Xu Damao is a person who is clever, but he was still a little bit short when he encountered such a big event, and he didn't realize it until now.

It's also because Lou's father didn't tell him what he was going to do here today.

He simply thought he was coming to thank him again.

Just about to complain to his father-in-law, Li Chu stared at him, and immediately shut up and dared not speak.

"Uncle Lou, I don't need to say thank you. I'm just looking at Xiao'e and Da Mao. You are a retired unemployed person now. What are you doing with so much leisure time? Don't be so salty. Carrot is nothing to worry about."

If the words are not rough, Dad Lou can only listen to them. If it is not for the relationship between the daughter and son-in-law, they will not tell him thoroughly today.

At that time, I didn't understand that if I continued to get involved in that matter, how I got ashore in the first place, and how I could get stuck in it.

Seeing that the old man was a little embarrassed, Xu Damao hurriedly took over the topic.

"Brother Chu, didn't you tell me that time to pay more attention to Liu Haizhong? Don't tell me, I found that this old boy often ran to Director Li during this period..."

"Director Li?"

As soon as Xu Damao said this, he was interrupted by Li Chu. He didn't know who this Director Li was.

"Oh, Brother Chu, Director Li is Deputy Factory Director Li, but he is now the director of the committee, and Factory Director Yang has been punished to sweep the floor."

Only then did Li Chu suddenly realize that Li Baonian has already taken the position, not to mention, his father-in-law is really amazing!

"After the second uncle often looks for Director Li?"

Xu Damao smiled "hehe": "I don't know why he often looks for Director Li, but it will definitely not do anything good, so I just don't do anything, and find a few when I go to the countryside to show movies." Qingpi from the countryside gave them two yuan each, took them to block his bangs, and directly broke his two legs, to see if he can continue to mess around."

Fuck, this kid doesn't talk about martial arts, this is directly giving you physical damage.

It was also the first time Lou's father knew about this, and his reaction at the moment was the same as that of Li Chu, both of them stared at Xu Damao dumbfounded.

Xu Damao was a little embarrassed by the two of them, and there was even a blush on his face.

"Hey, Dad, Brother Chu, I'm a little embarrassed when you look at me like this."

Why didn't you feel embarrassed when you beat someone up?

Li Chu wanted to vomit on his face, I want you to pay attention to the second uncle, I didn't ask you to directly overthrow him.

"Da Mao, those people won't betray you, will they?"

"Don't worry, Dad, those people I was looking for went back to the countryside after the fight, and they didn't dare to stay in the city by themselves."

Only then did Lou's father put his mind down, and said to him with a stern expression: "Da Mao, let's discuss something in the future, and don't dare to be so reckless. If there is any accident, you let Xiao'e and the child What do we do?"

"I know Dad, I promise I won't do this again in the future."

Lou's father nodded.

What can Li Chu say about this matter, he has already done it, so what else can he do.

"What's the situation now, Master?"

"I'm lying at home, and I have reported to the police, but everyone has run away, and they are not from the city. In addition, they beat him at night. The second uncle didn't even see what he looked like. He didn't even know how many people beat him. Know."

Xu Damao said triumphantly.

"Okay, you Da Mao, don't be shy, it's better to do this kind of thing less, and you will inevitably encounter ghosts if you walk too much at night."

"Brother Chu, thank you for reminding me. It's just this time. I was worried for several days after I finished."

"Just remember, that's right, Da Mao, how are Zhu Zi and Qin Huai Ru doing?" It's really good to gossip when you have nothing to do.

"What else can they do, they are still the same, Qin Huairu's mother-in-law is watching her every move every day, pointing at Sang Huai in the courtyard when something is wrong.

Speaking of this, I remembered that there was nothing to talk about between the two of them, but something happened to Qin Huairu's family before the winter vacation. "

Lou's father was bored sitting by himself, he was not interested in these topics, but seeing Li Chu chatting happily with his son-in-law, it was hard for him to leave, so he could only pick up the newspaper on the desk and read it.

"What's wrong with the stick?"

"Get caught stealing."

"What?" Li Chu asked in surprise.

No way, the thing about stealing chickens is gone, why did you jump out to steal other things again?

"Hey, I stole a classmate's pen at school and sold it for money, but I got caught."

I'm afraid this kid is going crazy!

"What happened in the end?"

"What else can I do, let me pay you money, the family's parents have come to ask you to pay seven yuan, if you don't pay me, you have to go to the police, Qin Huairu was crying in the courtyard, but in the end the money was given by Shazhu. "

"What pen is so expensive?"

"Two pens." Xu Damao smiled meanly, and stretched out two fingers.

The two of them got together and chatted all kinds of gossip. Of course, Xu Damao said that Li Chu sat next to him and kept eating melons.

When Xu Damao and Lou's father left two hours later, Li Chu had already had a round belly.

This is the advantage of living in a large courtyard. You can eat all kinds of melons every day.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, if you are not careful, you may become that melon.

After Xu Damao and the others left, Li Chu sat in the office contentedly.

After returning home at night, he told Ran Qiuye the news he had inquired about today. Even if this matter was lost, he didn't intend to get involved in it.

Day by day, because there is no holiday and no firecrackers are allowed, this Spring Festival is no different from usual.

Just after the Lantern Festival, my sister Li Qin's job was officially transferred to the city's literature and history office as a deputy director, and the whole person was free at once.


"Li Chu, why do I feel that there is something wrong with the Great Sage these two days, he is especially edible."

In the yard, a family of four was sitting around a stone table for dinner when Ding Qiunan suddenly said something.

Before Li Chu could say anything, Wen Hui spoke anxiously first: Dad, is the Great Sage sick? "

"No, you won't get sick if you can eat it."

Speaking of which, Li Chu glanced at the kennel under the eaves, thought for a while before looking at his wife, and said cautiously: "It might be pregnant again."

The reason why he had to be careful was that he was afraid of irritating his wife.

Ding Qiunan was visibly stunned for a moment, with an indescribable expression on his face.

"It's pregnant again?"

After speaking, he looked down at his stomach.

Um?Can't see?You have to poke your head in and see.

Looking at her flat belly, the expression on her face dropped a lot.

It's over, Li Chu wailed in his heart, and had to appease his wife again tonight.

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