Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1008 Liu Huayan, Liu Zhengdao

"Come here." I immediately waved to Zhang Er.

Zhang Er ran up to me with swollen legs, his eyes were filled with panic.

"Mr. Lee Lee"

"My brother..." Zhang Er's voice stuttered because he was too scared.

"Which direction are they going?" I asked in a deep voice.

Zhang Er raised his hand and pointed towards Kaiyang City.

I nodded and said, "Go up the mountain and go back to the temple, I will bring him back safely." The panic in Zhang Er's eyes suddenly turned into surprise, and he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to me.

I didn't pause, and walked straight ahead.

The sun is getting stronger and stronger, so that I can only squint my eyes slightly.

This mountain is not far from Kaiyang City.

After walking for about half an hour, I arrived outside Kaiyang City.

Although Kaiyang City is huge, I know they are here, so I can find someone.

Zhang Jiugua belongs to Kuntu. According to the method of Bagua, he should be in the southwest of Kaiyang City.

In the dark, everything has its own definite number.

The more gentleman you are, the more you cannot escape this fate.

When I entered the city again, I went straight to the southwest.

But at this time, I felt a little weird.

It seems that there is someone staring at me from behind. Although that feeling is not malicious, it makes me extremely uncomfortable.

The speed under my feet was faster, and I deliberately changed two streets first.

But the gaze is still like a shadow

I entered the third street again.

This street is extremely quiet, there are no pedestrians on the road, and there are no shops on either side.

This is a street of households. At this time, they are either going to work or do business, or go to the fields to do work.

I stopped in the middle of the street and looked back.

"Come out." I narrowed my eyes slightly and shouted in a deep voice.

It was quiet at first

After a while, a person came out.

Long, silky hair draped over her shoulders.

The slender neck is extremely beautiful, her skin is fair, and her eyes are extraordinarily plain.

He was dressed in a light blue robe, with rows of mahogany swords tied around his waist.

My pupils constricted, and I froze for a moment.

"Liu Huayan!?"

"Li Yinyang, long time no see." Liu Huayan said softly, she shook her head again: "Every time I see you, you are exhausted." Me: "" For a while, I didn't know how to speak.

I looked around, but I didn't see Liu Zhengdao.

Squinting my eyes slightly, I took a deep breath and said, "I have met the Great Elder." Liu Huayan lowered her head, she paused for a moment, and said, "I guessed it."

"I have a lot of things I want to say to you, but today, I have something important to do, can you go with me?" I said again immediately.

Of course, when I say peers, I don’t mean to use Liu Huayan.

It's just that I want to complete the explanation of the great elder.

But the most urgent thing is to catch up with that person.

Now I am using the method of ordering, if I see that person, he will definitely not be able to escape.

It doesn't matter if there is anyone to help.

But if Liu Huayan left, it would not be so easy to find her again.

But Liu Huayan said softly: "Do you want me to help?" I shook my head, and told her directly, I can help, but I can't help, my purpose is mainly what the elder said.

Liu Huayan sighed, and she said again: "Master, I was wrong." I frowned.

When Liu Huayan looked at me again, her eyes became dull and profound in an instant.

It's like being able to suck people into the abyss!

"I roughly guessed that he wanted you to persuade me, but this matter is not what you imagined." "You, after finishing this matter, leave Kaiyang City as soon as possible." Liu Huayan said softly.

The moment she finished speaking, Liu Huayan jumped up lightly, and she jumped onto a roof.

In an instant, she disappeared from my sight.

My face changed again, and I was silent for a while, and I was about to turn around and leave.

But immediately after, there was another crackling sound.

On the eaves where Liu Huayan disappeared just now, there was an extra person.

This person was wearing a dark blue taoist robe, with a long beard nearly three inches long. He was tall, generous, and had a particularly stern face.

"Daoist Liu?!" I stopped again.

Liu Zhengdao glanced at me, and he looked in another direction.

The next moment, he was going to chase after him again.

"Daoist Liu! Wait a minute!" I yelled again in a low voice.

Liu Zhengdao stopped for a while, and then he looked back at me.

"The hexagram of He Xiao's Er Mie Er can't be easily reversed. I have already discussed the matter of Liu Huayan with the First Elder."

"I know what you want to do, and the elder agrees with you."

"He wants me to give you something."

"You don't want to chase Liu Huayan any more, just follow me, I'll solve this matter with you after I've dealt with the matter at hand!" I spoke very fast, because of Liu Zhengdao's skill, if I don't say hurry up, He disappeared quickly.

After saying that, I pulled out something from the clothes on my side.

That is a high crown!

The high crown that once belonged exclusively to Liu Tianniu!

Liu Zhengdao's body visibly trembled.

He jumped up and came up to me.

His originally stern eyes were a little red, he stared at the high crown in my hand, raised his hand, but the palm was trembling.

"Father" Liu Zhengdao's voice trembled even more.

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