Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 753 Amulet

After hearing what his wife said, Aunt Wu smiled, turned her head to look at Li Chu and said, "Xiao Chu, it doesn't count if you talk about it alone, the child's parents must agree to it." There should be nothing to do on the weekend, and I will bring them all over then." "It's settled! Don't lie to me, old man!" Uncle Wu wanted to ask for proof again like a child. "Uncle, what you said is as if I've lied to you." Li Chu couldn't laugh or cry. "That's fine, I'll call Lao Wang." Only then did Li Chu feel that something was wrong. The old man had already figured it out a long time ago!He looked at Uncle Wu who was lowering his head to tease the child, and then at Aunt Wu who was smiling. "Uncle, Aunt, you two, what kind of medicine is this sold in the gourd?" He muttered without raising his head. "This old man, the older he gets, the less pleasant his words become." Aunt Wu patted the old man with some dissatisfaction.Then he turned his head and said to Li Chu: "Xiao Chu, don't think so much, we are old, we just like this child." Hehe, you always count!What else can he say, he can only choose to believe it.Little Smelly Bao sat in the old man's arms and played for a while, and was hungry after ten o'clock.Li Chu prepared milk powder for him, fed him, urinated, then put him on the small bed prepared by Uncle Wu, and fell asleep within 2 minutes.This sleep usually lasts two hours. Aunt Wu watched at home, and he and the old man went for a walk in the small woods behind. "Xiao Chu, I heard that you are driving around by yourself every day?" "Yes, I sent Da Zhuang back to the bureau. Da Zhuang was my guard before, who went to hand in the prescription that day At that time, I had a special talk with the old chief. It’s unnecessary. I’m just a doctor. It’s a waste to let children follow me. If it wasn’t for Uncle Shen’s order last year, I wouldn’t have agreed to it at all.” “You and old Shen Have you said it?" "Yes, Uncle Shen is also kind, how can I not communicate with him in advance." "Well, tell me, why did you choose this time to hand in the prescription?" "Ah? Uncle What do you mean? Is the time I handed in wrong?" "Boy, don't fool me, you are still young. After handing in the prescription, return the guard to the bureau, and then follow you and use you again." It’s like keeping a low profile, what do you want to do with this combination of punches? Or what are you afraid of?” “Haha~” Li Chuqian laughed: “Master, you think too much, what can I be afraid of, Lang Lang I'm not afraid of anything under heaven and earth." "You're dishonest, you won't tell the truth to me now." Uncle Wu said with some dissatisfaction. "Old man, everything I say is the truth. I'm really not afraid. It's not like you don't know that shells fly over my head. I've also been to the Southwest. I don't care about these sharp swords and guns at all." , but I have sons and daughters and a grandson, as you can see, he is very cute. It’s not a big deal, I’ve used all the framing, and I’m worried that in the future, some people will have no bottom line.” Li Chuding He looked at Uncle Wu sincerely and said.After listening to his words, the old man was silent for a while before nodding his head: "Have you said these words to Old Shen and Wang?" "I told them a few days ago by giving them a physical examination." "Go, let's go Let me walk with the old man." Uncle Wu stretched out his finger and pointed to the front. "Actually, your aunt told me earlier that you can be a doctor with peace of mind." Having said that, the old man changed the subject and asked, "What do you think of this matter?" How can you look at it, it's just a very common warning." "Hehe, some people think that we old men have lived too long." Uncle Wu said with a smile, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.Li Chu pursed his lips and remained silent. m.. "Okay, Chu boy, put your heart back

In my stomach, the weather is good, and it won't rain for a while, and that person's ability to control is there.Some time ago, he came over to discuss with me whether he should fully withdraw next year. I think he can't withdraw for a while.There are always some people who like to pretend to be smart, but they don't know that he is just like a clown. "He still didn't speak, just listened carefully, it's not his turn to say anything about these things." Remember, don't forget what you promised me this Sunday. "Don't worry, old man, you can forget everything. I really remember this matter." "Well, I will call those old guys who are still in Forty-Nine City, haha, I am going to have a great-grandson, old man."Xingjian, Xingjian, Li Xingjian. "Old man, this name is only temporary, and it hasn't been registered yet. You can also help me get one. Uncle Wang is still thinking about it these two days." "Uncle Wu nodded with a smile: "That's okay, I also thought about it, but the name you named is not bad. "Li Chu smiled slightly, just listen to what the old man said, everything is not bad, and the corners of his mouth turned up when he was asked to name him. After talking with these old comrades, his heart was completely relieved. In the last life, there were no Uncle Wu, Uncle Shen, Mu Lao, etc. Dinghaishenzhen. Although there have been some twists and turns in the past few years, they have passed. In this life, there are several of them. I believe there will be no troubles. Noon After the meal, Li Chu held the child and fed him an egg custard that was specially steamed in the cafeteria. After the two elders went to their lunch break, he carried the child for a walk. The dog that was given to Uncle Wu last year followed him Running around. Little Smelly Po seemed a little puzzled why he didn’t recognize this dog. He lowered his head to look at it from time to time, then pointed twice, and then raised his head to look at Grandpa. “This is not our dog, This is from my great-grandfather's house, you can't touch it. "Oh" "It's okay to go back and touch our house, but it doesn't know you. What if it bites you, you can't touch this one." "After coaxing for a long time, little stinking treasure finally gave up the idea of ​​touching it, turned his head back and forth to look around, and began to point here and there twice. Li Chu also I don't know what he is going to say, anyway, I keep talking to him according to my own ideas, humming a couple of nursery rhymes from time to time. Every time he hums, Xiao Shoubao will listen quietly, But as soon as he stopped, he would immediately start talking again. He was exhausted after half a day, and it was obvious that this little guy was also a chatterbox.

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