The courtyard of the He family was almost demolished, with a lot of blood splattered on the ground.

Lao Huang was lying in a corner of the yard, with a deep wound on the huge bull's head.

It also had quite a few small wounds on its body, and its fur was soaked in blood, making it look extremely weak.

I noticed that there were torn clothes and blue-black hair among the bloodstains.

I walked quickly towards Lao Huang.

He Zhi's face was tense, and she called out even more in a trembling voice: "Dun Kong!" In a blink of an eye, I came to Lao Huang, his eyelids were raised, and there was a lot of fatigue in his eyes, and he let out a moo.

"Pheaser, treat Lao Huang's wounds first." My voice was extremely low, and I clenched my fists tightly.

He Zhi pursed her lips, her body was trembling slightly, which was obviously worried.

But she still listened to me and came to Lao Huang.

He Zhi quickly took out the medicine and needles and thread for the wound, and began to sew the open wound on the top of Lao Huang's head.

At this time, there was a slight shout in the house.

I immediately took a step and walked towards the door of the main room!

Pushing open the closed door of the main room.

I just saw that at the door of the room on the right, Grandma He was about to come out with a cane.

At first glance, Granny He has no new injuries except the old ones.

"Grandma He." I called her in a low voice, and quickly stepped forward.

Grandma He raised her head, and the creases on her extremely old face were trembling slightly.

"If something goes wrong, go find Dunkong!" Grandma He's voice trembled.

My eyelids twitched wildly, and I asked Grandma He in a low voice, what's going on, please explain it to me in detail first.

Grandma He said again: "In the middle of the night, a man came. He said he was your friend. Something happened to you and the pheasant. Let us quickly send someone to follow him to rescue you."

"Jiyue was in a mess when he just came back, and he was going to take the ghost woman with him. This kid is smart, so he asked the man some details. After the man answered, Dun Kong immediately exposed him as a liar."

"Afterwards, the villagers in the village rushed up. Those villagers were all knocked over, and it was strangely fierce."

"Even among them, there is a ghost woman mixed in."

When Grandma He said this, my complexion became more and more serious.

The whole village crashed?and hag

What kind of pressure must Dunkong face? !

Even though my thoughts were like this, I didn't interrupt Grandma He and let her continue talking.

Grandma He paused for a moment to catch her breath, and then said: "Dunkong drew a talisman with blood, and everyone's collisions will be destroyed."

"That man fought against Dun Kong twice more, he was defeated, and was hit on the chest by Lao Huang."

"Afterwards, he fled towards the back mountain. Dunkong and Chimastiff chased after him. Qiyue refused to listen to persuasion and followed him. But I'm afraid there is still something to do. It's been almost an hour, you have to chase him quickly."

Although Grandma He was in a hurry, her words were well-founded.

I took a deep breath to calm my thoughts and my breathing.

I've pretty much sorted things out.

That person was indeed diverting the tiger away from the mountain to deal with Dun Kong in He's family.

He was really well-prepared, and the people in a village ran into trouble, and even took advantage of the ghost woman!

But he never expected that Dunkong not only exposed him first, but even destroyed his entire plan with a talisman!

Dunkong was chasing after him, at least, an hour ago, Dunkong was still in the upper hand.

What makes me faintly worried is, does this person have more preparations?

Maybe he has calculated his own defeat, and there is a backup?

However, the probability of this is already very low.

He doesn't have that much time to prepare.

Not knowing about Dunkong is very likely to be the biggest variable he faces!

Of course, if Dunkong really forced him to a certain situation, he might still show some things.

A gentleman who is always strategizing in the dark and scheming to harm others will never lack the means to save his life.


There is also a ruined temple in the back mountain, Luo Zhongliang is there

My face became extremely serious, and I whispered: "Grandma He, you should rest well, I will go to the back mountain now, nothing will happen."

She nodded, worry still lingering on her face.

I turned around, and He Zhi was already standing at the door of the main room.

Her pretty face was full of cold light, and the murderous intent in her eyes was ready to burst out.

He Zhi and I nodded.

She immediately turned around and walked out of the courtyard.

I followed her closely, and when I went out from the courtyard gate, Lao Huang let out a cow moo, as if reminding us to be careful.

I turned to it and nodded.

After a while, we have entered the village road and are almost at the end of the village.

To go up the back mountain, riding a horse will only delay time, and it is not as fast as walking.

After another half a cup of tea, we arrived at the foot of the back mountain.

In the turf, some bloodstains were seen here and there.

At this time, the early sun rose, and the weak sunlight shone down, making the blood stains glow.

Mixed with the dewdrops on the grass blades, it gives people a very crystal feeling.

He Zhi's face became more tense, and the murderous intent on her face became stronger.

"It shouldn't be from Dunkong, it might belong to that person." I whispered again, trying to calm He Zhi's emotions a little.

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