This time, even Liu Zhengdao showed displeasure on his face again.

He put one hand on the whisk, and his eyes became more serious.

"Smoke, enough is enough!" Liu Zhengdao drank in a low voice.

Yuan Huashao's complexion changed slightly, as if he couldn't balance the scene and the anger of the crowd.

Liu Huayan frowned slightly.

Her complexion did not relax at all, and even began to tense up.

I can feel the sharpness, Liu Huayan is about to make a move

But if there was a fight, what Yuan Huashao said just now would be in vain.

Not only could Liu Huayan not be calmed down, but this matter could not be ended!

Really let everyone kill Liu Huayan?

I think that even if Liu Zhengdao did something, it was just a lesson, he wouldn't do that.

But once something unexpected happened, Liu Zhengdao would regret it too much.

Yuan Huashao is afraid that the same mood will be disturbed

My thoughts settled instantly, and I took a step forward.

I first clasped fists with Yuan Huashao, my eyes were full of caution.

Then, I looked at Liu Huayan, glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, why are you so tense? Mr. Yuan has already said the same thing as Daoist Huayan, and Daoist Huayan only said one sentence. There is one thing that proves Mr. Yuan's innocence."

"Mr. Yuan has everyone's trust and support, why do you want to disobey him now?"

"After this last thing is done, the misunderstanding is cleared up. Is it possible that the front of Yuan's Yin and Yang house will be stained with blood, and then the Liu family will be stained with hatred?!"

I tried my best to make my words less blunt.

While protecting Liu Huayan, it can also protect Yuan Huashao's face.

The way Liu Huayan looked at me again showed some surprise, but it eased a lot.

Yuan Huashao clasped his hands together, and he bowed deeply to me again.

"It's Mr. Li who knows Yuan's meaning." Yuan Huashao sighed with gratitude.

I reached out to support Yuan Huashao, and then looked at Liu Zhengdao.

Liu Zhengdao's hand was slowly put down.

All the people around had troubled faces, they hesitated, they wanted to go forward, but they dared not.

At this time, Yuan Huashao clasped his fists towards the surroundings again, and said in a deep voice: "Your heart, Yuan knows very well, and I am very grateful. Today, it is a misunderstanding. After I and Hua Yandao clear up the misunderstanding, we will set up a Banquet, leave the customs early, and after I cure Mr. Li's wife and children, I will marry Mr. Li in Jinlan."

"Today, all of you are guests of the Yin Yang House, and Yuan will do fortune-telling for everyone." "Mr. Li, do you have time?"

I immediately understood what Yuan Huashao meant.

Nodding his head, he said, "I have time."

Yuan Huashao's tone was quite serious, and he looked around again, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li is a heir to geology and public opinion. You have a great future, or a safe life! Everyone, please put down your swords."

At this point, everyone calmed down. They put away their weapons and retreated slowly.

"Huayan, what are you going to do?" Liu Zhengdao asked Liu Huayan.

"Above the mountains, the Immortal House, let's take Yuan Huashao there. If he has nothing to do with the Immortals, the Immortals will naturally ignore him. If he has something to do with the Immortals, Hu Bai, Huang Liuhui will come to him." Liu Huayan said calmly.

My eyes froze.

Liu Huayan's method did not embarrass anyone.

Yuan Huashao smiled brightly, and said: "Xin Jiazi, prepare the car. I will take Mr. Li, Daoist Liu, and Daoist Huayan to my mansion in the mountains."

Xin Jiazi in front of the courtyard bowed his head.

He walked down from the right side of the Yin Yang House.

After a while, a carriage was brought out.

A group of us got into the car, Xin Jiazi drove the car again, and headed straight for the outside of Kaiyang City.

In the car, Yuan Huashao and I sat opposite each other, while Liu Huayan leaned against He Zhi and Dun Kong.

Liu Zhengdao sat on the other side.

"Today's matter is that Mr. Yuan has a big belly, and you have to apologize after you go up the mountain to prove it." Liu Zhengdao said suddenly.

Liu Huayan's expression remained calm, she looked at Yuan Huashao with a thoughtful expression.

"If I am wrong, I will naturally apologize. If I am wrong, Yuan Huashao, I will take your head." Liu Huayan's voice was very soft, but there was no doubt about it.

Yuan Huashao was still not angry, he clasped his fists and nodded.

It took us more than an hour. After leaving the city gate, we stopped on a road between two mountains.

After everyone got out of the car, Yuan Huashao pointed to the side of the mountain road and made a gesture of invitation.

"You go ahead." Liu Huayan said softly.

Yuan Huashao couldn't help laughing, and he walked straight forward.

The few of us followed closely behind, and Liu Huayan looked at Yuan Huashao's back very seriously.

From time to time, she quickly glanced around, apparently watching all directions and listening to all directions.

Lush and lush jungle, with a fresh aroma of grass and trees.

After we walked for a while, Yuan Huashao suddenly stopped.

Liu Huayan's expression froze.

We also stopped at the same time.

Then, Yuan Huashao turned around and said, "Master Huayan, do you know where this place is?" Liu Huayan didn't answer.

Yuan Huashao turned sideways and entered the bushes.

We followed immediately.

At a glance, I saw it, there is a small fairy house in the bush.

This fairy building is only one person tall.

Liu Huayan showed doubts.

Yuan Huashao explained: "Here, hexagram positions are used, which is considered a small formation. The fairy house buildings you saw, Daoist Huayan, are probably just ordinary fairy house buildings. I still ordered people to build a few. To prevent those immortal families from rushing out of the mountain."

"Here is one of the core."

As Yuan Huashao said, he directly reached into a hole at the top of the Xianjia Building.

What he raised his hand to take out was actually a shriveled human head!

This head has a pointed mouth, and the entire face is also oval and sharp. The tightly closed eyes form two lines slanting backwards, and the two ears are small.

It looks like a rat that has become a spirit!

Until now, no gray fairy has approached us.

Yuan Hua and Shao Tuo raised his head and let out a soft sigh.

Then, he was going to put the head back.

Just at this moment, there was a soft creaking sound from the position above the head.

We looked up almost at the same time.

Above is a huge pine and cypress trunk, slightly inclined.

On the tree trunk lay a few white-haired and bald mice, looking at us with sharp eyes.

That creaking sound came from their mouths!

My face suddenly changed.

Liu Huayan's pupils constricted, and the next moment, she put her hands on her waist!

At the same time, the gray fairy on the trunk suddenly jumped down.

Their posture is to pounce on Yuan Huashao's face!

I can't stop it.

But Liu Huayan and Liu Zhengdao didn't stop them.

The gray fairy jumped up to Yuan Huashao's face, one of them opened his mouth, and bit directly towards Yuan Huashao's ear!

Those sharp fangs, one bite, can make Yuan Huashao disabled.

It's true that Jiaxian is here

But it can be seen at a glance that it was Yuan Huashao who moved that head, so that it made Huixian hate him!

Mr. is not very skilled, how can he avoid it? !

"Pheaser!" I yelled, signaling He Zhi to save someone.

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