The next morning, after sending the child to the nursery, he was on his way to the general hospital.

"I just told Section Chief Wang, you turn around and tell Lou Xiao'e to let her take the child and go directly to Section Chief Wang of the logistics department."

"Wang Section Chief agreed?"

"Well, but let's not take it as an example, he is not easy to accept too many people from outside. This time, they will save face."

"Okay, I know I'm a man with a lot of face." Ding Qiunan complimented him with a smile.

"Cut!" He ignored his wife.

When he came to the hospital, Li Chu didn't expect that Lin Sanshou was waiting for him at the door of the office.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

"Let's talk about the advanced office."

Seeing Lin Sanshou's serious expression, Li Chu suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, so he hurriedly opened the door of the office and invited him in.

Lin Sanshou walked into the office and closed the door behind his back.

"Xiao Chu, is Old Liang from Xiehe your former director?"

"Old Liang?" Li Chu was stunned for a moment: "Oh, you are talking about Director Liang, right? He used to be our director, but he retired from the hospital and devoted himself to teaching students at the medical school. Uncle, Director Liang What's wrong?"

Lin Sanshou took out a note from his pocket and handed it over.

"This is Lao Liang's current address. He was sent to clean the toilet. Go and see him if you want."

After receiving the note, Li Chu glanced at it.

He remembered that Director Liang used to live in the family courtyard of the hospital, and he didn't know where the address was changed.

There are too many alleys in Sijiu City, he can't even remember the names, so let's look back.

After sending Lin Sanshou off, Li Chu looked at the note again.

It was obvious that he was driven to live in a courtyard, and it must be because of the school.

The originally good mood was made extremely heavy by this news.

I didn't have the mood to continue writing the book, so I sat there thinking for a while, ran over to say hello to Lin Sanshou, and then rode out on a bicycle.

He was going to look for it now, but if he didn't see Director Liang, his heart wouldn't be at ease.

Director Liang treated him very well in the past.

Riding a bicycle, he ran around in the alleys on the east side of the city. After asking several people, he finally found the place.

After writing down the place, Li Chu was not in a hurry to go there. It is daytime, and Director Liang must not be at home.

Uncle Lin said that now Director Liang has been sent to clean the toilet, so it shouldn't be too far from where he lives, so he pushed the car around here.

The hard work paid off, and he saw Director Liang from a distance.

It's been a while since we saw each other, Director Liang's hair has already turned gray.

What Uncle Lin said just now is not right, he is now not only cleaning the toilet, but also responsible for cleaning the toilet and transporting those things out.

When Li Chu saw him, he must have just cleaned out the toilet and was pushing the dung truck away.

The man pulling the dung truck in front is a younger man, if he is not mistaken, it should be his eldest son.

There is also a young man who is also pushing the cart, who seems to be his second son.

I didn't see the third and fourth children of his family, and the two married daughters.

Li Chu didn't go up directly, but followed from a distance with his bicycle, wanting to see where they were going to push the dung truck.

It seems that there are people who are responsible for supervising their work.


Nearly a hundred meters away, Li Chu could smell a pungent stench, not to mention the three of them pushing the cart, and they didn't know how they persisted.

After walking for a while, Li Chu noticed that the two supervisors walked away before he got on his bike to catch up.

"Uncle Liang" didn't wait for Li Chu to come up to him, and Li Chu called out.

To be honest, he was really unreliable, the smell was a bit too aggressive.

Director Liang, who was pushing the dung cart, was stunned for a moment when he heard the familiar voice. He thought he heard it wrong, so he turned his head and took a look.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Li Chu who was about ten meters away from him, sitting on a bicycle, wearing a military uniform and standing on one leg.

He didn't dare to recognize it suddenly, and took a closer look to make sure that he was right.

At that moment, Director Liang really wanted to bow his head and leave. Now that he is like this, he is really embarrassed to face his former acquaintances.

Especially since this acquaintance was still a subordinate of his previous department.

The second child who was pushing the cart on the other side saw his father stop, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother, stop, Dad, what's wrong with you, is there something wrong?"

He thought that his father was not in good health, after all, he was old.

The boss who was pulling the cart in front stopped slowly when he heard his younger brother's cry, and the two brothers parked the dung truck carefully.

Only then did they notice Li Chu behind him.

Director Liang's three sons all know Li Chu. Although they are not very familiar with each other, they can always know Li Chu when they meet.

It's just that they didn't expect that people who used to be in the same hospital as their father would wear military uniforms now.

Seeing them stop, Li Chu got off the car and walked over pushing the car.

He didn't say anything, just took out a stack of food stamps and various non-staple food stamps from his pocket, and more than a dozen yuan, and stuffed Director Liang into his pocket regardless of his dirty body.

"Uncle Liang, there is no other meaning. You accept it first, and I will borrow it from you. Remember to ask your son to return it to me."

After speaking, Li Chu got on his bicycle and left without waiting for them to say anything.

The father and son didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, not because they didn't want to say it, but because they didn't know what to say.

It wasn't until Li Chu left that he came to his senses. The second child chased a few steps forward and shouted loudly: "Brother Chu, thank you, don't worry, I will definitely pay it back."

Li Chu didn't turn his head, but just raised an arm and waved.

The reason why he was in a hurry to leave was that he didn't want to embarrass the old leader anymore, and the other was that he didn't want to waste their time.

There must be a time limit for them to send this truckload of dung.

Director Liang stared blankly at the distant figure, and couldn't help crying.

Since the accident happened at their house, many people knew about it, but Li Chu was the first one and probably the only one who really came to see him.

The two sons walked to his side and held his arms with some worry.

Director Liang waved his hand: "I'm fine, don't worry."

As he spoke, he took out from his pocket what Li Chugang had stuffed in for him.

18 yuan and seventy-three cents, 110 catties of food stamps, five catties of oil stamps, two catties of meat stamps, and one catty of sugar stamps.

Looking at the money and tickets in his hands, Director Liang burst into tears again. These are not just money and tickets anymore, they are life-saving things.

The two sons also had red eyes.

Director Liang wiped his tears with his hand, and raised his head to look at his two sons: "No one can say anything about today's incident, and even your mother can't say it when you go back, do you hear me?"

"Understood, Dad, don't worry."

"Oh..." Director Liang sighed, and then glanced at Li Chu's direction.

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