In the light of the fire, Yuan Huashao turned his head, his expression was extremely serious.

"Mr. Li, Daoist Liu, on the back of the turtle is part of the algorithm of congenital calculation. If you are not from this sect, you cannot consult it. Please forgive me."

Liu Zhengdao's face remained unchanged, I nodded and said, "Li knows."

After a while, the flames burned through the tortoise shell.

All the words disappeared completely, and the back of the turtle turned slightly black.

Yuan Huashao nodded, he looked slightly relieved.

Then, Yuan Huashao walked around the tortoise shell, holding an iron skewer in his hand, as if he was looking for an opening.

"Hiding the corpse in the tortoise shell?" Liu Zhengdao and I also approached, and I asked in a low voice.

"The tortoise's back is counted, and the tortoise shell is used to hide the corpse. In this mountain, all the anger is in this place."

After Yuan Huashao nodded, he frowned, put away the iron skewer, grabbed the tortoise shell with both arms, and pushed it up hard!

The tortoise shell remained motionless, and blue veins appeared on Yuan Huashao's forehead.

Seeing this, Liu Zhengdao also grabbed the side of the tortoise shell with both hands, and he pushed it up hard!

As if a boulder was moving, there was a chirping sound, and the tortoise shell was propped up!

Liu Zhengdao's arm shook!

The tortoise shell was overturned immediately, and rolled to the other side of the open space.

The ground below is partially sunken.

In the depression, embedded is a coffin.

This coffin is square, more like a big box.

"Daoist Liu, please open the coffin again."

Yuan Hua and Shao Lue stared at the coffin vigilantly, and said in a low voice.

"Back back." Liu Zhengdao said again.

Yuan Huashao and I took a few steps back at the same time.

But at the same time, he threw the iron skewer at Liu Zhengdao.

After Liu Zhengdao caught it, he directly stabbed it into the edge of the coffin.

Amidst the harsh creaking sound, the coffin lid was pried open.

This time, no mechanism appeared, and no poisonous mist was released.

There was some strange fragrance faintly in the air.

After the coffin lid was completely lifted, the corpse inside shocked me.

It was the body of a middle-aged man.

His age seems to be in his early forties at most.

He curled up in the coffin like a baby in a mother's womb.

The weak breathing was very even, and his chest was rising and falling slightly.

His skin was covered with white down feathers.

His eclosion time should not be long.

Most of the down feathers are branched, and the key parts of the head and face are not covered.

The original Guan Xiantao's corpse was not like this.

There are also Eight Luminaries evil corpses. After a certain age, the down feathers cling to the skin like patterns.

My eyelids twitched slightly, feeling a little weird.

Why does this middle-aged man look so similar to Yuan Huashao?

If you look at it a few more times, his profile is at least six points like Yuan Huashao!

"Who are you, Mr. Yuan?" I couldn't restrain my doubts, and asked after taking a deep breath.

Yuan Huashao lowered his head and was also looking at the corpse in the coffin, but at this moment, there was a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"Congenitally counts as one bloodline. It has been hidden from the world for a long time. It has been passed down from generation to generation. They are all related by blood."

"According to seniority, he should be my grandpa. The other two are the patriarch and husband and wife." Yuan Huashao's face became more silent.

After a long pause, Yuan Huashao sighed, and said: "The affairs of the family are family ugliness, family ugliness should not be publicized, sir please forgive me.

I nodded my head to show my understanding and didn't ask any more questions.

Liu Zhengdao didn't say much, just looked at the corpse with a frown.

Then, Yuan Huashao said again: "The person who deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors found such a blessed place by virtue of yin and yang techniques. How can he deserve to be born here?"

After saying that, his other good hand stretched out, directly grabbed the corpse's shoulder, and dragged him out abruptly!

The corpse did not respond at all, and there was no sign of fraud!

With a bang, Yuan Huashao threw it to the ground.

He looked into the coffin again and took out a few items.

Among them is an inkstone, and the other things are tower-shaped, or jade tortoise shells.

That should be a magic weapon that was not handed down from the previous generation? !

If it is passed on normally, the magic weapon must be in the hands of the next generation.

These few people were buried, and they still wanted to leave the magical artifacts, because they wanted to make Xiantian count as a severance?

Yuan Huashao put the things close to his body, his face relaxed a lot.

Looking at the corpse again, he nodded and said again: "The good corpses have transformed into immortals, and there are pills in them, but these traitors have dirty hearts and are not worthy of pills!"

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Huashao took out another dagger, and he walked to the corpse without hesitation, the dagger directly pierced into the lower abdomen of the corpse, and pried it out fiercely.

What sputtered out was flesh and blood, without any corpse pills.

Yuan Huashao did not stop, and poked back and forth twice.

The abdomen of the corpse was completely eroded.

The faint flu of air began to condense, and white down feathers appeared visible to the naked eye on the abdomen of the corpse, as if to cover the wound.

Yuan Huashao frowned, and took out another porcelain bottle.

My pupils constricted, he wants to completely burn the body?

This method is a bit decisive, but thinking that this is a traitor in their sect, it is not something I can easily intervene in, so I can't open my mouth.

The powder in the porcelain bottle was sprinkled on the corpse, and Yuan Huashao took out the flint again.

With a click sound, sparks fell, and the corpse sizzled and burned.

In the firelight, the middle-aged man's face, which was more than half feathered, seemed to be distorted, showing a smile, and finally turned ferocious again!

Yuan Huashao exhaled heavily, and said, "Daoist Liu, Mr. Li, let's go." Turning his head, Yuan Huashao was about to walk towards the entrance of the tomb passage.

I am also ready to leave.

But Liu Zhengdao's hand suddenly grabbed Yuan Huashao's shoulder.

I was shocked and was about to ask what happened.

The next moment, Liu Zhengdao turned his head and stared at the entrance of the tomb passage with narrowed eyes.

The hole trembled slightly.

My pupils constrict.

And the next moment, not only the entrance of the cave trembled, but also the walls of the tomb around it.

Several fine cracks appeared on the barrier.

A copper tripod fell down with a click, and the fat flowed out, just reaching the corpse.

With a flick of fire, it burned directly.

The tomb was filled with flames, and the flames were raging.

I frowned, and said, "Has Feng Shui changed?"

But then I shook my head again, and said: "No, this place has geomantic omens, one mountain and five peaks, this corpse has not yet fully transformed into a condensed corpse pill, and has not yet merged with the vitality acupoint."

Yuan Huashao was thoughtful, he squinted slightly and looked at the entrance of the tomb passage.

Liu Zhengdao tilted his ears, as if he was listening.

The next moment, there was a muffled bang, and the entrance of the cave actually began to collapse. Before the cave collapsed, some rocks rolled into it.

"They can't wait." Yuan Huashao's eyes suddenly flashed a bright light.

Liu Zhengdao also nodded.

My face changed slightly, and I looked around inside the tomb.

At this time, the vibration weakened a little bit.

But the entire tomb was completely sealed.

We have not encountered any danger in the tomb, is this an external force?

Those two people moved their hands! ?

After thinking about it, I figured it out.

We must have crossed two hills, except for Yuan Huashao being injured, Liu Zhengdao and I are safe and sound.

They also saw Liu Zhengdao's strength.

Either they give up this trip, or they can only create opportunities by themselves!

I thought they had no chance of leaving!

But in fact, they directly moved their hands!

We went down to the catacombs, it's their time indeed

At this moment, some white smoke faintly infiltrated from the collapsed entrance of the tomb passage.

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