Zhang Jiugua's eyes became brighter, and he said word by word: "If the master needs my first hexagram, I will give it to the master. If the master doesn't need it, then my predestined person must be myself, and the fat will not flow." Alien field!"

After a short pause, Zhang Jiugua looked at me with puzzled eyes, and said again: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

I took a deep breath, shook my head and said, "No problem, it's okay."

After that, I won't talk too much with Zhang Jiugua.

After asking him clearly, from which direction Luo Zhongliang entered the mountain.

Zhang Jiugua hesitated for a moment, and said that he couldn't tell the exact location.

Then, he immediately patted Zhang Er on the head and said in a low voice, "Go and lead the way."

Zhang Er bowed to me respectfully, and then walked towards the gate of the temple.

When I turned around, I saw that there were many people guarding the gate of the temple.

When I was talking to Zhang Jiugua just now, these refugees and beggars all hid outside the temple and looked around.

After leaving the ruined temple, Zhang Er led the way back towards the village.

It was almost at the entrance of the back mountain that Zhang Er stopped, and he pointed to a small path diagonally above.

I nodded and walked straight into the trail and mountain road.

From the corner of the eye, Zhang Er turned around and ran towards the direction of return.

However, it didn't take long for me to walk in along the path.

In the distance, there was a person walking towards me staggeringly.

After he approached, I saw it at a glance, isn't this Luo Zhongliang? !

It's just that Luo Zhongliang is obviously in a lot of embarrassment at this moment.

His clothes were dirty and full of mud, and he was carrying a hoe and a shovel in one hand.

Around his waist were a few similarly soiled talismans.

Immediately, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Zhongliang's talisman should have been drawn by Dunkong.

Caring makes chaos, but I ignored this little thing.

Obviously, Luo Zhongliang also saw me, and the speed under his feet was much faster.

When he got close to me, he immediately knelt down on one knee and said in a low voice, "Master, why are you here?"

I helped Luo Zhongliang up and looked him up and down again.

I nodded and said: "Come and see your situation, you go into the mountain alone, Jiu Gua and the others are quite frightened."

Luo Zhongliang scratched his head, and he smiled honestly.

After that, I asked Luo Zhongliang to take me to see the grave where he was buried.

Luo Zhongliang took me there. Although the location he was looking for was not accurate enough, it was already good.

And I tested some of Luo Zhongliang's Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng, and he memorized them carefully, without any discrepancy.

Luo Zhongliang's rapid progress made me even happier.

After a little thought, I made a decision.

The fixed compass was delivered to Luo Zhongliang first.

And I told him that the fixed compass is a big talisman. Under the black evil spirit, it can suppress corpses and evil spirits. Now that Yang is open and I am nearby, he is enough to save his life, and it is enough to use Yin magic.

If it exceeds Heisha, it must not be used to suppress corpses, otherwise it will damage the compass!

Luo Zhongliang knelt in front of me, took the compass, and said very solemnly: "I will obey the master's order."

"Get up, come back to He's house with me, I'll let you read a part of the Zhaijing, you are very qualified, you can read it."

After I finished speaking, I turned around and walked towards the outside of the mountain.

Luo Zhongliang followed me closely, keeping his head up and down, paying special attention to etiquette.

After returning to He's house, He Zhi and the others had already packed their things and were ready to leave at any time.

I told He Zhi to wait another night.

After that, I asked He Zhi to squeeze in the empty room, and then let Luo Zhongliang into our room to read the Zhaijing.

I waited outside the door and told Luo Zhongliang that if you have anything to ask, you can ask me immediately.

It was night, and in the quiet night sky, the stars were brighter than ever.

After waiting for a long time, Liu Zhengdao came out of his room.

He has his hands behind his back, and his high crown is straighter.

In a blink of an eye, Liu Zhengdao was in front of me.

"Daoist Liu." I clasped my fists.

"I saw Yuan Huashao this time, so I need to ask him something." Liu Zhengdao said suddenly.

My face was slightly congealed, and I immediately understood that what Liu Zhengdao wanted to ask was about Liu Huayan! ?

In fact, the reason I never asked was because Liu Zhengdao was here.

After all, this is a matter within the Liu family, so it's unavoidably inappropriate for me to ask rashly.

Of course, I have always wondered why Liu Huayan wanted to kill Yuan Huashao.

Through this action, we have all seen a lot of Yuan Huashao's character, and he has no problems.

I thought quickly and nodded at the same time.

Then, Liu Zhengdao looked at me again.

He sighed softly, and said: "It's all about Huayan, let me count the hexagram you promised me." My body froze, and I nodded again.

What happened in the past few days can't be said to be urgent, but it happened one after another, which always made me ignore other things.

Liu Zhengdao turned his head, looked into the night sky again, sighed again, and said, "I don't know Yang Qingshan, what is going on at this time, whether he can face Qiu Tianyuan with ease, if he is careless, or too sharp, I will I'm afraid Qiu Tianyuan will be unfavorable to him."

I pondered for a moment and replied: "After all, brother Qingshan is Liu Sanyuan's disciple, and Liu Sanyuan wants to use him to ease the relationship between the Liu family and the Qiang people. If Qiu Tianyuan is against him, then he must be closer to the Liu family. , is not a bad thing, but he still needs to be vigilant and careful."

I shook my head, my eyes were quite complicated, and I sighed: "The poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring, but in the world of Yin and Yang, I have seen it more than once. Human poison is unbearable. In a blink of an eye, it has been so many years."

After I finished speaking, I stared blankly at the starry sky.

It seems that a few stars are about to die, looming in the dark night.

"Liu Daochang, if the matter of melting smoke is resolved, what are your plans?" I smiled, dispelled that thought, and asked Liu Zhengdao again.

I cannot have a weary heart.

Once there, then I will relax.

As long as I relax, I will not be able to protect the people around me in this world of yin and yang where swords and blood are everywhere and conspiracy is everywhere.

Liu Zhengdao said calmly: "Didn't you tell me not to interfere with the Qiang people and the Liu family, but can I watch from the sidelines?"

"The matter of dissolving smoke is settled. I will wait outside my father's village for a few more years. After he dies, I will go back to the vicinity of the Qiang people." I nodded, and I was relieved by Liu Zhengdao's calmness.

After that, Liu Zhengdao and I clasped our fists together, then turned around and entered the main room.

I took out the Tiangan inkstone pen, I took out the pen and paper, and wrote another letter to Jiang Pan.

This time, in the letter, I wrote about my acquaintance with Yuan Huashao, and what happened to Ren Zigeng and Ren Jiu. I once again told Jiang Pan to be careful.

At the end of the letter, I wrote again: "The mistakes of the past are all Yin and Yang. Please forgive me for being stubborn. If you are willing, you can bring your sister-in-law and Mu Nu to Kaiyang. Yin and Yang are looking forward to reuniting with your brother."

When I was writing, I added a sentence: "Grand Elder, I will retire in Kaiyang, and Dunkong also misses Uncle very much."

Carefully let the ink dry, but I thought to myself, even if Jiang Pan can't forgive me, there will always be things about the great elders, and there will be things about escaping from the sky, and he will always give me some light.

Then, I knocked on the door of He Qiyue's room and asked her to find me the most reassuring person and deliver a letter.

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