Li Chu kicked the ball back directly. He didn't wait for anyone to say anything, and stood up directly: "I'm sorry, the three uncles, and the old lady, I really can't help you with this. My sister will definitely help you." It's impossible to come forward, I still have something to do, so let's go first."

After speaking, Li Chu walked out without waiting for their reaction.

Xu Damao hurriedly stood up too: "I'll see Brother Chu off." After speaking, he also walked out of the room.

Leaving a few people in the room peeping at each other, the third master shook his head, stood up and walked out.

The second uncle wanted to say something, his mouth moved, but he left without saying anything.

Soon there were only the old man and the old lady left in the room.

"Old lady, what am I talking about? I have already said that Xiaochu will definitely not care about it. It is for nothing that he has hated him."

The old lady sighed: "Oh, am I worried about Zhuzi?"

"No matter how anxious you are, you can't focus on Xiao Chu. I think what he said is right. Why don't you find a way to persuade Zhuzi and find a good partner? Why do you have to stare at Qin Huairu. "

The old lady nodded: "That's the only way to go. Let's do ideological work for Zhuzi later. You can send me back."

When the second uncle and the third uncle came out, they saw Li Chu walking towards the backyard with Xu Damao.

The third uncle thought about it and went back to the front yard, and the second uncle went directly to Xu Damao's house in the backyard.

Three people entered Xu Damao's house one after another. The second uncle came here to explain to Li Chu, saying that Liu Haizhong didn't bring up the matter of asking him to come here.

Li Chu also knew that the second uncle would definitely not have come up with this idea.

After the second uncle left, Xu Damao cheerfully told Li Chu what happened last night.

After dinner yesterday afternoon, Aunt Jia ran to another yard, as if she was borrowing a line or something, but someone told her that He Yuzhu took a fancy to their family, Qin Huairu, and brought food every day.

Of course Aunt Jia knows about bringing food, she still eats it every day.

But I don't know if I didn't think about it before, or I pretended not to know, anyway, I never said anything.

This time someone mentioned it in front of her, saying that He Yuzhu was trying to trick her daughter-in-law, which made Aunt Jia unable to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

When she returned home angrily, she asked Qin Huairu for trouble. Of course, Qin Huairu denied it flatly, saying that she had no intention of remarrying at all. She just wanted to live a good life and raise Dongxu's three children.

Although Qin Huairu was swearing, Aunt Jia was skeptical, but she had no other choice but to trouble He Yuzhu.

Aunt Jia and Qin Huairu were yelling loudly at home, and everyone in the courtyard heard it, and they all ran to the middle courtyard to watch the excitement.

Aunt Jia didn't care what other people thought. She ran to He Yuzhu's door and started yelling, saying that he sent food to their house to seduce the widow and didn't follow the good intentions.

It would be better if He Yuzhu didn't explain, saying that he didn't have that kind of thought, and he was kind enough to bring some food because he saw the life difficulties of their orphans and widows.

Who would believe this, the life of Jia's family is not difficult now, there are two other families in this courtyard who are more difficult than hers, why don't you bring food for those two families.

He Yuzhu's description is getting darker and darker now, and Aunt Jia directly gave him a slap and roll. The old men in the courtyard couldn't help her, and several aunts and aunts went up to help her, but they couldn't get up.

The noise was so loud that the people in other courtyards all ran over to watch the commotion when they heard the commotion.

The three uncles tried to persuade him for a long time, but Aunt Jia even tried to bump her head to death at the door of He Yuzhu's house, but this time she was stopped.

In the end, it was the old lady in the backyard who came forward to comfort Aunt Jia. Before she left, Aunt Jia said that if He Yuzhu dared to hit her daughter-in-law again, she would really crash and die in front of his house. .

Qin Huairu stood aside wiping tears the whole time, without saying a word.

This melon can eat up the stomachs of these neighbors.

Xu Damao spoke vividly here, and Li Chu and Ding Qiunan also listened with great interest.

They live in a small courtyard by themselves, and their life is comfortable enough, but they also lack these spices of life.

Li Chu even wondered maliciously whether they should move back to live for a while.

"Brother Chu, you were right in not agreeing to what the old lady mentioned just now. I didn't realize it until yesterday. That Aunt Jia is too difficult."

Lou Xiao'e also kept nodding beside her: "That's right, I used to think Sister Qin and her mother-in-law were pretty good, but yesterday's appearance scared me."

Several years of married life has completely transformed a lady from a big family into a petty citizen who can gossip.

"I won't meddle in this kind of mess. Who does He Yuzhu have a crush on? That's his own business. Let's take a look at it as an outsider. Don't do bad things with good intentions."

Li Chu would never express his opinion on this matter, he just had nothing to do to watch the fun.

Lou Xiao'e and Ding Qiunan didn't talk about it anymore, they took their children to the back room and went to whisper among women.

"Da Mao, why didn't you see your mother, have you gone back?"

"Let's go back. It's inconvenient for my mother to be here, and the child is getting older. Xiao'e can see it by herself."

If there is any inconvenience, it must be something that affects the relationship between husband and wife.

Li Chu sometimes thinks there, those big families live in one house, so what's the matter, are they all silent?

Now he and Ding Qiunan are used to living in the same hospital. At that time, Ding's mother came to help them look after their children. He couldn't adapt to it for several days, so he still didn't live in the same room.

Chatting at Xu Damao's house until it was dark, Li Chu and Ding Qiunan left.

As soon as he reached the gate, he was stopped by the third master who had been paying attention.

Standing at the gate, the third master also explained, and finally said: "Xiao Chu, can you get a bicycle ticket there?"

"Third Master, are you planning to buy a bicycle?"

"It's not that I have saved up enough industrial vouchers. We have a lot of family members, and a bicycle is more convenient, so we only need a bicycle ticket. Now the black market is so strict that I dare not go."

"I'm really sorry, Third Master, I don't have a ticket here, and you know I have a car, so it's impossible for my unit to give me another ticket."

This was the end of the road, the third master had no choice but to let Li Chu and his wife go, and the children were humming and going to sleep.

As for bicycle tickets, the family really has them, and there are still two of them, but Li Chu already has plans for these two tickets, but he hasn't discussed it with his wife yet.

Of course Ding Qiunan knew that there was a ticket at home, so on the way back she asked, "Li Chu, don't we have a ticket at home? Why don't you lend it to the third master."

"Borrow? What will he get in exchange? And I already have plans for those two tickets."

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