Li Chu didn't recruit either, it was just the beginning, and the drama hadn't even started yet.

But what should I say, the hospital's talent pool is actually not lacking, and it is precisely because of the absence of these experts that those who have not yet shown up have a chance.

The chaos is only temporary, and he believes that the young doctors in those departments will soon be able to shoulder the burden.

One of the reasons why Li Chu agreed to be transferred to the general hospital this time was related to the current chaos here.

The other is that he doesn't want to waste ten years here. With the help of the quiet environment of the general hospital, there are still many things he wants to do.

I chatted with Dean Yang for a while, and now the situation is special, and the two of them didn't chat too deeply. When it was about to get off work at noon, Li Chu returned to his consulting room.

When eating at noon, he told his wife what he was going to do in the afternoon.

Ding Qiunan, who was slurping his meal, suddenly froze there.

After a long time, he sighed leisurely: "Then it's the end of our stay here?"

By now she was showing reluctance.

Li Chu nodded: "Finish your formalities this afternoon, and tomorrow we will go to the general hospital to go through the formalities of enlistment. Then there may be a few days of vacation, and we can come back to deal with some things."

Ding Qiunan was a little sullen, and kept pounding the vegetables in the lunch box with his chopsticks.

"What's the matter, daughter-in-law, don't you want to be here?"

"En." Ding Qiunan nodded, the circles of his eyes were a little red.

Li Chu put down his chopsticks and reached out to rub her head.

"Damn, messed up my hair." Shaking his head, knocking the husband's claws off his head.

Looking into her husband's eyes: "I'm fine, it's just that I suddenly thought of leaving here, and I feel a little bit reluctant, and I'll be fine in a while."

After speaking, Ding Qiunan lowered his head again and began to eat.

Thinking of something again, he raised his head and asked, "Is there a nursery over there?"

"Yes, not only nursery schools, but also schools."

Hearing this, Ding Qiunan's eyes brightened a bit: "Even the school?"

"Well, there are schools for children, from elementary school to high school."

"It will be convenient after that!"

Li Chu didn't think so, he didn't think there was any good in going to his children's school.

The children who can go to that school are all from the military compound, and there will definitely be parents who teach their children to be nice to so-and-so's children, or not to play with so-and-so's children.

If things go on like this, children will also have a heart for comparison.

It's not bad if the children are comparing their grades, but what if they are comparing their parents' jobs?

If this continues, it will only distort the three views of the children.

But Li Chu didn't say these words now, it will take two or three years for the child to go to school, let's wait until the time comes.

As soon as I went to work in the afternoon, the officer Zhang came over in the morning. The procedures at the hospital were easy to handle, and all the procedures were completed in about an hour.

Now the whole court knew that Li Chu and Ding Qiunan were drafted into the army.

And looking at the situation, after enlisting in the army, he will definitely not be an ordinary soldier. He used to be a cadre. Some people in the hospital envied him, and his eyes were shining red.

Fortunately, Li Chu had the foresight to send Officer Zhang away, and he immediately hid in the nephrology department.

Valley Emperor

The person who went to the consulting room to look for him was not found, so he could only leave resentfully.

Ding Qiunan couldn't do it here, the Chinese pharmacy was almost occupied by aunts and sisters, the room was full of lemon smell, even taking a breath would make his teeth sore.

After finally dismissing these people, Ding Qiunan sat on the chair, too tired to say a word.

At this time, Director Yang from the pharmacy came over and congratulated her.

Ding Qiunan waved his hands weakly: "Director, I also want to thank you for taking care of me these past few years."

With her words, Director Yang strolled out of the Chinese medicine pharmacy with his hands behind his back in satisfaction.

Although Li Churen has been transferred, he is still a member of the review committee of the ministry. Director Yang will participate in the review next year, and Li Chulai will definitely be there by then.

The incense that should be burned should be burned in advance. Originally, if Ding Qiunan had been working here, Director Yang felt that it was basically a sure thing for him to pass the review.

But now that she is about to be transferred, I have to take good care of her, not to mention flattery, at least let her remember that I have taken care of her at work.

After Director Yang left, Yang Xiaohong came over and sat beside Ding Qiunan.

"Qiu Nan, I won't say any congratulatory words, I guess you're tired of hearing them too, so come back and see if you have nothing to do."

Ding Qiunan turned his head to look at Yang Xiaohong, and then leaned his head on her shoulder.

"Sister Yang, to be honest, when things are not done, I think that time passes so slowly every day, but when I went to go through the formalities just now, I suddenly felt very reluctant to leave here."

"Silly girl" Yang Xiaohong smiled and put her arms around Ding Qiunan's shoulders: "What is there to be reluctant to do? They are all in Sijiu City, and they are not going to other places, and I haven't heard people say that people move living trees and die, Doctor Li The future is bright, and you must be blessed to follow the past."

"Thank you, Sister Yang, I will come to see you when I have nothing to do."

It wasn't until he got home after get off work that Ding Qiunan recovered a little from his depressed mood when he saw the puppies lying on the bed whining.

Xiaobai and his child have moved from the study to the yard.

After Ding Qiunan came back, he lifted the four puppies out of the den and watched them crawling around on the ground.

Now when I come back from get off work every day, teasing the puppy for a while has become the first priority of the three mothers.

The four puppies are all black and yellow, two males and two females, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Hua love to make love to them.

To be precise, Xiao Hei always loves to be ignored. At first, Xiao Hua wanted to get close to the puppy, but after being bitten by Xiao Bai twice, she couldn't come anymore.

This made Li Chu very suspicious that these were the seeds of Xiao Hua.

"Okay, don't look at it, you three, wash your hands and eat."

After warming up the food ordered from the cafeteria and bringing it to the table, Li Chu yelled at the mother and son who were still playing with the dog.

"Li Chu, which one of the four will you keep for us when the time comes?"

At the dinner table, Ding Qiunan suddenly asked.

As soon as Li Chu heard what his daughter-in-law asked, he knew that he was going to suffer, and it was too late to wink in a hurry.

Sure enough, Xiao Wenxuan was the first to realize the meaning of what mother said. He stopped eating and started crying after putting down the spoon.

Immediately after, Xiao Wenhui also reacted, and the cry also sounded.

After Ding Qiunan finished speaking, she knew that she had caused trouble. Seeing the child crying, she hugged Wen Xuan on her lap and kept coaxing him.

There was no way, the meal was too late, so Li Chu hugged Wen Hui on his lap.

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