Luo Zhongliang and Zhang Jiugua walked out of the courtyard together.

Zhang Jiugua was a head taller than Luo Zhongliang, and he was well-dressed and clean.

For a moment, Luo Zhongliang seemed to have replaced Zhang Er, like Zhang Jiugua's follower.

The two quickly left the yard.

Zhang Er, who was standing aside blankly, also showed longing in his eyes.

However, he just looked helplessly at the courtyard door, and then looked back at me.

"Go to the back mountain and stay with those refugees. This place is not so safe for you, you are just a child."

I said kindly.

Zhang Er pursed his lips, bowed his head, saluted me again, and then turned around and ran out of the courtyard.

I closed my eyes and collected myself.

After opening my eyes again, my eyes became calmer and sharper.

I went to the main room first, and opened one of the two packages I put in the corner.

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and I saw from the corner of my eye that it was the red mastiff approaching me. Its huge head rubbed against my leg, and there was longing in its blue eyes.

At this time, He Qiyue also came into the room with a plate of food. She looked at me carefully, and there was desire in her eyes.

After concentrating for a while, I said: "The head of the plague god's living corpse needs to be suppressed with a golden ruler. The other feathered green corpse head cannot be digested by ordinary wolf mastiffs. Later, I will let Dunkong suppress the plague god's living corpse." Head, it was transformed by the God of Plague Curse. In July, you can distribute it to the wolf mastiffs of the ghosts and women of the He family. With that mouthful of green corpses and so many water ghouls, it should be enough for the strength of the He family One more time."

As soon as I finished speaking, He Qiyue's face burst into excitement.

She nodded repeatedly, even bowed to me, and said softly, "Thank you, Mr. Li, July."

I looked at the red mastiff again, its eyes longed for more, under the trembling mouth, it kept spitting.

"Take it."

I kicked the taoist head wrap that had turned into a green corpse, and the red mastiff opened its mouth wide, just in time to catch it.

It was so excited that it rushed to the corner of the yard like an arrow.

After lying down, the red mastiff pressed its head with its two front legs, and bit down on it again.

A cow moo came from another corner of the yard, and Lao Huang stood up. He flicked his tail, and the bull's eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

As a result, the red mastiff bared its teeth like it was protecting food, and let out a threatening sound.

Lao Huang changed the direction and got down on the other side of the yard.

I first put the ground pen and Tiangan inkstone on the table in the main room.

Then he went to the empty room and knocked on the door.

Soon the door of the house opened, and He Zhi appeared behind the door, and behind it was Dunkong.

His complexion improved even more, but he still lowered his head and pursed his lips.

He Zhi and I looked at each other, she pursed her lips, her eyes were complicated.

I gave her a look first, then looked at Dunkong, and said, "Dunkong, I need you to draw a blood talisman for my father." Dunkong immediately raised his head. There was joy and excitement.

"Okay, father." He immediately squeezed He Zhi out of the room, and walked quickly into the main room.

I nodded to He Zhi again, and we went into the main room with her.

He Qiyue was still standing there with the plate in her hand, but she didn't dare to put it down, for fear of interrupting her escape.

Dunkong is laying out blank talisman paper.

After I got to the side, I took the dagger directly, cut the belly of my finger, and squeezed out two drops of blood.

Dunkong was stunned for a moment, he turned his head to look at me.

"Father, you"

"Your injuries have not healed, and this corpse is no small matter, it is the blood of the father." The excitement that just rose in Dunkong was clearly dispelled by three points at this moment.

He lowered his head to grind the ink, and only picked up the brush to draw the talisman after the blood and ink were mixed together.

The plump hair tip soaked in blood and ink fell on the talisman paper, and a Five Mountains Life-Suppressing Talisman was instantly outlined.

Dunkong gently lifted the talisman and placed it aside, as if to dry.

But he never stopped.

The earth branch pen fell into the Tiangan inkstone again, sucking away the remaining blood and ink.

It's just that the amount of blood ink is not enough, obviously not enough to draw another talisman.

Just at this moment, Dunkong's mouth puffed up.

With a pop, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

The blood from the tip of his tongue just fell into the Tiangan Inkstone, and he moved faster, shaking the ground pen to mix the blood and ink evenly.

Picking up the pen, Dunkong dropped the talisman again!

This talisman is still the Wuyue town life talisman.

This time there is more blood and ink than before, and after drawing the talisman, there is still a lot left.

He drew the second Wuyue Town Fate Talisman, and immediately drew the next 24 Mountain Town Dragon Talisman!

At this point, the blood ink was completely exhausted.

Dun Kong's originally normal face turned paler now, and his eyes dimmed slightly.

I frowned.

In fact, when Dunkong vomited blood just now, I wanted to stop him, but He Zhi grabbed my arm.

Until now, when He Zhi's eyes showed distress, she let me go.

Dunkong raised his head, his pale face was full of tenacity.

But his eyes asked more.

"Father, am I useless?" His words trembled a little.

A look of anxiety suddenly appeared on He Zhi's face.

My brows frowned even tighter, my complexion was complicated, but I shook my head directly.

"Dunkong, for my father and your mother, I want you to grow up safely, and you are not useless."

"Then why, Zhang Jiugua can sacrifice his life to save people, Luo Zhongliang is still an ordinary person, and he has to worry about the livelihood of dozens of refugees, and now they have to practice under your arrangement."

"Compared to them, I really look like a useless person." Dunkong said again, the tenacity in his eyes was mixed with unwillingness.

What he said, for a while, I really didn't know how to speak.

He Zhi's eyes also panicked.

She was about to speak.

Dunkong Youmin pursed his lips, and said in a low voice: "Father, you said that Zhang Er is a child, but Luo Zhongliang's age is similar to him, and even similar to me. You said that because Zhang Er is useless. So, in your eyes, I too"

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

Another voice came from the courtyard.

"Dunkong, don't underestimate yourself." Dunkong's body froze, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Liu Zhengdao walked slowly into the main room.

"Liu Daochang" Dun Kong pursed his lips, his body trembling slightly.

Liu Zhengdao walked to Dunkong's side, he lowered his head, and carefully looked at the three talismans on the table.

"Vigorous and powerful, but without losing the spirit of mellowness, with the energy of yin and yang inside, Fangcheng is the talisman of suppressing life and suppressing mountains."

"Dunkong, don't mention age, bloodline, just look at seniority. You started earlier than me, so you can be regarded as my senior brother."

"Am I a useless person?" Liu Zhengdao asked in a deep voice.

Dunkong still pursed his lips, he shook his head.

"In that case, why do you comment on yourself like this?" Liu Zhengdao said again, his eyes were much more serious.

"Xu Fu's talisman is intended to be unmatched by anyone in the world. If you are really in a bad mood, I'm afraid you won't be able to draw such a big talisman in the future."

Dunkong's body trembled, but he clenched his teeth.

Liu Zhengdao frowned, his eyes fell on me, and there was a urging look in his eyes.

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