She didn't speak, and continued to walk forward.

During this period, we did not go up the mountain in a daze, but kept paying attention to the ground and looking at the blood.

No matter whose blood belongs to it, it must be the direction of the way.

After walking for about half an hour, I saw a ruined temple

There are crowds of people at the gate of the temple, and they seem to be looking inside.

My eyelids twitched wildly, and I walked directly towards the gate of the temple.

Someone spotted me and shouted in a low voice: "Mr. Li is here! Get out of the way!"

Suddenly, the group of people at the gate of the temple dispersed.

I walked closer and saw the scene inside the temple.

Dun Kong was leaning against a wall, he had a deep wound on his shoulder, bleeding.

Luo Zhongliang and another refugee beggar were helping, while He Qiyue carefully treated Dunkong's wounds

Dunkong's face was extremely weak, and the red mastiff was lying on the side, it kept whimpering slightly.

Even it revealed an irrepressible worry.

"Dun Kong!" He Zhi's voice trembled, and she stepped faster, directly into the temple, and arrived beside Dun Kong.

Luo Zhongliang barely raised his head.

He was stunned for a moment, first he called out to Mrs. Mistress, then he immediately got up and bowed to me.

"I have seen Master"

I nodded and went straight to Dunkong.

Although Dunkong was injured and weak, he was not unconscious.

On her immature face, there was tenacity.

"Father, mother," Dunkong pursed his lips and called us.

He Qiyue didn't look at me and He Zhi, and was still applying medicine to Dunkong.

"What about others?" I immediately asked Dunkong.

Dunkong's face paled for a moment, and he whispered: "Father, go and save people."

"Zhang Jiugua, he took him away." My face changed slightly, and my brows suddenly frowned.

Zhang Jiugua was taken away? !

My eyes immediately fell on Luo Zhongliang.

I vaguely guessed, took another look, and asked Dunkong and Luo Zhongliang to talk together to clarify the matter.

Dunkong gasped, and then he said: "Qiyue and I have been chasing him, but he used a crossbow arrow halfway, but I didn't block it, got injured, and rolled down the hillside. July and Chimastiff rescued him. Me, I have been injured and chased forward, but the crossbow bolt is a bit poisonous, when I chased here, I couldn’t do it anymore, so I had to stop."

As soon as Dunkong's voice fell, Luo Zhongliang's complexion paled a lot.

He lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Just now, a short man with a broken arm and one eye came here. He suffered a lot of injuries and looked very embarrassed. After arriving, he immediately asked, who is you?" apprentice"

"I wanted to figure it out, but Zhang Jiugua stopped me and asked him what's the matter?"

"The man said, he is your friend, you are injured"

I frowned quite a bit again, this person used one excuse from entering Feng Village to He's house, and all the way to the ruined temple.

Although this excuse has few tricks, it is indeed very deceiving.

Especially at the crisis point, it will distract those who care about me first.

I didn't interrupt Luo Zhongliang, I kept listening.

He continued: "The man also said that he was entrusted by you to come up to find your disciple and go down the mountain to help."

"Zhang Jiugua took out a copper talisman and asked him if he knew what it was."

"The man asked Zhang Jiugua to help him, and the two hurried down the mountain from the direction of entering the city."

"After they left, Zhang Jiugua's younger brother, Zhang Er, told us that his brother saw something wrong, and the person who came here must have malicious intentions. His brother put himself at risk to lure people away to save everyone."

"After that, Zhang Er also followed."

At this point, Luo Zhongliang's eyes showed annoyance.

"I should have stood up directly, so that the matter of Zhang Jiugua being taken away has nothing to do with him."

He Zhi was still treating Dunkong's wounds, but she still didn't look up.

Dunkong pursed his lips tightly, he looked at me with urging in his eyes.

Dunkong rarely gives me such an emotional response.

I took a deep breath, paused for a while, and then said: "Chief, you are here to protect the escape."

As I said that, I directly took out the jade bottle that I asked her to take away last time.

He gave her the last medicine from the Liu family, and told Dunkong to take it.

Then, I turned around and walked towards the temple gate.

Luo Zhongliang immediately followed me.

I raised my hand and directly pressed down on his shoulder.

"It's useless for you to follow me. You can't save people. I can go alone." I said in a deep voice.

"Master, respect me." Luo Zhongliang was ashamed in his eyes.

I shook my head, said nothing, and galloped down the mountain from the other side of the temple gate.

The sun is getting bigger and bigger, more and more dazzling.

The perfectly round sun was already hanging in mid-air.

In the process of chasing down the mountain, I have not seen any blood on the road.

Obviously, that person will take care of the "trouble".

Even though my body is ironed under the sun, my heart is heavy.

Zhang Jiugua is really smart. He has been in the market since he was a child, looking for ways to survive, and he has the talent for calculation.

If he hadn't seen the signs, Luo Zhongliang might be the one who was taken away.

cause and effect

If Zhang Jiugua died in the hands of that person, then Luo Zhongliang would have to bear the burden of the cause and effect, which would only do him harm, not the slightest benefit.

Besides, I can't let him go!

He should soon find out that Zhang Jiugua is a fake.

At that time, he will definitely be furious, and Zhang Jiugua will be in danger

The speed under my feet is faster.

The hillside came to an end, and I walked up the road from the foot of the hill.

At both ends of the road, the road surface is wide, my complexion became gloomy, and I glanced back and forth.

Because I'm not sure which direction the man took Zhang Jiugua.

Go forward, go to Kaiyang City, and go back, turn back, you can go to Feng Village.

Going to the city, he can get out of trouble and find another chance to deal with me.

If he goes back to Feng Village again, he can also cause the He family ghost mother-in-law to suffer heavy losses!

Just as I was hesitating, a trembling voice came from the side of the road.

"Mr. Li Li?"

I turned my head and saw a figure in embarrassment emerged from the bushes under the road ridge.

This person is Zhang Jiugua's younger brother, Zhang Er!

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