Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 327 Changes

"Okay, that's all for the theory. In the next class, I will try to find as many cases as possible, so that you can feel the various pulses."

After taking a sip of water, Li Chu continued: "During the final exam, the content of the exam is in the things I said.

Therefore, if you want to pass the assessment, the best way is to memorize all the notes you took. "


As soon as his words fell, there were waves of wailing from below.

Without him, there are too many notes. If I memorize them all, not to mention other medical and surgical sciences, just this, I may not be able to memorize them all without sleeping at night.

"Ms. Li, can you give us some key points?"

A student shouted out.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Li, help us draw the key points."

The student's words resonated with everyone.

Li Chu sat on the podium and smiled: "I've already highlighted the important points for you."


All the students below were full of question marks, why didn't they know when they swiped.

"I didn't even have a single word of nonsense in what I told you. How else should I mark it? Otherwise, I can redefine the key points for you in the content of our test book."

Well, it's better not to talk, if you continue to talk, there will probably be more and more content to memorize.

All the students in the audience had bitter faces, and the smile on Li Chu's face was particularly bright.

"Okay, don't worry about it. After all, this course is just for you to understand. The exam won't be too difficult."


Li Chu's words made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Just about to continue to say something, there was a "bang", and the door of the classroom was directly pushed open.

Who is this?

All eyes in the classroom looked over.

"Dean Liu" Li Chu stood up.

Dean Liu, who was standing at the door, nodded, glanced at the students, didn't say anything, just waved at him.

When the two walked outside the classroom door, Li Chu saw a black Volga car parked outside.

There was a person standing beside the car, who was Chief Wu's life secretary.

"Xiao Li, let me make a long story short. Chief Wu's physical condition seems to have changed. Secretary Zhang is here to pick you up and have a look."

"Okay Dean, I'll go in and get the things."


Li Chu turned around and walked into the classroom. While packing up his things on the podium, he said, "Comrades, review by yourself in the next time. I have something to deal with here."

After speaking, he took his things and walked out without wasting time.

The students in the classroom were left behind to peek at each other.

A few more courageous students stood up and looked out the window.

"Hey, hey, look, Mr. Li got into a car."

"Oh, really!"

"You say, what is Mr. Li doing here?"

"Who knows, there must be something wrong. Didn't you see that it was all called by Dean Liu?"

"Oh, Mr. Li is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. What else can you do with him? It must be to see a doctor. Tsk tsk, go to the doctor in a car, and our dean doesn't get that kind of treatment."

As soon as these words came out, the classroom instantly fell silent.


All the students here are doctors from military hospitals at all levels.

Among them, there are many deputy directors of certain departments, all of whom are smart people.

What level must a car be able to pick up a doctor.

This was no longer something they could discuss, and they didn't dare to continue discussing. They all sat down and pretended to read their notes.

Li Chu walked out of the classroom, came directly to the car, and shook hands with Secretary Zhang.

Turning around to say hello to Dean Liu, he sat in the back seat of the car whose door had been opened by Secretary Zhang.

After Secretary Zhang also told Dean Liu, he sat in the passenger seat and closed the car door. The car did not turn off, and when they were all seated, they set off directly.

After the car drove out of the gate of the General Hospital, Secretary Zhang turned his head.

"Director Li, the chief just went to the bathroom at noon, and his urination was bloody."

Concise and concise.

Hearing this, Li Chu's heart skipped a beat. The Chief's illness has been discovered for two years, and the best choice is actually an operation.

The problem is that this kind of operation is still immature, and it is impossible to perform it on the head, and can only be treated with traditional Chinese medicine.

If the chief can cooperate well with the treatment, he is confident that the chief can live at least another 20 years.

But the problem is that the chief doesn't cooperate well at all.

Let him go to bed early and get up early and don't stay up late. The chief executive hardly sleeps before two o'clock in the evening.

If it weren't for the special guards staring at him every day, he might have forgotten to take the medicine.

Tell him not to hold back his urine as much as possible, and go to the toilet when he feels the urge to urinate, but the chief doesn't even talk about going to the toilet when he's working, he even forgets to eat.

You said that when you drink medicine and eat, the nurses can remind you that you can’t let the nurses go to the toilet, so let’s remind them from time to time.

Encountering this kind of patient is a headache for all doctors.

"Huh..." Li Chu exhaled lightly, and turned his head to look out of the car window.

The car quickly entered the center and arrived at the office of the chief.

When he arrived, the chief had just received a guest, Secretary Zhang notified him, and then led Li Chu into the office.

Seeing the chief sitting behind the desk, Li Chu stood still and saluted very standardly.

"Hello, Chief!"

"Doctor Li is here. Come on, sit down." Chief Wu smiled and pointed to the sofa in the reception area. At the same time, he also came out from behind the desk and came to the reception area.

"I told them all, it's not a big problem, I don't need to go to you, I just don't listen."

"Chief, it is their duty to serve you, and it is my duty to ensure your health, so don't make things difficult for us."

"Haha..." The chief smiled and pointed at him: "You, Comrade Li, it seems that being a teacher in class is still very training, and you can speak better than before."

Is this a compliment?

Forget it, let's praise myself as the chief.

"Chief, I know you are busy with work, so I won't waste your time. Let's take a pulse first."

"Okay, you are a doctor, I will listen to you."

Li Chu almost believed what he said.

Seeing this, Secretary Zhang brought over the pulse pillow that had been prepared.

Twenty minutes later, Li Chu withdrew his hand, bowed his head and pondered for a while: "Chief, so far, the condition has not changed, but I still want to tell you to go to bed early."

This is a cliché, and the chief always agrees happily every time.

During the pulse check just now, the work secretary came in to check it two or three times. The chief’s time is counted in minutes. Now it has been delayed a lot. Li Chu didn’t continue to talk about other matters. I will go out and talk to Zhang later. The secretary and the special nurse can tell.

After bidding farewell to the chief, Li Chu followed Secretary Zhang to another office, where the special guard is usually.

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