Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1032 What does it have to do with Yuan?

My eyelids twitched wildly, and my heart throbbed suddenly.

"Poison." Yuan Huashao's expression darkened.

Liu Zhengdao picked up his fly whisk and slammed towards the tomb passage. A large amount of gravel and soil fell down again, directly sealing the tomb passage completely.

The white smoke never penetrated into the tomb again.

But the trembling of the walls of the tomb got worse

At this time, those burning flames are gradually becoming weaker.

The light, is dimming.

Most of the feathered corpse was burned, and his hideous, gnarled, bloody face could still be seen

My complexion changed again, and I said: "Liu Daochang air" At the same time, Liu Zhengdao's Gujing Wubo's complexion finally changed

He raised his whisk again, creating a gust of wind and waves out of thin air, directly blowing out the flames on the feathered corpse.

The tomb became even darker.

I feel that my breathing has become thicker, and Yuan Huashao's face has also become much uglier.

"If the tomb passage is not sealed, the poisonous smoke will not be able to stop it. If it is sealed, there will be no air, and we will soon suffocate in it."

"This place is more than ten meters away, and they even activated the Feng Shui of the Swallow's Nest."

"Sure enough, they have plotted against me for so many years, and they can also plot against Jiang Pan. These two people have meticulous and vicious thoughts, and they have no chance. They just found an opportunity to do it." Liu Zhengdao's face was sinking, and he was also thinking.

During this period, the shaking of the tomb did not stop.

A large number of cracks started to appear on the walls, and there were even falling rocks falling

This deja vu scene made my forehead sweat even more.

"Mountain 24" I looked at Liu Zhengdao and just spoke.

Before he finished speaking, Liu Zhengdao took out a copper sword, and he walked quickly to the edge of the wall.

Amidst the chi chi sound, a 24 Mountain Town Dragon Talisman appeared on the wall.

The trembling of the wall stopped instantly.

24 The Dragon Talisman of Mountain Town suppresses the changes of yin and yang in the mountains by virtue of the power of the talisman.

When the yin and yang qi are completely calmed down and the anger is stable, it is naturally impossible to landslide!

Yuan Huashao also showed surprise in his eyes.

"This talisman? What a powerful talisman!" Yuan Huashao's eyes were full of respect.

The next moment, Yuan Huashao frowned and said again: "But these ten meters underground, we have to get out as soon as possible. We didn't eat last night, and there is not enough air here. After a long time, we will still have trouble."

Liu Zhengdao glanced at me and Yuan Huashao, and said, "To find out the weak point of this tomb, which place is the closest and thinnest to the mountain." While speaking, Liu Zhengdao took out a golden hoe.

I immediately understood what he meant.

I was about to deduce the location, but Yuan Huashao pointed to a location, he spoke very fast, and said: "Here!"

Liu Zhengdao didn't ask any further questions, and stepped forward, brandishing a golden hoe in his hand.

Amidst the chirping sound, a hole began to appear

Dust began to fly in the entire tomb.

However, this place is too deep after all.

Despite Liu Zhengdao's speed, the air in the tomb is getting weaker and weaker, unable to withstand our consumption

The faces of Yuan Huashao and I gradually turned pale, and I even faintly felt that my thoughts were dull.

At this moment, Liu Zhengdao suddenly changed his hand, and what he was holding was a sword!

The next moment, Liu Zhengdao sneered!

The sword pierced into the hole.

A faint light seemed to penetrate in.

Faintly, there is still a little wind.

I feel able to breathe a little more.

Yuan Huashao also gasped for breath twice.

But in an instant, I felt a faint numbness

My face suddenly changed!

Liu Zhengdao also froze, and said in a low voice: "Oops." The speed in his hand was even faster!

With the golden hoe waving, the dust became more and more.

I covered my mouth and nose, and Yuan Huashao did the same, his expression was extremely gloomy.

In half a cup of tea, Liu Zhengdao directly opened the hole!

He jumped out.

Yuan Huashao and I also followed and climbed out of the tomb

This place is not far from where we went down just now.

It's just that this short peak has collapsed a lot compared to just now.

There was no one outside.

But there are many fires on the ground.

On top of the fire, there are some unknown powders.

Under the blowing of the wind, the powder melted into the air, and a considerable part of it was blown into the hole just now!

With a wave of Liu Zhengdao's hand, all the fires were scattered by the whisk!

Then, he raised his sword again, splashing soil on the ground, covering the remaining fire

With a muffled grunt, he slightly half-kneeled on the ground.

"The faster the qi and blood circulate, the faster the poison will go away. These two people are too insidious." Yuan Huashao was breathing heavily, and his voice was also quite hoarse.

I also felt a tightness in my chest, and my head was dull and numb.

The sun is getting brighter.

Yuan Hua Shaoxian sat on the ground tremblingly, as if he had no strength.

I couldn't hold it anymore, and I was about to fall to the ground.

"We have to go down the mountain first." Liu Zhengdao gasped and opened his mouth again, and he barely stood up.

Then, he turned around and helped Yuan Huashao and me up.

But I faintly feel that the throbbing has increased a lot.

The next moment, rustling sounds came from the dense forest at the other end.

Then, a faint laugh came over.

"Go down the mountain?"

"You will go down the mountain, but it will be the head down the mountain." The voice of these words was particularly stern.

The one at the front is a dwarf with a broken arm.

The way he looked at me was full of hatred and coldness.

Looking at the gazes of Yuan Huashao and Liu Zhengdao, they also showed murderous intent.

The man behind him is tall and tall, but at this age, he is at least 80 or [-] years old.

The appearance of that person is particularly familiar.

I'm staring at him!

"Mr. Li, I haven't seen you for a while."

"It really is you!" My voice was quite hoarse.

The man's face was even calmer, but he shook his head.

"Back then, I thought that when you left Honghe, the variables would disappear, but I didn't expect that variables are always variables. After leaving Honghe, you can still go to Yangjiang and destroy our brother's plan." The old voice revealed a touch of regret. .

"Originally, it shouldn't be yours now, Zhu Tianyuan, take the innate calculation, and then seek the land. This is the order." He said again.

"Why?" It was Liu Zhengdao who spoke, his brows were tightly frowned, and his eyes were full of inquiries.

"Why?" It was the dwarf with the broken arm who asked this time.

"Hehe, back then, Guo Tianyu, together with Jiang Yihong, Jiang Yihong made a hexagram, and Guo Tianyu led his people to slaughter our sect."

"There are hundreds of people in the family, and only our brothers are left. Why? Naturally, it is revenge!" The killing intent in his eyes is even heavier!

The older gentleman nodded and said again: "Back then, I thought that Jiang Yihong would cut off the possibility of accepting apprentices, and the geography would be lost. Guo Tianyu taught Jiang Yihong's son Jiang Pan, and we just need to calculate him."

"Unexpectedly, Jiang Yihong taught a disciple like you when he was dying."

"You could have lived a few more years." The man shook his head again, and his eyes became even colder.

I frowned, thinking quickly in my mind.

Yuan Huashao gasped, and said, "You guys have enmity with Tian Yuan and Earth Prime Minister, but Yuan doesn't know. Where does he have a connection with you? Even though you have worked so hard, you want to put me to death?"

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