Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1012 The First Experience

Not only the tone of voice, but also the demeanor of Dunkong is more serious.

"You are seriously injured and need to recuperate." I frowned and said.

As soon as I said this, I noticed a change in Dunkong's mood.

He was stunned for a moment, his eyes seemed a little lost, and his head drooped.

He Zhi patted Dunkong's shoulder lightly, and she said softly: "Dunkong, father is letting you recuperate, it's for your own good." Dunkong was still silent, he stepped back a little bit, his body was slightly Very shaking.

Luo Zhongliang wanted to help Dun Kong again, but he pushed Luo Zhongliang away, clutching his chest, staggered out of the main room, and walked towards the door on the other side.

"Dunkong" He Zhi's tone was a little distressed.

Liu Zhengdao glanced at me, and his brows were also slightly frowned.

I didn't speak again.

After watching Dun Kong enter the house, I looked up and took a look outside.

The sun was even more glaring, and a stream just shone into the room, making it hard for me to keep my eyes open.

Both Liu Zhengdao and Liu Tianniu reminded me to varying degrees.

But my instincts for so many years have already made me protect Dunkong behind me.

In addition, this time Dunkong still had injuries on his body.

How can I arrange for him to do something again?

"Yin Yang" He Zhi opened her mouth, she sighed again, and said, "What should we do?"

"Rest, rest, and recharge your spirits."

"They may come back at any time, and the means will never be weak."

"Tonight, let's meet another person." I said again.

"Who are you seeing?" He Zhi immediately asked me.

"Yuan Huashao." I said in a deep voice.

After a pause, I asked He Zhi to arrange a room for Liu Zhengdao to rest, and held fists with Liu Zhengdao before I walked towards my room.

Of course, before that, I took off the two packages hanging from my waist and put them at the base of the wall.

After entering the house, I lay on the bed and looked at the beams above my head. There were several spiders in the cobwebs, and a struggling moth.

Those spiders crawled slowly, approached the moth, and began to share and eat them.

Tired and drowsy swept over me, and I fell into a deep sleep.

I slept for a long time this time, and when I woke up, the sunlight pouring into the room had become much weaker.

When I got up, I went out the door, only to find that it was almost dusk.

The bright red halo is like fresh blood.

His gaze fell to the main room. Luo Zhongliang was sitting quietly in the room. He bowed his head at his desk, and seemed to be writing something in his hand.

The kitchen on the other side is smoking. He Qiyue has come back and is cooking in it.

I didn't see He Zhi, she should be in the empty room?

At this moment, two people ran back from outside the courtyard, weren't they Zhang Jiugua and Zhang Er? !

"Mr. Li, I have already notified the Changqing Taoist Temple. I will not come back until they send people to leave." Zhang Jiugua ran up to me, clasped his fists at me and saluted, and said out of breath.

Zhang Er was holding his chest beside him and gasping for breath.

Zhang Jiugua kicked Zhang Er's leg, and Zhang Er let out an ouch, almost kneeling on the ground.

"It's not polite to see Mr. Li! Take a breath, I won't suffocate you!" Zhang Jiugua had an expression of hating iron but not steel.

Only then did Zhang Er bow to me in trepidation.

I laughed dumbfounded, and looked at Zhang Jiugua's face again, feeling thoughtful.

"You're smart." I said.

Zhang Jiugua licked the corner of his mouth, his eyes became brighter.

"Mr. Li's praise." He answered seriously.

"Why don't you go to Hongyuan County? You probably don't know the Suspected Dragon Sutra. It's also a Yin-Yang technique with a different path. It's designed to walk through steep mountains and enter unworldly caves." I said again.

Zhang Jiugua lowered his head slightly, his eyes became more respectful.

"Mr. Li, we are destined. I think it is true fate, not the silver dollars that other gentlemen want. Mr. Li is rare in the world." Zhang Jiugua's tone was much more solemn.

What he said made me more interested.

Looking at Zhang Jiugua again, I said again: "Continue." Zhang Jiugua took a deep breath, and he said again: "I made a poisonous oath when I buried my mother's body. Go live, live out a person who stands out, if not feared by all, then admired by all!"

"Also, my irresponsible father, I must make him repent!"

"Mr. Li, you still have murderous intent."

After saying that, Zhang Jiugua bowed almost ninety degrees.

What he said made me think about it, and I thought of my struggle and life back then

Zhang Jiugua saved Luo Zhongliang this time, and undoubtedly helped me a lot.

If Luo Zhongliang's honest character fell into the hands of Mr. Broken Arm, he would definitely not be as slick as Zhang Jiugua and deal with him.

I will definitely be threatened, and something may happen to Luo Zhongliang.

Because there must be results, the feedback Zhang Jiugua wants is not money.

I can even judge that he wants money, besides survival, it is what he calls "fate" for Mr.

I pondered for a while, then looked at Zhang Jiugua, and asked, "Are you brave?"

Zhang Jiugua raised his head, his action was very funny.

Moreover, his glasses slipped down quite a bit and landed on the bridge of his nose.

With one hand on the rim of his glasses, he said seriously, "Sir, what are you referring to? I let the militiamen point their guns at the head and put a kitchen knife on the head of the rich businessman who went to the brothel, and I dare to block your way. "

"" For a moment, Zhang Jiugua choked.

Taking a deep breath, I said again: "It's not that bold, I let you spend the night with the corpse, do you dare?" Zhang Jiugua's body froze

He hesitated for a moment, and said: "If it's a beautiful female corpse, I'd probably dare. If it's a corpse like Mr. Cyclops just now, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare Mr. Li. The corpse is still very scary. The cold touch, I touch it. What happened in many villages back then is now a nightmare." At this moment, Luo Zhongliang in the room raised his head.

He glanced at Zhang Jiugua in a daze, and then looked at me again.

I nodded, waved my hand immediately, and said, "Zhongliang, come out."

Luo Zhongliang immediately got up and walked towards me.

He was holding a piece of paper in his hand.

When he got close to me, Luo Zhongliang handed me the paper.

I looked down, and there was a look of satisfaction in my eyes.

What Luo Zhongliang wrote down was obviously all the things I had told him about inferno arts, and some of them were his own opinions.

Luo Zhongliang not only has an excellent memory, but also his talent for Yin arts is definitely not weak.

"Very good." I said, and returned the paper to Luo Zhongliang.

Then, I said: "I'll give you two other things, go find a nearby mass grave, or other unowned tombs, Zhongliang, you have to bring back three female corpses, the female corpses must be pregnant mothers-in-law .”

"As for Zhang Jiugua, you have to bring back nine corpses." After a pause, I took out another thing, which was the square plate for the compass.

"This thing can protect you from death. Be bold and careful. This is a test."

"After you come back, I have other arrangements." I said again.

Zhang Jiugua didn't reach out, Luo Zhongliang took the square plate respectfully, his forehead was sweaty, but his expression was extremely solemn.

"The apprentice must fulfill the master's entrustment."

"It's getting dark, let's go." I waved my hand, signaling for them to go.

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