan Huashao let us visit the sixteen rooms again.

I feel different breaths from every room.

Finally left the house and walked back, it was already dark.

When I got back to the foot of the mountain, I looked at the direction of the mountain and found a small problem.

The dead air of the mountain seems to be flowing towards the road?

After concentrating for a moment, I looked behind the road.

"Mr. Yuan, this dead air has poured into the road, are there villages and towns over there?" I pointed to the other side of the road.

Yuan Hua Shaocai said: "Mr. Li, don't worry, I'm already changing the feng shui of this place, I won't go here with dead breath, that will form a heart-piercing dragon, and the villages and towns below will suffer."

"It needs the dead energy to reach a critical point, and then I will use the feng shui master of the sixteen hexagrams to break it."

I pondered for a moment and said, "Perhaps, there are other ways to reduce Mr. Yuan's troubles."

Yuan Huashao's eyes were delighted, and he said, "Mr. Li, do you want to make a move?" I looked up at the mountain, then my eyes fell on the road, and said softly, "Death energy flows down the mountain, this place is the place where death acupoints flow. , the problem is not small, the trouble is not small, but when the dead air comes here, it can be resolved and broken."

"Dun Kong, Daoist Liu, you should have a talisman. You only need one talisman, and you should be able to solve the trouble here, and there is no need for Mr. Yuan to change Feng Shui." Liu Zhengdao and Dun Kong looked at each other, and they nodded almost at the same time.

Yuan Huashao's eyes were brighter,

He was even more hesitant and looking forward to it, waiting for Liu Zhengdao and Dunkong to make a move!

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