"There is a soul crossing talisman in the talisman, which is used as a supernatural power."

Liu Zhengdao looked down at the corpse again, and said: "Although they died, they didn't have much resentment. Most practitioners of Taoism are like this. If they didn't suffer great disasters during their lifetime, they wouldn't cause disasters to the world."

"But they were killed by the vicious corpses, and the yin and resentment blocked the corpses, making it difficult to reincarnate normally. The Soul Crossing Talisman can free them."

It was Liu Zhengdao's explanation that made me suddenly understand.

After a moment of silence, I sighed softly, "I've never seen Dunkong use it before. I didn't expect that the range of talisman techniques can be so wide."

Liu Zhengdao shook his head, and said, "Dunkong is always by your side. Even if there is any major matter, you will deal with it. Naturally, he can't use all the talismans." When Liu Zhengdao said this, he had his hands behind his back.

His shadow was reflected by the river, the high crown was extremely upright, and even Liu Zhengdao's whole aura was raised a lot.

The words he said are similar to those of Liu Tianniu.

And Liu Tianniu's is more straightforward, that is, we have too strict control over escape.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed down and took this matter to heart.

"Liu Daochang, let's go back to Feng Village first. The matter of this gentleman still needs to be discussed in the long term. I also want to write a letter to my brother." I said to Liu Zhengdao again.

Liu Zhengdao nodded.

He wanted to pull me away again, so I quickly raised my hand and made a blocking motion.

"He has already escaped, so there is no need to hurry. I still need to think about some things." I said immediately.

Actually, I don't just have to think things through.

What's more, Taoist priests of the Liu family cultivate themselves like this all the year round, and they are not afraid of the bumps on the road. I'm fine once or twice, but if I really have to keep up with this speed, it's too much of a burden on my body.

We went to the entrance of the village from the original road, and after that, we walked back to Feng Village.

Along the way, I thought for a long time.

That person's strength has almost been exposed.

His own skill, like all gentlemen, was a drawback.

In fact, he didn't go up a few more steps in Yin Yang art.

Both Jiang Pan and I have achieved great success in yin and yang techniques. Tianyuandixiang is already strong enough, so he may not be better than us in this kind of technique.

It's just that he has been behind it all the time.

If the veil is lifted and the face is dealt with head-on, it is still unknown who will win the battle.

At this time, I thought of one more thing, a lot of cold sweat oozed from my back!

"Sure enough, it's not just one person." I stopped, squinting my eyes slightly, and my expression was only cold.

"What did you think of?" Liu Zhengdao also stopped, his face was dignified.

"Beside Huang Zhiyuan, there is another gentleman who has turned against me." I said in a deep voice, word by word.

Then, I told Liu Zhengdao everything about that year.

Moreover, I told Liu Zhengdao about my guess about the gentleman in front of me.

Liu Zhengdao didn't speak for a while, he was also bowing his head in thought.

My thoughts and deduction are extremely fast.

Just when I raised my head, Liu Zhengdao narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke first.

"These two people should be accomplices. Just like your guess, they are not only seeking Tianyuan, but also Mister Kaiyang."

"They didn't follow you, probably because you became famous too late. When Jiang Pan first became famous, the geographer was Jiang Yihong, a gentleman, not an existence they dared to touch. When you became famous, they should have no intention of plotting against you. "

"In addition, there is another very important point, you will not live in a certain place for a long time." Liu Zhengdao's words are also in line with my inference and guess.

Nodding my head, I said again: "The two of you plan separately and share what you need. When you can get it, you should help the other person."

"This time, either he will give up Yuan Huashao, or the two of them will come to us again." My tone became more serious.

Liu Zhengdao's expression suddenly became extremely cold.

After a pause, I said again: "Yuan Huashao probably knows about such a person, but he doesn't know how many schemes that person has against him. Maybe it's a mistake, or maybe he knows about the water ghoul. Yes, I happened to be here, but I became a knife for him to plot against this person."

"No matter what the possibility is, for this matter, I can go directly to Yuan Huashao, it is impossible for him not to show up!" As soon as I finished speaking, Liu Zhengdao nodded directly.After that, we didn't talk any more.

Not long after, he returned to Kaiyang City.

After a short period of time, he returned to He's house in Fengcun.

At this time, the He family was almost cleaned up, and the blood on the road had completely disappeared.

He Zhi, Dunkong, He Qiyue, Luo Zhongliang, including Zhang Jiugua and Zhang Er brothers were all in the He family hall.

Obviously, after I left, they returned here, and Zhang Jiugua arrived later.

I entered the hospital with Liu Zhengdao.

A few of them hurried out.

Dunkong's injury has not healed yet, so it was Luo Zhongliang who supported him.

He Zhi's eyes were all on Liu Zhengdao, and she looked at the top of Liu Zhengdao's head even more in astonishment.

Liu Zhengdao nodded slightly, and he adjusted the rope of his chin again, as if fixing Gao Guan.

"From a distance, I thought it was the Great Elder." He Zhi pursed her lips, and she said bitterly.

Liu Zhengdao didn't answer.

There was even more joy on Dunkong's face, he broke free from Luo Zhongliang's support, and went to Liu Zhengdao again.

Liu Zhengdao clasped his fists together, and actually saluted slightly.

Obviously, although Liu Zhengdao is older, he has a difference in etiquette.

Dunkong first entered Xu Fu's sect as a senior brother.

He didn't call out senior brother, but saluted.

Dun Kong was about to speak, but Lao Huang on the other side mooed.

Liu Zhengdao turned his head to look at Lao Huang, his complexion changed slightly, and there was a lot of complexity and embarrassment in his eyes.

As for Zhang Jiugua and Zhang Er, they just stopped at the door of the main room and did not move forward.

"Go into the house first, July, later you need to help me find someone to deliver the letter. This person must be trustworthy and fast." I said in a deep voice.

Everyone immediately moved away from me and Liu Zhengdao.

After I entered the main room, I immediately took out the ground pen and Tiangan inkstone to write letters.

After I wrote everything down, I asked He Qiyue to take a piece of yellow paper. I folded the letter paper into the yellow paper and wrote on it, Jiang Pan kissed me.

He Qiyue and I have repeatedly urged that this letter must be sent to Panjiang Honghe, my elder brother Jiang Pan.

He Qiyue took the letter, her face was extremely serious, she turned around and left the yard in a hurry.

He Zhi's eyes were full of inquiries.

I pondered for a while, and didn't answer He Zhi immediately, but looked at Zhang Jiugua, and said in a low voice: "Zhang Jiugua, you and Zhang Er also go to do something."

"Go to Changqing Taoist Temple and tell them that there is a small village in the southwest of Kaiyang City, where there are the bodies of their temple master Mao Tong and three Taoist priests."

"Let them collect the corpse."

Excitement suddenly appeared on Zhang Jiugua's face, and he immediately stepped out of the yard.

Zhang Er followed behind him.

After arranging this, I closed my eyes and breathed steadily.

Opening my eyes again, I looked towards Dunkong.

Dunkong's complexion is much better than before. Although he is injured, he is more energetic.

This is the function of the Liu family pill.

"Father, my injury is fine, tell me, what do you want me to do?" Dunkong said very seriously.

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