Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1037 I want to hold my life in the palm of my hand

The words of Zhang Jiugua made me think about it.

After receiving the three people from Yin and pulling them into the mountain, it seemed that Luo Zhongliang wanted to bury them.

However, I did not leave Luo Zhongliang with a compass. If he wanted to find a suitable acupuncture point, he could only distinguish the 24 mountain directions and acupuncture points with his naked eyes.

This kind of Bai Sha, who is not strong in transforming evil spirits, is not a serious problem.

"Is the square plate in Zhongliang's hands?" I asked Zhang Jiugua.

Zhang Jiugua's face froze, and he whispered: "No, no."

I frowned, Zhang Jiugua hurriedly lowered his head, and he said with a pale face: "At that time, I was still touching the heads of the corpses, and there were too many long-haired ones, so Luo Zhongliang left the square plate for me."

"Otherwise, I feel that those heads are about to get into my head." As he said, Zhang Jiugua pointed to his temple.

Then, covering his butt with one hand, he turned around and pointed to the temple on the other side.

He staggered forward.

The others let go of Zhang Jiugua, and Zhang Er came over to help.

I followed.

There is a very small door here, after Zhang Jiugua pushed it open, it was a very small room.

The light in the room was dim, surrounded by some dilapidated wooden cabinets.

In the most middle position, nine heads are stacked together, and the square plate of the fixed compass is pressed on the far side.

The more or less injuries to those heads were particularly hideous and terrifying.

Next to it is an incomplete skull made of bones, which is normal.

I nodded and said, "It's smart."

Then, I said: "The teacher has never told you before, but now I need to tell you something, which is about the taboo of corpses."

Zhang Jiugua's eyes lit up, and he bowed and said, "Master, please tell me, Jiugua must be kept in mind!"

"Ordinary corpses, scattered souls after death, three souls, human, earth, heaven, human soul is the essence, heaven soul is cause and effect, earth soul is retribution."

"The seven emotions and six desires are the seven souls, and the seven souls were all gone at that time."

"But remember, the dead are the most important. If you destroy the corpse, it will cause the corpse to form obsessions and evil thoughts, thereby transforming evil spirits." While listening to Zhang Jiugua, he suddenly took out a pen and paper, held the paper with his hand, and brushed Start writing quickly.

As for Zhang Er behind him, I found that Zhang Er was listening.

I paused for a moment and took another look at Zhang Er.

Only, I am slightly disappointed.

Because judging from Zhang Er's face and facial features, as well as his usual dull and timid reaction, he doesn't have much talent.

Looking at Zhang Jiu Gua again, he has almost memorized everything I said.

I continued: "If someone dies with resentment, at least it will turn into a white evil spirit, and at worst it will turn into black, blood, or green."

"After the evil spirit is transformed, the corpse will bump into the living people, which will cause a lot of harm."

"And the corpse breaker is even worse."

"The most vicious and difficult thing in Huasha is the living corpse. It holds its last breath and does not swallow. It looks like a living person, but its body is festered, or it is as hard as iron." Zhang Jiugua swallowed a mouthful of saliva and raised his head. Come on, and said: "Master, are living corpses so powerful? Is there anyone who deliberately wants to be a living corpse?"

I frowned again, because I couldn't answer Zhang Jiugua's question for a while.

"As a teacher, I seldom meet him, and even if he does, he dies in desperation." I opened my mouth after recalling.

The movements between Zhang Jiugua's fingers were even faster.

He raised his head again and asked, "Master, what kind of corpse is the most vicious corpse you have encountered? I can hide from it in the future."

I frowned, shook my head and said: "In my life as a teacher, I have encountered too many vicious corpses and villains. If my fate is up, I don't just have to dodge if I want to."

"But as a teacher, I can indeed remind you. You only learn yang arithmetic, that is, fortune-telling and crossing people. Try to touch corpses as little as possible."

"If you hear information about green corpses and feathered corpses, run far away."

Zhang Jiugua's eyes widened a lot, and he murmured, "Yuhua Corpse? Master, is this the most vicious?" I shook my head and said, "Yuhua has good and evil, and they are all living corpses. It is fierce, but regardless of good or evil, the place where it is located is a feng shui bureau, and there will be a hundred deaths if you enter it." Zhang Jiugua swallowed another mouthful of saliva, his head was like a rattle, and said: "I understand. In the future, once you encounter this kind of danger, you will escape into a place where no one can find you."

"Yeah." I nodded.

Then, I wanted to speak again, this time not to say anything, but to ask Luo Zhongliang from which direction to enter the mountain.

Before I could say it, Zhang Jiugua looked at my shoulder eagerly again, and said, "Master, can you make a fortune for me?"

"I originally thought that when I learned it, I would immediately make a fortune teller for myself, but I feel that it may take some years before you will pass on the magic weapon to me."

"What do you want?" I frowned slightly.

"It's my fate." Zhang Jiugua said immediately.

What he said is extremely simple, but there are more things contained in this simplicity.

Of course, Zhang Jiugua's age and his current understanding of Yang Suan can only be called a coincidence.

I pondered for a moment, shook my head, and said: "Mr.'s fate, it is best to be unknown, and you can fight for your life if you don't know it. But when you start a hexagram, if the hexagram image is very good, then let it be. It will push Mr. to go that way faster."

"Could it be that the master can't tell his own fortune?" Zhang Jiugua's eyes were at a loss.

"It's not impossible, it's just that there is such a taboo." I said truthfully.

Zhang Jiugua lowered his head, and he raised his head again, with a bit of determination in his eyes.

"Master, I still want to count."

"Thousands of things, all kinds of methods, in case my Zhang Jiugua's life depends on whether I step out with my left leg or my right leg first? I don't want to risk my life in the unknown. I have been fighting with Zhang Er for more than ten years. I want to hold my own life in my hands."

"I think, I am very careful, as long as there are warnings, disasters can be avoided!"

Not only resolute, Zhang Jiugua's eyes are also serious.

I frowned even tighter, and for a while, I didn't speak.

After pondering for a while, I suddenly thought of a point.

Hands were placed on the surface of the long wooden box on the shoulders, and the coolness of the wood penetrated into the palm lines.

"After you have completed your study of bone physiognomy, I will teach you the method of golden calculation as a teacher. At that time, I will do a fortune-telling for you."

"Mr. Geography Kanyu, after learning yang calculation, there will be a special first hexagram and the last hexagram. These two hexagrams can change fate against the sky and set the hexagrams out of chaos."

"If the teacher has calculated a bad hexagram for you, use your first hexagram to correct it. If it is an auspicious hexagram, then your first hexagram will be reserved for your predestined people."

I put my hands down and put my back on my back again, and said, "How?"

"Change fate against the sky? Set things right?" Zhang Jiugua murmured.

I nodded and said yes.

Zhang Jiugua grinned and said, "Then Master, can I change my good life into a better one?"


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