Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1022 Make a "play"

But the only difference is that Shizun gave Liu Tianniu the last hexagram, and it is one of the strongest hexagrams in his life.

I did not reject Liu Zhengdao.

Not everyone's hexagrams need to be corrected.

Although Liu Tianniu said that he used my master's last hexagram, he didn't ask the master to set things right.

The speed of the carriage was not fast, about half an hour later, we arrived at Kaiyang City, and another half an hour later, we arrived outside Yuan's Yinyang House.

After getting out of the carriage, the servant made a gesture of invitation.

The door of the house was wide open, and Xin Jiazi was waiting in front of the door.

I was about to walk forward, but I found that Liu Zhengdao didn't move up. I turned my head and glanced at the high crown on his head. I just remembered that last time, he had to bow his head three points

The next moment, Liu Zhengdao suddenly jumped!

He directly borrowed strength from the center of the courtyard wall of Yuan's Yin-Yang House, and with another leap, he reached the top of the courtyard of the Yin-Yang House!

The two servants were startled and looked at each other.

Xin Jiazi also showed a look of astonishment, his brows were tightly frowned.

But my heart felt a lot smoother, and I walked towards the courtyard.

Xin Jiazi followed me and was admitted to the hospital with me.

Today's courtyard is not as quiet as usual.

There are three tea tables in the middle of the yard, and there is only one chair beside one table, and Yuan Huashao is sitting there.

The other two have chairs on the left and right.

As soon as we walked out of the narrow and short aisle of the hospital, I heard a faint melody coming from the back and above.

"Kaiyang suffers, Huang Xian is a disaster, cannibals' young children, all people cry!"

This tune is so sharp and slender that it makes people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

I turned my head and looked up slightly.

Above the passage is a stage.

The scene on the stage at this time made me extremely stunned.

Thin steel wires looming in the sunlight.

There are a large number of paper bundles on the stage, which are well arranged.

On the edge, there are paper bundles of people. Some of them kneel down, some hug their chests, and some support each other.

Slightly in the center, there are even weirder paper bundles.

those are not human skin

But yellow fairy skin!

Under the plump skin, there are empty eye sockets, but the yellow and white hair still gives me a sense of surprise.

These yellow fairy paper bundles, there are some smaller paper bundles under them, which seem to be children or babies, and they have been damaged.

Of course, these paper bundles are not human skin, but ordinary hemp paper.

The sharp clicking sound was mixed with the sound of crying. The combination of these two sounds gave people a feeling of extreme despair and grief.

It's like being there.

The Yellow Immortal is causing trouble, and he is dedicated to harming children!

The people could do nothing but cry around.

There was a light sound from the other side. It was Liu Zhengdao who fell to the ground. He turned his head and looked at the stage with his eyes slightly squinted.

At this moment, the paper bundles of the people around suddenly gave way.

All the sounds disappeared in an instant.

What appeared the next moment was an excited low drink.

"Immortal master is for the people, set foot in the world! The innate hexagram rises, and the yellow immortals are wiped out!" Immediately afterwards, in that gap, another paper bundle fell!

This paper pierced man is tall and tall, holding a compass in one hand and a book in the other.

Moreover, he is not a paper bundle made of human skin, but normal yellow paper. The whole paper bundle is so lifelike that it is somewhat similar to Yuan Huashao!

"This" is even more shocking in my heart.

Xin Jiazi next to me, with pious eyes, bowed deeply towards the stage.

Then he turned his head and looked at me with deeper eyes, with a hint of disdain.

The next moment, there was a cough in the courtyard.

Xin Jiazi straightened his eyes.

He looked at the stage again, and said in a deep voice: "The Immortal Master has a visitor, step back, Xu Ming."

The whoosh sound suddenly rose.

In the next moment, all the paper bundles on the stage disappeared.

Beside the tea table, Yuan Huashao put down the teacup in his hand.

He stood up and bowed towards me and Liu Zhengdao.

Liu Zhengdao returned a salute, and I also saluted.

The stage was empty, and Xin Jiazi retreated towards the courtyard gate.

Liu Zhengdao and I walked to the tea table, and Yuan Huashao sighed softly: "After saving those people, I found out that there was a paper maker among them. He has followed me since then, and even composed some operas. Sing opera in the city, and sometimes come to me to sing a song."

"When he's not singing, he stays at the gate of the house. The day you two came, the people you met all came to follow me for various reasons."

After Yuan Huashao explained, I was panicked.

Liu Zhengdao nodded, his eyes were more positive towards Yuan Huashao.

Yuan Huashao made another gesture of invitation, and then let out a light sigh: "Nephew and younger brother and sister are not here?" I explained a few sentences, saying that they still need to learn their skills, and if they are not here today, they will not delay our business .

After a pause, I clasped my fists again and told Yuan Huashao that when I plan to leave, I will take the medicine for them to recuperate their bodies.

Yuan Huashao nodded and said, "It's not a bad idea." After that, the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became a lot more dignified.

Because Liu Zhengdao asked: "Mr. Yuan, you should have thought of a countermeasure, right? Those two people have been missing for the past few days." Yuan Huashao showed a serious expression, and made another gesture of asking to sit down.

Liu Zhengdao and I just sat down.

"It's not that easy to get these two cowardly but vicious people out." Yuan Huashao picked up the teacup and blew lightly.

He took a sip of tea and said again: "No matter what trick they use, they will never show up."

"There is only one way to get them to appear."

"Let them feel that they will only appear when they can definitely kill us."

"Otherwise, they will be regarded as a trap at any time." I frowned.

Yuan Huashao's words are not without reason.

But you want them to think that they can definitely kill us?

when was that

put on a show?

Those two people are definitely not stupid, and it is impossible to deceive them by the Hongmen Banquet or the catch-in-the-urn.

I didn't speak, but continued to wait for Yuan Huashao to speak.

The next moment, Yuan Huashao said again: "One hundred miles west of Kaiyang City, there is a big mountain, and there is a tomb in the mountain, and three people are buried in the tomb."

"If my judgment is correct, those three people have already become immortals."

"When we go to open that grave, there must be many dangers, and we may even escape from death."

"Only when they are in real danger, will they judge whether they want to be orioles." My complexion suddenly changed.

Yuan Huashao's method is really strange.

But after careful consideration, what he said was really true.

The most natural danger will allow those two people to judge the gains and losses, and whether to make a move.

But in this way, it is too dangerous for us.

Not just a large tomb with three feathered corpses.

If we were really seriously injured, wouldn't those two really kill us easily?

For a while, beads of sweat dripped from my forehead.

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