Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1039 There must be a misunderstanding

He Qiyue hissed softly, then looked around the room again.

Through the crack of the door, I saw the blind child sleeping soundly on the bedside.

He Qiyue took the letter and whispered, "Don't worry, Mr. Li."

I asked He Qiyue again, what happened to the last letter?

He Qiyue said again softly: "The sender hasn't come back yet. After all, it's a long way to go. I'll tell you as soon as he arrives."

I nodded.

The distance to Honghe is indeed not close. In the past, there were Qiang horses, which could shorten the time, but now there is only one horse left in Honghe.

"Thank you." After I finished speaking, I turned and walked out of the main room.

Sitting quietly in front of the door all night.

Luo Zhongliang never looked for me.

In the early morning of the next day, He Zhitong escaped from the room.

Liu Zhengdao arrived in the courtyard.

I got up and knocked on the door.

The door of the room opened at the right time. Behind the door, Luo Zhongliang's eyes were bloodshot, but his expression was extremely excited.

In the red eyes, some light flashed.

"Master." Luo Zhongliang said hoarsely, and handed me the scriptures.

"I don't understand anything?" I frowned, with doubts in my eyes.

It is impossible for Luo Zhongliang to understand the Zhaijing once.

Even though he is amazingly talented, the Zhaijing of geography and geology is also a thing that can accommodate all rivers, and there is no weakling among the gentlemen of all dynasties.

"I haven't delved into the content yet, I just memorized what I can recite, and I will write down one-fifth." Luo Zhongliang's expression gradually became respectful, and he bowed slightly to salute, and said: "Master is busy with things. If you memorize more, you can learn more, and if you don’t understand, ask the master next time.”

I understood what Luo Zhongliang meant, sighed lightly, and patted him on the shoulder.

After receiving the house scriptures, I sighed softly: "Go."

Luo Zhongliang hurried down the steps, saluted He Zhi and Liu Zhengdao, and then ran towards the back mountain.

"Yinyang, you haven't slept all night, do you want to rest?" He Zhi asked me with concern.

"No problem, just enter Kaiyang City." I shook my head and said.

The four of us left He's house and headed straight for Kaiyang.

After entering the city, on the way to Yuan's yin and yang house, he saw a clock shop in the city.

I went to the shop and bought a pocket watch.

I have not repaired the old watch. It has been with me for so long, so it should be rested.

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning when we arrived at Yuan's Yin and Yang Residence.

At the gate of the house, Xin Jiazi was waiting.

He opened the door as we passed.

Liu Zhengdao still passed through the roof, escaping into the air, and when He Zhi followed me in, both of them looked curiously, looking around.

Go through this slightly short passage to the center of the yard.

The sun is bright and dazzling.

Yuan Huashao stood in the middle of the courtyard.

The speed of my feet was much faster, and He Zhi and Dun Kong faintly disappeared behind me.

In the blink of an eye, I was in front of Yuan Huashao, I cupped my fists and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Yuan."

Yuan Huashao's complexion was more easy-going, and his smile was even more overflowing.

"Mr. Li, there is no need to be polite." He reached out to support me.

Then, he looked at He Zhi and Dun Kong with a smile on his face.

"Siblings and sisters, nephew Dunkong, we meet again." Yuan Huashao clasped his fists again.

"I met Mr. Yuan." He Zhi bowed sideways.

Dunkong cupped his fists more modestly, bowed: "I have met Mr. Yuan." Yuan Huashao nodded repeatedly and said a few good words.

Then, he looked up suspiciously.

I also found something wrong.

Liu Zhengdao did not come down.

Following Yuan Huashao's line of sight, Liu Zhengdao was standing on the highest courtyard roof of Yuan's Yin and Yang House.

With his hands behind his back, he was looking around.

"Mr. Li, this is Daoist Liu?" Yuan Huashao looked at me questioningly.

"Mr. Yuan, it's okay. Daoist Liu will have something to say when we get down later." Yuan Huashao and I said.

Yuan Huashao nodded.

He didn't look at Liu Zhengdao anymore, but waved his arms slightly, and said again: "Mr. Li, look at the ground." Then I lowered my head and looked down.

This is the third time I entered the house, but I didn't look at it too carefully.

After all, this is Yuan Huashao's residence, if I read too much rashly, it will make people unhappy.

What's more, I need others.

Now that I looked carefully, my eyes froze, and I felt a little horrified in my heart.

On the ground, starting from Yuan Huashao's feet, there are circles engraved with hexagram positions.

There are sixteen positions in the middle circle.

Further away, there are more densely packed formations!

With the sixteen hexagrams of the innate as the base, the ground in the courtyard is the whole picture of the 64 hexagrams of Xuanjia?

Of course, just letting people see the hexagrams has no effect, and no one can steal them.

This is exactly the same as gossip.

In this yin and yang house, Yuan Huashao should be able to perfectly use his ability to make hexagrams out of words.

No wonder, Ren Zigeng and Ren Jiuqian only dared to plot against Yuan Huashao outside, and did not dare to do anything close

"Innate sixteen hexagrams, Xuanjia's 64-day calculation, and the entire innate calculation complement each other. Only in this way can the Yin-Yang technique be brought into full play." Yuan Huashao still smiled lightly.

He said again: "Mr. Li, you, brother and sister Xian, and your nephew, Daoist Liu, can all live in the Yin Yang house for a long time. There will be no danger in this place."

I clasped my fists together, but before I could answer, Liu Zhengdao jumped off the roof.

When he arrived in front of Yuan Huashao, Yuan Huashao also clasped fists with Liu Zhengdao.

"Mr. Yuan, I want to ask you something. Originally, I should ask you when you heal He Zhi and Dunkong, but Pindao still thinks that it is better to explain clearly first than to ask later. It seems to be used."

Liu Zhengdao frowned slightly, his expression became a little more serious.

Yuan Huashao was stunned for a moment, and he said: "Daoist Liu, but it's okay to say."

"I have a junior sister, named Liu Huayan, who came to Kaiyang City a few years ago, and she wants to kill you."

"What is the reason for this?"

"Liu Huayan? Kill me?" Yuan Huashao looked puzzled.

He shook his head and said, "Daoist Liu, with all due respect, I don't know the Liu Huayan you mentioned. Is there any misunderstanding?"

Yuan Huashao's words made me startled, and Liu Zhengdao was also puzzled.

Yuan Huashao smiled again, and he said: "There must be some misunderstanding, since she is Daoist Liu's junior sister and also a righteous person, how could she kill Yuan."

"I also ask Daoist Liu to call out Daoist Huayan. Yuan thinks he has a good character and is not the treacherous and evil person that the Taoist priests of the Liu family want to kill." Yuan Huashao's face became more serious, but he didn't reveal anything. The color of dislike.

At this time, doubts abounded in my heart.

Liu Huayan wanted to kill Yuan Huashao, but Yuan Huashao didn't know

Looking at Yuan Huashao like this, he has never even seen Liu Huayan

What is going on here?

Liu Zhengdao didn't speak for a moment, his hands were behind his back, his brows were tightly frowned.

For a while, the atmosphere in the courtyard froze a lot.

After a while, Liu Zhengdao shook his head and said, "I can't contact Huayan for now, so I can't call here."

Yuan Huashao nodded, he smiled and made another gesture of invitation, and said: "In this case, first consult the brothers and sisters of Xian and nephew Dun Kong, there is no rush for misunderstandings."

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