"Doctor, is there no other solution?" The girl asked in a tearful tone.Li Chu shook his head slowly: "I'm sorry, the current level of medical treatment can't solve this kind of problem, whether it's traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine. So the best way to deal with it is to get a divorce. If you really have deep feelings, you can only choose not to Children, otherwise you will harm yourself and your children." He looked at the boy again and said, "Since you have such doubts, why didn't you make it clear to your family when you were married? In my impression, this kind of thing should happen to those illiterates in remote mountainous areas. I really don't understand how you, as an intellectual, would do such a thing." After finishing speaking, Li Chu shook with regret shook his head.The four people in the consultation room had complicated eyes, watching the young couple leave with a lonely expression.Their parents really ruined the young couple.Of course, this can't be entirely blamed on the parents. They all have gone to school and received higher education. Don't they even have a little basic judgment? "Teacher, why do children born of their relationship have a high probability of being defective?" "Carrian, you have stopped me from asking this question. This is a genetic issue, and I really don't understand it. You If you want to know about this, you can talk to Wen Hui, I remember that the experiments she did during this period seem to be related to genetics." "I know the teacher." "Okay." Li Chu clapped his hands: "You continue To receive a doctor, just do our Chinese medicine well. By the way, the medical team will leave after the Qingming Festival, Jianing, self-improvement, you two must be prepared." When Duan Jianing mentioned this, his face became bitter, and he said lamentingly: "Teacher, do you really want to go for half a year?" "It's like this every year. Besides, aren't you and Ziqiang both in the investigation stage of the organization now? Joining the medical team this time is a very good bonus item." Liu Ziqiang After all, he is a man. He has no resistance to going out for half a year, but he is more interested in hearing that it will help him join the organization.Seeing that the three of them had started their consultations separately, he continued to pick up the newspaper and read it. The curtain of the "Director" consulting room was lifted, and Zhao Zhijun walked in quickly. "A person named Wan Chaoyang from the business department came to see you." "Where are you?" He was called later when he prescribed the prescription, and he seemed to be a department head. "Hello, Director Li, I'm really sorry to disturb you. I have something very important to ask you for advice." Seeing the Lord come out, Wan Chaoyang hurried over and said. "Let's talk outside, there are too many people here." After walking out of the outpatient building by the side door, Li Chu stopped and asked, "What's the matter for Comrade Wan?" Do you have any medicine?" Wan Chaoyang asked extra cautiously. "What medicine?" "It's the medicine that was prescribed that day." "No, what's the matter?" "Then can you see if you made this medicine before." Wan Chaoyang said and followed from the side A staff member took a small paper bag and poured out half a pill from it.Li Chu took it from his hand with some doubts, and looked at it carefully. "Comrade Wan, is there anything wrong with this medicine?" "Director Li, you bought this medicine for two yuan." "What did you say? Did you buy it? Where did you buy it?" Hearing Wan Chaoyang's words, he asked in surprise.Even if the batch of medicine he sent out before has not been consumed, there should not be a few pills left. It should not be possible for someone to be so pitiful that they need to sell those few pills to make ends meet. "That's the problem. The man who sold the medicine was arrested by the police yesterday, and more than 200 pills were found from him and his home." "So many?" he

I made another batch and asked someone to sell it, so I have been cautious in speaking for a long time. "Didn't this man say where he got the medicine?" "He did. He said you gave it to him."! ! ! "I gave it to you?" "Yes, that's what he said." "Where is that person?" "He's at the city bureau now." "Wait a minute, I'll go with you to meet this person." After finishing speaking, he Then he turned around and walked into the outpatient building. He wanted to see which kind of god this was, but they were all planted on his head. "Wenxuan, I have something to go out for a while. I made an appointment with Zhu Wen yesterday to see Shichahai's house at [-]:[-] noon. After you finish eating, take your mother over there to have a look. Here are the car keys." "Dad, are you going out?" Do you drive?" "I'll take someone else's car, remember to tell your mother." "Understood, Dad."... In the detention room of the city bureau, Li Chu saw this man in his thirties who claimed to take medicine from his hand. , the first time he saw this person, he was sure that he had never seen this person before.Wang Jiadong also followed his uncle into the detention room.This case belongs to another brigade, and he only found out about it when he came to work this morning. Before he could figure out what was going on, his uncle had already come over.Seeing a large number of people coming in, the person locked in the detention room was obviously not panicked at all, he was still sitting on the ground motionless, just looking up at the people who came in. "Sun Dacheng, right?" Li Chu squatted in front of the man and asked. "Report to the government, yes." "Who gave you those medicines you said yesterday?" "Government, I have said it many times, it was given to me by Li Chu." Sun Dacheng was very impatient Said.Now both the policeman handling the case and Wan Chaoyang could see that this guy didn't know Li Chu at all, he should have only seen the photos, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to recognize the photos last night.But at that time, Li Chu was wearing a military uniform in the photo that he was allowed to identify. When he came in just now, he took off the military uniform, and the clothes were still hanging on Wang Jiadong's arms.But just one change of clothes, this guy can't recognize people, that's not planting, that's what. "Did he give it to you?" Li Chu continued to ask. "That's right." "Do you know what he does?" "Yes, the doctor of the General Hospital, he made this medicine himself. I mean the government. It's not against the law to sell things made by others. Right." "It's really breaking the law. Selling medicine without a batch number is breaking the law." "Ah? I... I don't understand this, he... He told me that he made it himself, and selling it is not breaking the law. We each have half of the money."

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