"Jingle Bell"

A doorbell rang.

"Daughter-in-law, I'll open the door." Li Chu stood up and put Ding Qiunan on his lap on the chair.

"Who, why are you here now?"

"Who knows then."

The door opened, and there stood a smiling little girl outside the door.

"Father Chu, I miss you so much."

The little girl threw herself into his arms at once.

"Don't fool me Wang Yueyue, I'm not Xiaoxuan, I don't think I'll see you come to see me." Li Chu rubbed her hair with disgust on his face.

"Hey hey" Wang Yueyue laughed naively, let go of his hand, and ran in bouncing around.

Li Chu looked at her lively back, shook his head with a smile, closed the door, and returned to the middle courtyard.

Wang Yueyue has already moved to Ding Qiunan's side, holding her arm, whispering something in her ear.

"Okay, you will live here tonight, your parents know, right?"

"Well, I told them I was coming here."

"Yueyue, come in quickly." Wen Hui opened the door of the east wing and called.

"Sister Huihui is here. Mama Ding, Papa Chu, I'm going into the house."

Li Chu, who had just entered the middle courtyard, saw her running into the east wing like a gust of wind.

"This girl is always in such a hurry."

"They're all as unhurried as Xiaoxuan, so how will life go in the future, the two of them just need to complement each other."

Hearing his wife's words, Li Chu felt a tight headache.

How old are the two children, one is sixteen and the other is fourteen, you mother, you keep saying these words every day, is it really okay?

Walking to the kennel under the eaves, Li Chu knelt down and touched Xiao Hei's head.

Xiao Hei stuck out his tongue and licked the palm of the master's hand, then lowered his head again.

Seeing Xiao Hei's appearance, Li Chu's heart suddenly felt sad.

Xiao Hei, who can't stand up at all, can only drink some milk for meals these two days.

Li Chu knew that the dog, who had been with him and his wife for 18 years, and his two children for 16 years, had come to the end of its life.

No matter how strong your own medical skills are, what's the use, after all, you can't keep it by your side forever.

Ding Qiunan sat on the chair, watching her husband squatting beside Xiao Hei, her eye circles also turned red.

In the past few days, the four of them have been deliberately avoiding this topic.

When she cleaned the house for the two children several times in the morning, the pillow towel was wet.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, no one can overcome this hurdle.

Thinking of this, Ding Qiunan stood up and went to her husband God, and squatted down next to him, leaning her hand on his shoulder.

"Li Chu, is there really nothing we can do?"

"No, if it is due to illness, we can still try our best to treat it, but Xiao Hei is now exhausted, and his lifespan has come to the end."

Just as he was talking, Xiao Hei, who had been lying in the nest all this time, suddenly stood up tremblingly.

Seeing Xiao Hei standing up, Li Chu's heart sank continuously.

"It... how did it stand up?" Ding Qiunan pointed at Xiao Hei in surprise.

Li Chu held back his tears and said, "Daughter-in-law, hug it."

Ding Qiunan turned to look at her husband, then at Xiao Hei, tears streaming down her face, and stretched out her arms to hug Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei stuck out his tongue and licked her face.

Li Chu stood up and shouted loudly: "You three, come out quickly."

The door of the east wing opened, and the third brother and the children came out one by one.

"Dad, what's the matter, what are you calling us for?"

Li Chu waved to the children: "Come here, give Xiao Hei a hug."

Wenhui and Wenxuan finally realized what was going on, and they ran over crying at the same time.

Yueyue still didn't understand the situation, she looked at it stupidly, and then she realized it, she walked to Li Chu's side, took his hand, raised her head and asked, "Papa Chu, Xiao Hei?" Are you leaving?"

"Yes, Xiao Hei is too old, it can't stand it anymore."

Before the Spring Festival this year, Xiao Hei almost didn't make it through. Li Chu even used century-old ginseng to make it live for another half a year. This time, nothing will work.

Wang Yueyue's tears also fell, she let go of Li Chu's hand and moved closer.

Ding Qiunan stood up, looked at her husband with tears in his eyes but hesitated to speak.

Wen Hui and Wen Xuan also let go of Xiao Hei and stood up, also looking at Li Chu.

They all hope that Li Chu can bring Xiao Hei back to life like last time.

Li Chu walked over slowly and pulled Wang Yueyue who was holding Xiao Hei up.

Xiao Hei raised his head and glanced at the host, then turned around and walked slowly towards the back garden.

Seeing them wanting to follow, Li Chu stopped them.

"Don't go, just like Xiaobai and Xiaohua, Xiaohei doesn't want us to see it."

Yes, Xiao Hei's two children have already gone ahead of him.

Xiao Huang is too old to run.

Xiao Hei slowly moved to the corridor leading to the back garden bit by bit, and stopped. He turned his head to look at the owners in the yard, a tear fell from the corner of his eye, and then he didn't look back. disappears around the corner.

"Wow..." Wen Hui finally couldn't hold back anymore and burst into tears.

When she cried, Wenxuan, Yueyue, and Ding Qiunan all cried out.

With a "creak", a small door next to the East Wing was opened.

"What's the matter? You can hear crying over there."

Li Qin yelled as she walked, and Wang Ziwen followed behind.

The courtyard next door has been given to my sister's house by Li Chu and Ding Qiunan, and now Li Qin and Wang Ziwen live there.

As for the house in the family courtyard, Wang Jiadong's family of four lives now.

Yes, Wang Jiadong has already returned from the army. He stayed in the army for ten years.

"Aunt, Uncle, Xiao Hei is gone." Wen Hui cried loudly.

"Let's go..." Li Qin was about to ask where he was going, when he suddenly understood what his niece said.

She blankly glanced at Wang Ziwen beside her.

She knew very well what Xiao Hei meant to her younger brother's family.

A bitter smile appeared on Li Chu's face.

"Sister, brother-in-law, sit down, help me coax them, I will go to the back and bury Xiao Hei."

Wenxuan listened to his father's words, although he was still crying, he raised his hand to wipe away his tears, walked to his side, looked at him firmly and said, "Dad, I'll go with you."

Ding Qiunan also turned to look at her husband and said, "Li Chu, let's go together."

Then she said to Li Qin and Wang Ziwen: "Sister, brother-in-law, please sit down for a while."

Xiao Hei is really different in the hearts of the whole family.

Before Xiaobai and Xiaohua were buried by Li Chu himself, Ding Qiunan and the children were too sad, but this time Xiaohei was different, no matter how sad they were, they had to send them off together.

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