Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1019 The Spirit of Conceiving a Baby, Avoiding the Sun Pass, Full-term Fetus

I immediately remembered the woman who was with He Qiyue and stood by Grandma He's side.

Although I have doubts in my heart, this matter is not something I should ask.

He Zhi walked behind Grandma He, gently rubbed her shoulders, and said softly: "Grandma, everyone has their own destiny. No matter what choice you make, it is determined by fate, so don't worry too much about it." Grandma He was even more dazed, she Say no more.

Time, in the blink of an eye, is two days.

In the past two days, no accidents occurred.

He Qiyue returned the next day with a blind baby, who she took care of at home.

After the ghost wives of the He family came to see me, they told Grandma He that their words were not needed for the time being, and they were leaving.

Grandma He asked me for my opinion on this matter, and I said it was fine and let them all go back to recuperate.

Although one-third of the many ghost women were killed or killed, the rewards they received were not insignificant.

A large number of corpses of water ghouls, green corpses, heads of plague god living corpses

Enough to make their wolf mastiff take a big step forward!

However, there is still one person left in the He family, that is the lost soul He Youqiong.

He Zhi and I dealt with Mr. Broken Arm, but we couldn't find He Youqiong's soul in the village, and we couldn't confront him afterwards, so we let him escape.

He Youqiong was left in He's house, just waiting for us to find his soul back.

Wait until the evening of the second day, which is the third night after Zhang Jiugua and Luo Zhongliang left.

the two of them are back

Zhang Jiugua was no longer as clean and decent as before. He even lost the hat on his head, one of his glasses was broken, and his clothes were even more dirty.

Luo Zhongliang was also covered in blood, looking embarrassed.

But the eyes of both of them were extraordinarily tough, and they were pulling a bullock cart together.

On top of the bullock cart are stacked corpses!

Old Huang just mooed, and it continued to lie on its stomach without looking at it.

The red mastiff glanced at the blue eyes, snorted, and curled up on the ground to sleep.

I walked to the gate of the courtyard, with my hands behind my back, and glanced at Luo Zhongliang and Zhang Jiugua.

"Master, it is fortunate that Zhongliang did not disgrace his life." Luo Zhongliang bowed deeply to me.

Zhang Jiugua wiped the corners of his mouth, and he also bowed down, his voice obviously tired a lot.

"Mr. Li, I brought back the heads of nine corpses, and I can't chop them off." I nodded, and my eyes fell on the bullock cart again.

"Zhongliang, is there any secluded and deserted house in this village?" I asked.

Luo Zhongliang nodded immediately and said, "Yes, in the north of the village, there is a deserted Town God's Temple."

"Pull the cart over." I said again.

Luo Zhongliang immediately pulled up one rope of the bullock cart, and Zhang Jiugua pulled up the other rope at the same time, and the two pulled the bullock cart forward.

There were footsteps in the courtyard, I turned my head and saw He Zhi and Dun Kong walking from the room and main room respectively.

I waved my hand and shook my head, signaling them not to follow.

I left alone with Luo Zhongliang and Zhang Jiugua.

After a while, we arrived at the north end of the village, where there really was a Town God's Temple.

The temple has been abandoned for a long time, the courtyard wall is dilapidated, and the courtyard door is even cracked.

Zhang Jiugua and Luo Zhongliang struggled to drag the ox cart into the courtyard.

After I followed in, Zhang Jiugua let go of the rope, and he slumped on the ground all of a sudden, gasping for breath.

Obviously, this has reached the limit of Zhang Jiugua.

It was Luo Zhongliang, who gritted his teeth and stood still.

It's just that his legs trembled slightly, obviously it was at the end of his battle.

"You all make me very satisfied."

I nodded, not stingy with praise.

Luo Zhongliang opened his eyes wide, full of surprise.

Zhang Jiugua also tremblingly got up from the ground, barely supporting the bullock cart, and stood bowed.

"Both of you are too tired, rest for a while, at midnight, I will teach you things separately."

Luo Zhongliang immediately knelt down, and he and I saluted.

Zhang Jiugua was also smart, he knelt down on the ground with a bang.

And his face was even more ecstatic, his hands clutching the clothes on both sides, trembling non-stop.

I waved my hand to signal them to enter the shabby house of Chenghuang Temple.

Both got up and walked in.

In the ruined courtyard, only me and a cart of corpses were left.

Pause for a moment.

I went to untie the ropes on the bullock cart and put all the corpses on the ground.

Among them were the bodies of three pregnant women.

Almost all of them are pregnant in September or October.

The other nine corpses were indeed not to blame for Zhang Jiugua's inability to behead.

The cold moonlight swayed down, and the corpses were all covered with white fluff.

These are all White Sharks.

Although Bai Sha is a very basic corpse of transforming evil spirits, they still transform evil spirits after all.

Zhang Jiugua is just an ordinary person, even if he and Luo Zhongliang have the square plate I gave to save their lives, it is only passive to save their lives.

I have never taught apprentices, and this arrangement is always somewhat inappropriate.

I put all nine corpses on the ground and pulled the ox cart aside.

In the end, I looked at the corpse on the ground and lowered my head in thought.

The time is coming soon.

Luo Zhongliang and Zhang Jiugua were both on the edge of the dilapidated house, looking at me eagerly.

I raised my head, waved to Luo Zhongliang, and said, "Zhongliang, you come out first." Luo Zhongliang immediately walked out respectfully.

Zhang Jiugua's eyes obviously flashed with envy.

"Master, please tell me."

I took something out of my arms, it was a small booklet.

On the booklet, there are four characters of Yinsheng Jiushu.

"This is the inheritance technique of your Luo family, Yinsheng Nine Techniques. In the past, Luo Yinpo gave Yin to deceased pregnant women in ten miles and eight towns. I don't know how many families were saved from the suffering of mother and child. Helped a lot of villages to live in peace."

Luo Zhongliang stared blankly at the booklet, his hands trembling slightly, he took it over.

"The spirit of birthing babies, avoiding the sun, full-term fetus, giving birth names, twelfth month, offering incense and candles, and receiving yin birth."

I said one word at a time, and very solemnly, and said: "Today, what I am teaching you is not Yin art, but the Luo family's method of receiving Yin. These three pregnant women are for you to practice. However, Jie Yin needs to be enshrined. What you are looking for is an unowned corpse, if you can’t enshrine it, you can only suppress it with Yin Art.”

"From today onwards, you will live in this City God's Temple. When you learn the nine techniques of yin birth and connect all three pregnant women with yin, I will teach you the rest of the yin techniques and let them rest in peace."

I pondered for a while, and said again: "Before that, go to the village, catch a few black cats, and then dig up a piece of clay. I still need to teach you how to make cat bone pottery."

After finishing speaking, I untied a cloth bag that I had prepared earlier from my waist, and handed it to Luo Zhongliang.

Luo Zhongliang took it in a daze, opened it, and looked down.

"Master, this is"

"Luo Yinpo's dagger for connecting the vagina, gray fairy gloves, cat fur jacket, scissors, scales, and other magic tools." I replied.

Luo Zhongliang tied the bag around his waist more carefully.

I nodded and said, "Go."

He immediately ran towards the outside of the Town God's Temple, and soon disappeared at the end of the village road.

I looked up and looked at Zhang Jiugua at the door of the broken house.

Zhang Jiugua swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his eyes almost straightened.

"Come out, and cut off these nine heads." As I said that, I took out the divination knife and stuck it straight on the ground.

"With this knife, you can chop off these heads."

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