Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 301 Finding Someone

During lunch, Li Chu told his daughter-in-law about the matter, and even told her his plan.

Ding Qiunan was silent for a long time after listening, and then said a word.

"Director Liang's youngest son is really not human. If our son behaves like this in the future, I promise to strangle him to death."


Li Chu was almost choked away by her words.

The one-hundred and first way of death for a traverser is to be choked to death by a word from his wife while eating.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Hey, let me just say that, my son is so good, he will definitely not do such a thing when he grows up."

What can I do, his wife, Li Chu can only roll his eyes helplessly.

When he came home from get off work in the afternoon, a large cloth bag had already been hung on the front handle of his bicycle, which contained three pig heads, more than a dozen pig feet and some pig livers, all of which had been cleaned.

Go back and simply rinse with water to brine it directly.

Ding Qiunan has long been used to seeing his man get some good things from time to time, he always has some strange abilities.

On the second night, Li Chu borrowed a cart, on which were marinated pork heads, several trotters, ten catties of millet, two hundred catties of corn noodles, and two packs of malted milk essence.

Lead Xiao Hei to the side where Director Liang lives.

Walking to a place not far away, Li Chu took advantage of the green belt on the roadside to put the cart and everything into the warehouse, and then led Xiao Hei to the gate of the courtyard where Director Liang lived.

Tell Xiao Hei to go in and find Director Liang, and take him to the green belt just now.

Seeing Xiao Hei running into the yard, Li Chu turned around and went back to the place where the cart was collected just now.

He didn't know if Xiao Hei could bring people out. Although he had met Director Liang, he had only seen him twice.

Here, Xiao Hei was spotted as soon as he entered the courtyard.

He is so big and looks so fierce that most people dare not walk up to him.

Xiao Hei didn't know what he was thinking, so he went into the courtyard and sat in the middle of the courtyard. The people in the courtyard looked scared, but no one dared to go there. Two young men were holding shovels and wanted to hit Xiao Hei. If you kill a big dog, you may get a lot of meat.

In the end, Xiao Hei gritted his teeth and whimpered, threw down the shovel and ran away in fright.

Director Liang's family of nine lived in a room of less than [-] square meters. They didn't usually go out, but they heard the movement in the courtyard and didn't care.

The two daughters-in-law were carrying the rice bowls they had just finished eating, and were about to go to the sink in the courtyard to wash the dishes, but they were scared back when they went out.

"My god, such a big dog is still pure black, and I don't know where it came from. It scared me to death."

The eldest daughter-in-law put down the bowl in her hand and dared not go out without saying anything.

Director Liang sat on a small stool with his head bowed, his face full of sadness. He didn't know when he would be tall in the present day.

He didn't pay attention to what the eldest daughter-in-law said.

The boss stood up, ready to go out to see what was going on.

His wife grabbed him and said, "Don't go out, there's no one in the yard, and the dog looks like it's almost the size of a tiger."

The second child also stood up: "It's okay, sister-in-law, I'm with my brother, we'll just check at the door, don't go out."

The brothers raised the curtain and looked out.

There was no light in their yard, and through the light from the surrounding houses, a big black dog could be faintly seen sitting in the middle of the yard.

Indeed, just as his wife said, that guy is unusually big, and I don't know who raised him, so why did he come here.


The two brothers didn't dare to go out, and after taking a look at it, they lowered the curtain.

The second child is the most mouthful: "It's really big, this guy can kill a lot of meat."

The boss also nodded: "But this pure black one is rare."

At this time, Director Liang seems to have realized: "What are you talking about, a big dog, pure black."

"Dad, a big black dog came from somewhere in our yard. It's so big and black all over. The people in the yard were scared to go home."

"Big dog? Pure black?"

Director Liang always felt as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Suddenly he thought of something, stood up from the small stool and walked outside.

"Old man, what are you going to do? Don't be brave."

His wife held his arm, and he wouldn't let him go out.

Director Liang shook off his hand: "I'll just take a look. According to what you said, I know whose dog it is?"

"Grandpa, I want to see the big dog too." His eldest grandson was doing his homework on the side table, and he wanted to go out and watch it just now.

"Hurry up and write your homework, don't make a mess."

While speaking, Director Liang had already reached the door, lifted the curtain and looked into the middle of the yard.

The more it looked more and more like it, Director Liang gritted his teeth and walked out directly.

This frightened the two sons, and they did not dare to shout loudly for fear of startling the dog. The two brothers glanced at each other, and each of them killed a small bench and walked out.

The remaining three women in the room stared at each other, and Director Liang's daughter-in-law wanted to go out angrily, but the two daughters-in-law stopped her from going out, and only made her stand at the window and watch.

Director Liang has already walked up to Xiao Hei slowly, and the two sons are each holding a stool, following behind tremblingly.

Xiao Hei tilted his head to look at the people who came by, then stood up too, and went to Director Liang's leg to smell it.

It has already recognized it, and it bites Director Liang's trouser leg and pulls it out.

This action almost scared Director Liang's two sons to death. He raised the stool and was about to smash it, but Director Liang hurriedly stopped them.

He also recognized it. He had indeed seen the dog before, and it should be one of the dogs raised by Li Chu.

It looks like he wants to go out with it.

Director Liang hesitated for a moment, and whispered to his two sons: "You two go in first. I know this dog. It is raised by Xiao Chu. Maybe he sent the dog to find me. I will go out to have a look."

"Dad, you're right, don't be in any danger." The eldest son was a little worried.

"Yes, Dad, this dog looks too fierce. I have never seen such a big dog."

"Okay, I won't admit my mistake. I'll go out and have a look. You go back and tell your mother not to worry."

After speaking, Director Liang ignored the two sons and walked directly to the door.

The boss wanted to go out with his father, but Xiao Hei turned his head and groaned, and he was so scared that he retracted his feet again.

Many people in the yard were watching from their own windows, and they felt very strange seeing this scene.

Watching the big dog lead their father out of the gate, the eldest and second child had no choice but to turn around and enter the house.

"What did your father do?"

"Mom, my dad said he knew the dog, and that the dog should have come to look for him, so he followed him out to have a look and wouldn't let the two of us go together." The eldest son said in a low voice.

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