Indeed, if Li Chu hadn't borrowed the name of the Pharmaceutical Research Office of the General Hospital, he wouldn't have dared to give the newly made medicine to others casually.Although he can guarantee that there is absolutely no problem with his medicine. "Then do you know what kind of medicine this is?" "Yes, men take medicine." "Have you ever taken it?" "Hey, I took one a few years ago. Don't tell me, the effect is really good." This man is definitely an old gun, and he is not afraid at all after being caught in the detention room, as if he is sure that the police will not do anything to him. "Who did you get the medicine from years ago?" Li Chu let out a breath and continued to ask. "Years ago? Oh, I got it from Mingguang that time." "He only gave you the medicine, and didn't give you anything else?" Change." At this point Li Chu didn't continue to ask, he just stood up, turned around and walked out.Until then, Sun Dacheng seemed to have noticed that the person who asked him was wearing military trousers, and said in a daze: " are Li Chu, why do you look so familiar, the government, He gave me my medicine." Unfortunately, no one believed his words.After walking out of the detention room, without waiting for anyone else to say anything, Li Chu said, "Comrade Wan, show me the half pill just now." Dropped it in his mouth.This action startled all the people present, and it was too late to stop it.Standing aside, Wang Jiadong didn't react at all, he just went into the next house and brought out a glass of water.He is used to the scenes of uncle and Wenxuan eating those Chinese herbal medicines. "Director Li, this is..." Wan Chaoyang's heart jumped into his throat, what should he do if something goes wrong?Li Chu waved his hand indifferently, tasted it carefully in his mouth, then spat it into the trash can placed next to him, and took the water glass in Jiadong's hand to rinse his mouth. "Did you take the other half pill for testing?" "Yes, we handed it over to the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine." "The formula of this medicine is fine, but the content is wrong. According to the time, the person who made the medicine was the last He also got the formula years ago, but it is obviously impossible for him to get it. The person who made the medicine should have obtained the medicine. The formula was obtained by testing the medicine, but the content of each medicine cannot be tested in a short time. , so he made a fake one out, probably to make money." Handing the remaining medicine to Wan Chaoyang, Li Chu took the coat from Wang Jiadong's hand and put it on. "Comrade Wan, and fellow public security comrades, where can the ingredients of the medicine be tested? I don't think I need to remind you of this." Of course not. Where can it be made. "Director Li, if this fake medicine is taken, will it cause any harm to the human body?" At this moment, a comrade from the police department asked.This is the most important thing, if it will cause harm, then it will be really troublesome. "If these medicines are all made according to that formula, even if the dosage is not enough, it won't cause any major harm. The prescription itself is mild. But..." But he didn't say anything, but everyone understood Well, if there are still messy recipes, it's hard to say.The policeman who asked was the captain of the first team, and his face immediately changed after hearing Li Chu's words. "Leaders, I won't accompany you any longer. I'll organize people to continue interrogating that Sun Dacheng." Outside the headquarters building, Wan Chaoyang apologized to Li Chu in a hurry. "It's okay, there's nothing to apologize for, but according to the procedure, I have to report this matter, and the unit handling the case may change at that time, so you should hurry up and tell your leaders." If it's just simple The case of counterfeit medicine must have been handled by the police, but now that it involves framing Li Chu, the nature of the case has changed immediately.Sure enough, when I got off work in the afternoon,

Sun Jianjun personally brought people over and took away Sun Dacheng, who belonged to the family 500 years ago.After reporting to his superiors, Li Chu put the matter behind him and didn't ask any more questions.He is sitting and drinking tea with Uncle Wu at the moment.As for the child, Aunt Wu has already carried him into the house to play. "You are living a comfortable life now." Uncle Wu said with a smile. "Why are you comfortable? Didn't you just get framed?" Li Chu said helplessly. "It's not a big deal, and we can always investigate it clearly." "So in view of this, I should hide my strength and bide my time for a while, otherwise I will be annoyed to death by these people sooner or later." "You, if you want to be lazy, just say you want to be lazy. There are so many famous people there. I heard that your teahouse is ready?" "Uncle, you are the kind of person who sits at home and knows the world's affairs." "I specifically asked people to take the initiative to report your affairs." Come here." Uncle Wu said meaningfully.Li Chu was silent for a while before nodding his head and said: "Thank you uncle for your concern." "You don't need to talk about this, when will you let me go and have a look at that teahouse for leisure." "Don't worry, uncle, at least I will It can only be used after drying for a summer, and I will let you go and have a look at that time. I am still waiting for you to name it and leave a pair of ink treasures." "Why don't you ask Lao Wang Laoshen and the others." "Anyone Indispensable uncle, anyone who goes to my place in the future must leave behind a pair of calligraphy. This is the best amulet, and I have to keep it for my son and my grandson." "You still want to go far!" Wu Uncle was a little stunned by Li Chu's words. "Uncle, I can't help it. The term prosperity and decline is not unreasonable. If you live for a hundred years, you must leave something for future generations." As soon as the words came out, Li Chu realized that he had said the wrong thing. Wanting to explain, Uncle Wu already smiled and waved his hand. "I know, you don't need to explain anything, there are not so many taboos. From now on, Xiao Xingjian will be the great-grandson of your aunt and me. I will tell Lao Wang later." Uncle Wu's words made Li Chu's heart beat heavily. for a moment. "Uncle, then I have to take good care of you and my aunt, at least let you two see Xingjian get married and have children." "Haha, good." "What are you talking about, so happy " Aunt Wu came out of the house with the child in her arms, and asked when she heard her wife's laughter.Chou Bao is definitely a winking child. When he saw Uncle Wu, he stretched out his hand for a hug, which made the old man smile happily.After taking over the child, the old man said with a smile: "I told Xiao Chu just now that Xing Jian will be our little great-grandson in the future."

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