After that, I stopped talking, and Zhang Jiugua seriously touched the bones.

From time to time, he would ask me a few words, and I would answer them one by one.

In the middle of the night, Luo Zhongliang finally came back with three black-painted cat corpses and a basket of pottery clay on his back.

I asked him to open the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng, and explained to him in detail how to make cat bone pottery.

When everything was finished, it was almost dawn.

I didn't stay in Chenghuang Temple all the time.

I explained to Luo Zhongliang and Zhang Jiugua that I would visit them every day when the yin energy was at its heaviest, and then I would leave from the ruined temple.

When he returned to He's house, exhaustion had already flooded his body.

Teaching disciples is not easy.

I need to separate the most basic things and explain them on the basis they can accept.

The energy consumed is no less than arranging a feng shui bureau or opening a large grave.

The purple air in the sky broke through the last night, but a calm voice came from the roof.

"Is it really not a problem to teach geology and geology to two disciples?"

I looked up.

Isn't it Liu Zhengdao who sat cross-legged on the roof? !

Under the reflection of the early sun, the high crown on his head was plated with another layer of gold.

"Dividing and teaching, at present, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Brother's analysis is correct." I replied.

Liu Zhengdao stood up, he was holding the whisk in his right hand, and he swung it to the left.

He nodded, and said again: "It's the fourth day, I don't know how Yuan Huashao calculated. So far, it seems that the man hasn't come back yet."

"If he doesn't have a perfect plan, he probably won't show up. We still have to wait for Mr. Yuan's plan." I said again.


Liu Zhengdao jumped down and came to my side.

The shadow of the high crown falls on my face, blocking some of the sunlight.

"Dun Kong and He Zhi's health are indeed better, and his medical skills are indeed good, I plan to ask him to give it to him."

Liu Zhengdao just said this.

My face changed slightly, and I whispered: "Absolutely not!"

Although Liu Zhengdao didn't finish his sentence, I already understood what he meant.

"You have a filial son and a virtuous heart, but the great elder has made up his mind, don't disturb his peaceful life anymore, the Liu family of the Qiang nationality, he has been tired for decades, and he is really peaceful." I said word by word, Seriously said.

Liu Zhengdao was silent and did not continue to speak.

I said softly again: "The talisman technique is black, the Taoism is debut, Daoist Liu, in a few years, you will master all the techniques, and you will be better than blue, but I still suggest that you don't go back to Liu's house, don't go back to the Liu family, don't go back to the Liu family. It ruined the sacrifice made by the Great Elder."

"The authorities are obsessed, if you are a bystander with your strength, you can lend a helping hand when the Liu family and the Qiang people are in danger, so maybe it will be the best help for them." What I said made Liu Zhengdao His eyes froze.

Thoughtful, he stood motionless in the courtyard.

I went back to the room.

He Zhi was still lying on the bed, she hadn't woken up yet.

I lightly lay down on my side, exhausted even more, I fell into a deep sleep.

This time, I didn't sleep for too long.

When I woke up, my head was still a little groggy, and there was a lot of sweat on my forehead.

Rubbing the space between my brows, I took a deep breath.

The bedside was empty.

Sitting up, I barely woke up.

I took out my pocket watch, and I was about to check the time.

But I found that the hands of the pocket watch were broken.

I frowned and shook it twice, but the pointer still stopped at the original place, motionless.

When I got this pocket watch from the Huo family, it has been with me for more than ten years in a blink of an eye, but I didn't expect it to break for no reason.

I put it on the bed, opened the door and left the room.

He Qiyue was feeding the blind baby rice paste in the courtyard, and Dunkong was still drawing symbols.

He Zhi was actually touching the bones of Grandma He.

Almost all yin and yang arts in the world have the same origin and the same root, and they are close to each other, which is almost a must for every yang calculation.

It's just that the method of touching the bones of the bone phase is even more different.

Tianyuan Physiognomy also has its own unique features.

I didn't see Liu Zhengdao, so I don't know where he went.

Just at this time, a carriage came outside the courtyard.

The two people who jumped out of the car were both dressed in fine civilian clothes, but at first glance, they were dressed as servants.

"Mr. Li, the immortal master ordered me to invite you into the city to discuss important matters!" The two men bowed respectfully outside the courtyard, and their eyes fell on me at the same time.

My face froze.

In the early morning, I was still discussing this matter with Liu Zhengdao, but at this moment, Yuan Huashao sent someone here.

He Zhi paused, and Dun Kong, who drew the talisman, also raised his head.

He Qiyue turned to look at me in a little surprise, even Grandma He's face changed.

For them, Yuan Huashao is indeed an immortal teacher who can only be famous but not seen.

Surprised, and no wonder.

I cupped my hands on the spot and said in a deep voice, "You two wait a moment."

As soon as I finished speaking, the door on the other side opened.

Liu Zhengdao came out, his expression was calm.

He Zhi put down his hands, and Dun Kong also stood up.

Liu Zhengdao came to me.

After looking at each other with him, I said in a low voice: "Liu Daochang, let's go." Liu Zhengdao glanced at He Zhi and Dunkong, thoughtfully, and said: "Let Dunkong and He Zhi come together to join us." Stay here, if you need to take medicine, we can bring it back."

"This..." He Zhi opened his mouth.

Dun Kong was taken aback for a moment, and he nodded.

When Liu Zhengdao seldom made requests, I nodded in agreement.

Going out from He's house and getting into the carriage at the gate of the courtyard, the two servants began to drive the carriage towards Kaiyang Provincial City.

"You haven't slept for long." Liu Zhengdao said suddenly.

"I couldn't fall asleep for no reason, and woke up." I replied.

"Is there any problem?" Liu Zhengdao asked me again.

I shook my head and said no.

It's just that I somehow thought of the clock that stopped and didn't go.

After a moment of silence, I said again: "Perhaps a big event is coming, and there are always some unusual things. Those two people are not easy to deal with."

"If Yuan Huashao thinks of a way, this way will definitely not be easy to complete. Those two people are already comparable to human beings."

"Divination?" Liu Zhengdao asked me again.

I nodded and said: "After discussing this matter, I will come and make a divination." Liu Zhengdao nodded and said a good word.

But he lowered his head again, seeming to be calm.

After a while, he said: "After you divination for yourself, also divination for me."

"Father is so convinced of Mr. Jiang Yihong's hexagrams, I want to see how many wonders there are in the hexagrams of Geographical Geography, and whether I can also convince me like my father."

I was a little surprised, because I never expected that Liu Zhengdao would ask me to tell a fortune teller!

Maybe this is destiny?

Master is counting Liu Tianniu, and I am here to count Liu Zhengdao? !

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