The eyes of those two fell on Yuan Huashao at the same time.

"Enmity?" The older gentleman said quietly, "We have no enmity, and we have no intersection." My eyelids twitched wildly, and some sweat dripped from my forehead.

There is no hatred, why did they attack Yuan Huashao?

Mr. Kaiyang, it's not easy to kill.

If they hadn't attacked Yuan Huashao, I wouldn't have discovered Yangjiang's problems, and wouldn't have caused the current variables and confrontation with them.

During this period, the feeling of fainting and numbness seemed to have passed, and I gradually felt less uncomfortable.

The Good Corpse Pill changed my physique, and the benefits showed again.

But I still kept my chest rising and falling, as if I couldn't stop breathing.

There are more doubts in Yuan Huashao's eyes.

He let out a deep breath again, and said again: "There is no hatred, you can't pass by and see that I am unhappy, so you played such a big game of chess and killed me."

"Hmm." The old gentleman looked down at his palm.

Looking up again, his attention was completely concentrated on Yuan Huashao, and he said:

"I'm very old, and you old people have never heard of my name, Ren Zigeng, or my junior brother Ren Jiugan."

"In a few years, the life force will be exhausted, and I will die in Huangquan. I spent my whole life waiting and taking revenge. This process is too painful."

"Guo Tianyu deserved to die, his life was stolen and he used up all his time!"

"But what about the time we were brothers? Who will give us back?"

"The person who stole his life was beheaded by Li Yinyang and the Taoist priest of the Liu family, which cut off our other plan." Ren Zigeng said quietly, and there was a lot of resentment in his words.

And the dwarf with the broken arm, Ren Jiuqian, looked greedily at Yuan Huashao's face.

His voice was slightly slender, and he followed Ren Zigeng's words: "Yuan Huashao, the immortal master of Kaiyang, blesses the people of one side. His medical skills can save life and death. You are 63 years old, but you have preserved your energy properly. It seems that you are only forty years old." .”

"We were eyeing Liao Cheng, the God of Zero and Zheng, but he is not easy to deal with. It is better for Master Yuan to sit in Kaiyang City, and we can take him at will."

I suddenly realized that this is the reason? !

Moreover, they actually set their sights on Liao Cheng!

My heart is beating fast, and I feel a little bit lucky at the same time.

If they really want to deal with Liao Cheng, I believe Brother Liao's observation and vigilance.

But after all, they are two mature gentlemen, if they hurt Li Cang's son and destroy the growth of Dunkong's other soul, it would be a disaster for no reason.

Yuan Huashao's complexion became very cold, for a moment, it was like the ice of winter!

"Take Yuan at will?" Yuan Huashao narrowed his eyes and his voice became cold.

"Oh? Isn't it?" It was Ren Zigeng who spoke again, and his eyes became sharp.

Ren Jiuqian bowed slightly, and he drew out a slender sword with one arm.

This sword is only as thick as an index finger, but it looks extremely sharp under the sun.

"Originally, you are so powerful, we all planned to turn back, and only went to find Jiang Pan alone, looking for another chance, but I didn't expect you to go down to the underground tomb, this is courting death! Feel the weakness and numbness of the body, and fainting, right? " Ren Jiuqian sneered.

"What kind of poison is it?" Yuan Huashao's face was stiff, and a few more words came out of his lips.

"Take the nails and eyeballs of fetuses that died within a month, and grind them into powder, and then take the corpse of a snake from the dead dragon Fengshui, and grind their fangs into powder. You have sucked a lot, and your body will gradually become paralyzed, and you will eventually die. Of course, except for this Taoist of the Liu family You and Li Yinyang must die now, you will only have your tendons broken, and you will be allowed to enter bliss after you tell me how to prolong your life and maintain your vitality." Ren Jiuqian spoke extremely fast, his arched body Jump forward suddenly!

He didn't attack Yuan Huashao, but rushed towards Liu Zhengdao!

My complexion changed drastically.

At this point, I can't hide it anymore.

Immediately pulled out the golden ruler at my waist, I stepped forward, and slammed a ruler towards Ren Jiugan!

This scene made Ren Zigeng's complexion suddenly change!

"You're not poisoned?!"

Ren Jiuqian had already rushed in front of us, his slender sword changed direction instantly, and stabbed directly at my chest.

With a clang, sparks burst out.

Ren Jiuqian rushed a few steps to the side to vent his strength.

My eyes were sharp, without hesitation, I rushed to Ren Jiugan again!

Ren Jiuqian's skill is not very high.

It's just that we were all poisoned, so they dared to come out during the day, and they didn't even use the murderous corpse.

Ren Jiugan paused for a moment, and he suddenly jumped towards me.

The sword moved upwards, intending to cut me open from below!

I know how to divide the golden ruler and press down again.

At this time, Liu Zhengdao obviously wanted to make a move, he pursed his lips and drew a sword.

But before he swung it out, his lips turned black a lot, his body shook, and he almost fell down!

Yuan Huashao quickly put his hand on Liu Zhengdao's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Daoist Liu, don't force your luck." All this happened in an instant.

Tongqiaofen's golden ruler collided with the rapier again.

Cremated and shot, he suddenly stood upright under me, and attacked my lower abdomen with the other hand!

I let out a low cry, raised my leg and stomped down hard!

At this moment, there was a slight sound of breaking through the air from behind!

I just felt that the position of the neck was instantly strangled!

I quickly raised my other hand, grabbed my neck and felt the stranglehold!

What the fingers grasped was a slender rope!

Looking back from the corner of the eye, it was Ren Zigeng who did it!

He raised his hands, holding a strand of string in his hand.

The rope was only one-third the thickness of the little finger, and he pulled it back fiercely!

My body suddenly tilted backwards, and with a bang, I fell to the ground.

Ren Jiuqian got up quickly, and the sword in his hand slashed at my chest and abdomen!

My pupils constricted, and I rolled suddenly to the right!

They are both Mr. Yin and Yang, they harm nature and reason, and they will definitely not have fate to protect them.

But I have a faint feeling that this time, I can't fight them with my life.

Fate asylum is fighting for life.

These two gentlemen are too old to survive under the siege of Guo Tianyu and my master

Their lives are definitely not weak!

I dodged, but I still couldn't dodge it, and my shoulder felt a sharp pain.

A line of blood appeared on the shoulder.

Ren Jiuqian caught up with me again, and he slashed down with his sword again!

I was also hit by the sword on the other side of my shoulder. The pain made me grunt, and fine beads of sweat formed on my forehead!

The strangled force on the neck became heavier.

Ren Zigeng stepped forward quickly, he quickly got behind me, and kicked my shoulder.

He let out a low cry, and pulled the rope tightly again, my neck was completely tightened, and it became difficult to even breathe.

"Kill him." Ren Zigeng said in a low voice: "This son is thoughtful and ruthless, and he was not poisoned by fetal poison. I don't know if there is some kind of crooked way. Don't make any accidents happen."

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