Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1014 Conflict Outside the House

How could I not understand what Liu Zhengdao meant?

In fact, I understood Liu Tianniu's reminder before, and Liu Zhengdao told me again, and I also understood.

The reason why Dun Kong misunderstood me like this is mostly because he was injured, so I instinctively wanted to protect him behind me.

When I escaped into the room earlier, I could see his loss.

However, the instincts developed over the years cannot be changed overnight

After walking two steps forward, I sighed softly and picked up the first Five Sacred Fate Talisman painted by Dunkong.

"Dunkong, do you still remember the two blood talismans you drew for your father when he told you that you had to go out of the courtyard?"

Dunkong lowered his head, but he didn't answer.

"You said that you wanted to protect Daddy, and you did."

"Wuyue Township's life talisman, suppressed the feathered corpse that Guan Xiantao left behind to guard the tomb."

"The Dragon Talisman of 24 Mountain Town held down the tomb that was about to collapse."

"These two talismans not only protect my father, but also my uncle, and many other gentlemen." Dun Kong raised his head, and the blankness in his eyes gradually changed into another color.

"You are definitely not useless, Xu Fu's disciple, the son of Mr. Dixiang, and the nephew of Mr. Tianyuan. A blood talisman can suppress corpses, mountains, and people. How can you be a useless person?"

"My father needs to apologize to you. Over the years, your mother and I have had some selfish intentions. We wanted to ask you to be considerate, but we ignored your desire to protect us since we were young."

While speaking, I walked to Dunkong's side and patted his shoulder lightly.

Dunkong's eye sockets gradually turned red.

I sighed again, and said again: "Since this is the case, being a father will not suppress you anymore, but you need to promise to be a father."

"Father, tell me." Dunkong suppressed the tremor in his tone.

"Don't be brave, you don't need to prove your ability to your father and mother, and you don't need to prove it to anyone else."

"Your body and skin are the parents of your parents. Under everything, life comes first." My tone gradually became serious.

Dunkong didn't hesitate, but he raised his two fingers and swore to the sky.

"Li Dunkong swears in front of his father today! He will never do anything brave, his body will be shaved, and he will be treated by his parents. Under all circumstances, his life will come first!" The wind blew up outside the house.

The wind blew into the main room, making the talisman papers rattle.

He Zhi hurried in, her eyes hurt even more.

"Dunkong, how can you raise your hand to make a poisonous oath, your father just wants you to agree." She quickly grabbed Dunkong's arm.

Dunkong smiled, and said seriously: "Mother, the vow is more firm, and it also makes you and father rest assured."

Seeing that Dunkong had regained his vigor, his complexion even turned two points rosy.

I also calmed down, and first put the Wuyue Zhenming Talisman on the head of the plague god's corpse, and then took out the golden ruler for opening the orifices.

I told He Qiyue to divide the head later.

He Qiyue nodded again and again, with uncontrollable joy in her eyes.

However, there was still a bit of envy in her eyes.

Of course, this emotion was hidden very deeply, she only showed it for a moment, and I didn't say it out.

After that, He Qiyue put down the food on the plate and whispered that everyone should eat first and go about their own business, and she will go find the other ghosts.

I, Dunkong, He Zhi, and Liu Zhengdao all sat down, and He Qiyue went to the kitchen to take out the rest of the food, and then helped Grandma He out of the room, and everyone began to eat.

After a meal, He Qiyue went to deliver the head, and Dunkong helped Grandma He back to her room.

He Zhi asked to see me.

I took a deep breath and said we're going into town now.

The He family didn't have enough horses, so He Zhi went to other places to get horses, a total of three horses.

Liu Zhengdao and I each rode a horse, while He Zhi took Dun Kong, after all Dun Kong was injured.

After leaving Feng Village, we headed straight for the provincial capital of Kaiyang.

When they arrived in the city, they followed the route in memory and went to Yuan's Yin and Yang House.

When it was almost approaching Zishi, the four of us finally arrived outside Yuan's Yin and Yang House.

The thick and tall courtyard walls give people a strong sense of oppression.

The light-transmitting windows on the wall allow people to breathe a little bit.

The vermilion gate of the house, the copper nails exude a fierce yang energy, and the ferocious stone lions are resisting all evils from outside!

Watching Yuan's Yin and Yang House for the second time, I still feel the pressure that I can't get rid of.

"It's not easy here." Liu Zhengdao said softly.

"Father, I'll knock the door." Dun Kong said seriously.

I nodded.

He immediately got off his horse and walked towards the courtyard gate.

The rest of us also dismounted.

After Dunkong knocked on the door a few times, he waited quietly.

After about a dozen breaths, the door creaked, and a gap opened!

As the door opened more, what poked out from the door was a simple round face.

He was young, not more than forty at the most.

"Who's here?!" The man's voice was rough, and he asked vigilantly.

There was doubt in He Zhi's eyes, and she glanced at me.

I said softly: "There are many experts in Yuan's yin and yang house, so it may not always be just one person guarding the door." He Zhi nodded in panic.

"We are from Jiuhe County, and we want to see Mr. Kaiyangda." Dun Kong's voice was still a little immature.

The man frowned, and immediately made a gesture of driving away.

"Mr. Da is in retreat, don't bother me! If you want to see me, wait seven years later." After saying that, he was about to close the door!

In a panic, he grabbed the door with one hand.

The temple of the man inside was swollen visibly with the naked eye, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"You want to forcibly break into the Yin-Yang House?!" His voice turned cold all of a sudden.

Dunkong still wanted to talk, I also frowned, and was about to speak.


From behind that person, a bluish figure actually flew out!

That is a paper bundle!

This paper tie has no facial features, and is smaller than the one used by the paper figurine Xu!

Zhizha arrived behind Dunkong in an instant, his arms stretched straight, and he stabbed toward the back of Dunkong's heart!

That person even got out of the Yin-Yang House all of a sudden, and slammed Dunkong's chest with both palms!

My complexion suddenly changed!

This gatekeeper is actually a paper maker? !

And his attack is really ruthless, it is a deadly attack!

Dunkong's body was tense, and his expression was extremely vigilant.

He also reached out his hands and slapped the man's forearm directly. With the help of his strength, he jumped up!

In the next moment, he actually used the He family hag's Kuixing Diandou, and sat directly on the man's shoulder!

Dunkong's legs suddenly contracted, locking his neck tightly!

The man was not tall, short in stature, and looked like a dwarf.

He immediately turned red.

The green corpse paper that attacked Dunkong fell into the air, but it just happened to pierce towards his chest!

"Boy, you are looking for death!" The man shouted.

He spread his arms suddenly!

The green corpse paper immediately froze and didn't move!

In the next moment, he yanked in his hands violently.

There were successive chirping sounds from all around!

My eyelids twitched wildly.

Because in the mid-air around Yuan's Yin and Yang House, from all directions and different positions, at least a dozen paper-wrapped people were instantly pulled out!

Most of those paper sticks are dark green, some of them are bloody and green!

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the nails on their ten fingers were pitch-black and sharp, and that fierce murderous intent shrouded the entire courtyard!

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