Liu Zhengdao reached out quickly.

In the next moment, there was a whistling sound!

I saw Liu Zhengdao's sleeves tremble.

From below, there was a muffled hum

Then, Liu Zhengdao broke a lot of tiles with his palm, and he fell towards the house!

A puff of smoke cleared, and I could see the situation below clearly.

Liu Zhengdao has disappeared

In the room, there was only one Zhang Jiugua sitting on the ground paralyzed.

Zhang Jiugua could no longer keep his composure on his face at this time, showing a look of panic.

At the same time, he raised his head, just passed the hole Liu Zhengdao made, and looked at me.

"Mr. Li!?" Zhang Jiugua's eyes showed ecstasy, and his voice was filled with surprise.

He stood up tremblingly from the ground.

"Mr. Li, why don't you come down?!"

I frowned, and asked again in a low voice: "Where's the priest just now, and Mr. Broken Arm?!"

Zhang Jiugua pointed to the diagonal right.

"There's a door over there. Mr. Broken Arm was hit by an arrow in his left shoulder just now, and he ran towards it. The Taoist priest who came down caught up." I didn't hesitate any longer. I put my hands on the edge of the damaged roof and went straight towards the door. Jump down.

After landing hard, the momentum made me roll another two or three meters.

I got up again, but Zhang Jiugua was slightly dumbfounded.

"Follow me." While I was speaking in a deep voice, I ran directly diagonally to the right.

Sure enough, there was a broken door there!

After getting in, it was a narrow and long room, and I walked quickly through it.

Soon, run out through the door on the other side.

This is already outside the compound!

Not only that, there is actually a choppy river more than ten meters away!

This road passes through the city and is a tributary of Yangjiang!

By the river in the distance, I just saw a figure jumping into the river, and the water sprayed up!

Liu Zhengdao was on the bank of the river, he suddenly pulled out his waist whisk, and hit the river hard!

There was a muffled bang, and the water splashed at least three or four meters high!

But the person who fell into the river did not reappear

I hurried forward.

Liu Zhengdao suddenly jumped again, and he jumped directly to the middle of the river!

The scorching sun was dazzling, and Liu Zhengdao's outline was drawn into a golden edge.

Because his vision was affected, Liu Zhengdao's body seemed to be pitch black.

Three talisman papers shot out from Liu Zhengdao's cuff!

The talisman slipped into the water in an instant.

There was another bang.

This section of the river has dropped by half a meter!

But even so, Mr. Na was still not forced out of the water

During this period, I have already ran to the river.

Liu Zhengdao fell into the water, stepped on the water twice with his cloth shoes, then used his strength to get up again and returned to the shore.

"There was something in the water that tore him away." Liu Zhengdao said in a deep voice.

"He set up water ghouls on the entire Yangjiang River in Kaiyang City. I poisoned and cleaned up a batch of the main streams. There should be a few remnants of these tributaries." I replied.

A panting sound came from beside him, Zhang Jiugua clutched his chest, and sat down on the ground again.

Liu Zhengdao paused, and said again: "I'll go after him, you take this kid back." I immediately raised my hand again and directly pressed Liu Zhengdao's shoulder.

"Don't chase after poor bandits, and you don't know whether he is upstream or downstream. If you get the wrong place, you will never be able to catch up." I said again.

After thinking for a while, I said again: "Last night, he led me to a village where three murderous corpses were arranged, and now there is the last one left."

"That one is in the water, he should go back."

As soon as I finished speaking, Liu Zhengdao's hand fell on my shoulder.

"Direction." Liu Zhengdao said in a heavy tone.

I lifted my breath lightly, and first lowered my head and told Zhang Jiugua to let him go back to Feng Village, and then I pointed out the direction with Liu Zhengdao.

Liu Zhengdao rushed forward, this time he was faster.

After a while, we left the area southwest of the city, and passed over many roofs of Kaiyang City.

After leaving the city, it took another quarter of an hour before we arrived at the village of last night.

But what made my face change drastically was that this village was actually billowing with thick smoke, and the houses at the entrance of the village had been burned down, leaving only darkness.

In the village behind, flames filled the air.

Liu Zhengdao frowned, but he didn't speak.

My face began to look cloudy and uncertain.

"It's impossible for him to come back so fast. After He Zhi and I went back, he grabbed Zhang Jiugua and fled all the way to Kaiyang City. Are those Taoist priests from Changqing Taoist Temple?!" I murmured.

It is indeed possible for those Taoist priests.

We destroyed the village, destroyed the evil spirits, and saved their lives.

In order to avoid future troubles, the probability of burning the village is not small.

Liu Zhengdao had a questioning look on his face.

I whispered: "Go to the end of the village first." Liu Zhengdao immediately pulled me up and made a detour from the other side of the village.

There is a big fire in the village, even if he is good at it, it is not a wise choice for us to walk through the thick smoke.

After a while, we went around the whole village and came to the tail of the village.

The narrow river at the end of the village flows extremely slowly.

But what made my complexion change again was that there were four dead bodies by the river

They were all wearing Taoist robes, but their death conditions were extremely miserable.

Almost all of them were headed backwards, almost submerged in the water, and their necks were stretched out of shape.

One of the Taoist priests had a broken arm, and the rest of their arms were clinging to the shore.

You can see that there are many scratches on the shore

"I was strangled to death by something in the water." My voice became a lot harsher.

Then, I took out the fixed compass.

I took two steps forward, but the compass did not turn when I set the compass

This means that there is nothing in the water

"It's gone!" My heart sank a little more.

Liu Zhengdao kept his eyes on those corpses, and deep vertical lines almost formed between his brows.

"Do you know these people?" He asked.

I just explained the situation to Liu Zhengdao.

Liu Zhengdao pondered for a moment, and he said: "It is impossible for them to leave the village entrance when they know that there is a problem in the village. As soon as you leave, something else may happen."

"That person may not be acting alone, and there is another person watching by the village, but you are too strong, so he dare not come out?" Liu Zhengdao's words were full of doubts.

My complexion changed again.

Really want to say something like Liu Zhengdao.

Then the complexity of this matter has risen by more than one step!

But what he said is really possible.

If this is not the case, then these four Taoist priests are looking for death themselves, so they will cross the village and go to a dead end

The next moment, Liu Zhengdao took two steps forward and arrived at the corpses of the four Taoist priests.

Crouching down, Liu Zhengdao took out four talisman papers and pasted them on the heads of the four corpses.

Under the sunlight, the talisman paper curled slightly, and the words drawn on it seemed to have a much darker color.

The corpse itself was gradually drying up.

Liu Zhengdao took off the talisman paper and put it in his pocket.

Then, he said: "Find someone to inform the people of Changqing Taoist Temple to collect the corpse."

I nodded first, and then asked suspiciously: "Daoist Liu, those four talismans?"

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