Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1020 If there is a chance, I will take you to the Dixianglu

Zhang Jiugua's body trembled, and his eyelids jumped wildly.

"You have the aptitude for positive calculations, and you have a sharp tongue. You feel that you are destined for me, and I plan to fulfill you."

"However, Yang Suan, you still need to be bold and careful. Let me see how courageous you really are." I said again.

Zhang Jiugua's eyes turned hard, his chest heaved and he gasped for breath.

In three or two steps, he walked up to me and pulled out the divination knife on the ground.

My face is still calm.

Gritting his teeth tightly, Zhang Jiugua turned around and walked in front of the first corpse.

Hand up and down!

The blade reflected the cold light in the moonlight!

The next moment, there was a black blood light!

A corpse was beheaded by him!

Then, he raised his hand again and chopped off the second corpse!

There was a clicking sound.

After Zhang Jiugua finished beheading the nine corpses, his hands were shaking and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

There was even some corpse blood spattered on him, adding a bit of gloom and coldness.

"Mr. Lee"

When Zhang Jiugua turned around, his face was so pale that it became a piece of paper.

"It's terrible to dig out the corpses, or is it terrible to cut off their heads?" I asked softly.

"Digging them, as long as I am bold, they are just people who won't wake up, but when I cut off their heads, I feel that they are still alive." Zhang Jiugua's tone trembled slightly, but his eyes were more determined.

That emotion is the feeling of risking everything.

"However, Mr. Li, if you are here, even if they jump up and ask me to return their heads, I will not be afraid."

"Now, I want to attach myself to Mr. Li. In the future, I won't be afraid either!"

Zhang Jiugua clenched his fist with his right hand, raised it fiercely and pressed it against his chest!

Zhang Jiugua and I looked at each other and nodded slightly, with a lot of satisfaction in our eyes.

"You are not attached to me." I said softly.

There was a little more desire in Zhang Jiugua's eyes.

"Kneel down." I said again.

With a bang, Zhang Jiugua knelt down heavily.

"Today, I make an exception and take in another disciple to teach you the art of yang calculation."

"But you need to swear."

"This technique is never allowed to be taught to a second person. If you break your oath and reveal the secret, it will be the day when your heart will be broken." I said calmly.

Zhang Jiugua put his index finger and middle finger together, pointed at the cold moon in the night sky, and said word by word, resolutely: "I Zhang Jiugua, I swear to the sky and the moon, that I will never spread the art of yang calculation, otherwise my liver and gallbladder will be broken, and I will never die." If you are a superborn, you will suffer in the endless hell all day long!"

Zhang Jiugua's oath, at the request of me and him, was even more ruthless, which surprised me.

However, it also makes me more satisfied.

I nodded and said: "Nine hexagrams, you still need to keep in mind that after you have learned yang calculation, you will no longer be an ordinary person. Everything has cause and effect, and cause and effect have retribution. If you deceive ordinary people again, you will suffer the backlash of fate."

"Once you enter the Yin-Yang Realm, at this point, there is no turning back."

Zhang Jiugua's eyes became more tenacious!

He kowtowed to the ground three times in a row!

"The disciple only knows that he keeps going forward, and never thinks about when to turn back." The words of Zhang Jiu's hexagram are sonorous.

I took a long breath and looked up slightly at the moon in mid-air.

Lowering my head again, I whispered, "Jiu Gua, come before my eyes."

Zhang Jiugua got up immediately, and he walked in front of me, his eyes full of longing.

"Master, I also have a magic weapon?" He licked the corner of his mouth.

"There is only one magic weapon in the yang calculation of geography, which is the golden abacus on the master." I replied calmly.

Zhang Jiugua's eyes lit up even more. He lifted his hands up, obviously in the act of bearing something.

I shook my head, but smiled, and said again: "I can't give you this thing, it's also an inheritance from the heirs of geology and geology. You and Zhongliang are my disciples, but you are just the heirs of the division of yin and yang." , can’t be the heir of Geography Gemyu.”

Zhang Jiugua was stunned for a moment, and murmured: "Then how can I learn Yang arithmetic?"

"Onmyoji doesn't require artifacts. A pair of eyes and a pair of hands are also magical artifacts." I replied in a deep voice.

And my hands landed directly on top of Zhang Jiugua's head.

Then I opened my palms, and pressed my thumbs on Zhang Jiugua's side bone.

The remaining four fingers pressed Zhang Jiugua's entire face tightly!

Zhang Jiugua let out a muffled groan, and his body trembled in pain

"The foundation of yang calculation is the bone." "The wealth of a person is born with nine bones."

As I spoke, my fingers pressed on Zhang Jiugua's face and slid along the bones.

Zhang Jiugua's eyes were red with pain, and he even started to cry.

Of course I am aware of the pain of touching the bone, but this is also something that must be experienced to learn bone physiognomy.

With a serious face, I whispered:

"One is the cheekbones, the bone protruding below the end of the eyes, which can cut off a person's ambition, ambition, and power."

"The second is the post-horse, which extends from the cheekbones to the temples, and the tails of the eyes are heavenly. It shows a lifetime opportunity, a prosperous family business, and respect from others."

"The third is the bone of the general. The horns of the sun and the moon have the same bones as the ears. He has a brave personality and a life of adventure."

"Fourth and fifth are the two bones of the sun and the moon, the right eye is the moon, the right eyebrow above it is the moon bone, and the left side is the sun bone, which represents the success of youth and the development of middle age."

"As for the Six Dragons Palace, the eyes are protruding bones, which represent perseverance, the seven Fuxis are diligence, the eight Juaos are noble, intelligent, long-lived and spiritual, and the nine dragon corners are auxiliary bones, which are decisive and good at grasping opportunities, and often have great achievements."

During this period, even though Zhang Jiugua was in pain, he endured all of it without saying a word.

I touched the bones on the top of his head before letting go.

Zhang Jiugua swayed and almost didn't fall.

He didn't talk to me, but squatted on the ground with his head down, and quickly picked up a branch.

Then, he rustled and started to write down something.

At a glance, I saw through that what he wrote was actually what I said about Jiugu.

I am even more satisfied with Zhang Jiugua.

Obviously, he wanted to write it down like this because he did not forget Luo Zhongliang's mistakes.

But his position is very correct, and if he records it in time, he will not forget it.

About a quarter of an hour later, Zhang Jiugua raised his head. He looked at me and at the corpses on the ground.

"You are indeed very smart. These nine heads are for you to touch your bones."

"You don't need to compete for time, touch the bones carefully, touch all the nine bones of the nine heads, and memorize them by heart."

"As for what is good about Nine Bones, you have already written it here." I said.

Zhang Jiugua's complexion didn't change anymore, he went straight to pick up a corpse, held it in his arms, and began to imitate my movements inch by inch and began to touch it.

This scene is a bit bloody.

These corpses are far inferior to those in Di Xianglu, I feel a little bit sad.

The master taught me and prepared everything, but my teaching apprentice seemed too sloppy in comparison.

"Learn to feel the bones. If there is a chance in the future, I will take you to the Dixianglu. There are more than 100 good heads there." I said with a little nostalgia.

Zhang Jiugua staggered, but barely fell to the ground.

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