"Dad, is Mom going to give away the puppy?" Xiao Wenhui sat in Li Chu's arms and asked while crying.

"It's not the mother who wants to give it away, but the father who wants to give it away." This blame cannot be let on by the daughter-in-law, it was he who promised to go out.

"I don't want it, Dad, don't give the puppy away, okay?"

"Huihui, if we don't send them out, our family has too many dogs. Dad can't keep them alive anymore. They need to eat too much meat."

"Ga..." The crying of the two children stopped at the same time.

"Father, can I eat less meat in the future and let the dogs eat it?" After struggling for a while, Xiao Wenhui still made up her mind and said.

"Yeah, Dad, I'll eat less too."

Sitting in Ding Qiunan's arms, Xiao Wenxuan echoed what her sister said.

This made Li Chu look at his two children with admiration.

It's really not easy for two little guys who love to eat meat to be willing to give up some of the meat they eat.

The two children saw dogs since they were born, and later several dogs accompanied them to crawl all over the ground, learn to walk with them, play with the children, and they often slept on the dogs.

It should be said that Wenhui and Wenxuan have a particularly good relationship with the family dogs, and those who love Wu and Wu especially like the four puppies.

Now that I heard that the puppy was being given away, it would be strange not to cry.

This is still a puppy, and if you dare to give away three big dogs, you don't know how to react.

"Huihui, Xuanxuan, the meat you saved is too little, it's still not enough for them to eat."

Now the two children were dumbfounded, Wenxuan was stunned for a long time before he said cautiously: "Father, can you also eat less?"

"That won't work. If I eat less, I won't be able to work. If I don't work hard, I won't be able to earn money. If I can't earn money, I won't be able to buy meat."

These words made the two children dizzy directly, anyway, in the final analysis, they just couldn't do it.

Seeing that the two children who had stopped crying were ready to cry again, Ding Qiunan said hastily, "I will give away three of the four puppies. If you don't cry, I can consider keeping one for you."


This kind of statement that suppresses first and then raises makes the two little guys feel a little surprised.

"Mom, can you keep two?" Xiao Wenhui and her mother began to bargain.

Hey, push the nose on the face.

Ding Qiunan flatly refused: "You can only keep one at most. If you are not satisfied, I will give them all away."

Wen Hui saw her mother's serious face, and hurriedly covered her mouth, expressing that she would not say anything.

Li Chu put Xiao Wenhui on his stool: "Okay, let's eat quickly, and stop talking about dogs."

The next morning, after sending the child to the nursery, Li Chu took Ding Qiunan to the general hospital by bicycle.

I have been busy from morning to afternoon, and finally finished all the procedures.

The general hospital gave them three days to deal with the affairs of the hospital over there, and they can just come and report next Monday.

Ding Qiunan even went to visit the nursery when he had time.

After coming over, he started complaining to Li Chu, and firmly disagreed to send the child here.

It is said that the environment here is poor, the sanitation is poor, and the aunts in the nursery are not responsible.

When she went to watch it just now, a little boy fell off the slide and sat on the ground crying loudly. The two aunts next to him continued to talk about themselves as if they hadn't seen it.

Although children need to be beaten, it is not indifferent.

At this point, Ding Qiunan decided not to let his child come over.

After bidding farewell to Master Lin, the young couple walked out of the main courtyard pushing their bicycles.

The car could no longer be ridden. The clothes tied on the back seat and hanging on the handlebars were all newly-collared clothes for the two of them.

Each person has two summer clothes and two winter clothes, shirts, leather shoes, armed belts, cashmere hats, suede shoes for winter, and cotton clothes and trousers.

The certificate has also been obtained, and the general hospital has given Li Chu the title of deputy director of the Chinese medicine department, but he does not care about the deputy director.

The salaries have also been set for the two of them. This time the military ranks were reformed, the salaries were also cut, and the salaries were equal to those of local cadres.

So this time, Li Chu's salary basically remained unchanged, except for an increase of 180 yuan in job subsidies. His current salary in the general hospital is [-] yuan and [-] cents, and the salary of the health care team remains unchanged.

And Ding Qiunan's salary has increased a lot this time, and it has become 62 yuan, which makes her very happy.

"Li Chu, the nursery here is not working, what about the child?" Ding Qiunan, who was still happy about the salary increase, became worried when he thought about the child's problem.

"Keep sending it over there, there's nothing to worry about."

"Is it still possible to send it to the hospital? Both of us have been transferred."

"Oh, don't worry, I will definitely let you deliver it. When I pick up the child later, I will talk to Section Chief Wang of the logistics department."

Hearing what her husband said, Ding Qiunan became happy again, and began to plan how to change the new military uniform after returning home.

"Daughter-in-law, just change it a little bit, but don't exaggerate, this is a military uniform after all, not your previous work uniform."

"Oh, I know, the waist of those pants is too fat, and I can't wear it without changing it. I just tighten the waist a little, so I can't see it."

Ding Qiunan is still very confident in her craft. In the past few years, she has been making clothes for her husband and children, and she has been exercising a lot.

Without going back to the hospital, the two of them were going to go home and put down their clothes. There were too many things, so they still didn't get the bedding.

As soon as he entered the alley, he saw Xu Damao walking around in front of his house.

"Da Mao, what are you doing at my door?" Li Chu called out loudly.

Xu Damao turned his head to see the two of them, and it was obvious that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Chu, I went to the hospital to look for you just now. They said that you two were transferred away, but they didn't tell me where they were transferred. When I came here, there was no one at home. I was in a hurry."

Xu Damao walked over quickly while talking.

Seeing his anxious appearance, Li Chu smiled.

No matter what Xu Damao is like with others, he is really nice to him, and this appearance is not just an act.

"Da Mao, where's Xiao'e?" Ding Qiunan asked.

"Sister-in-law, Xiao'e is taking care of the children at her house. I came here today just to invite you two to have a meal together after get off work in the afternoon."

After finishing speaking, Xu Damao looked curiously at the things tied to Li Chutui's car: "Brother Chu, sister-in-law, what unit have you been transferred to? Why do they look like clothes?"

"Let's go, Damao, let's talk in the first room."

After entering the room, Li Chu told him about his work.

Listening to what Li Chu said, Xu Damao felt that his eyes were protruding, and his brain was not enough.

"It's okay, enlisting in the army is a cadre?"

Li Chu propped up the car, took off the things hanging on the handlebars and handed them to his daughter-in-law, and took off the things on the back seat, and took them to the living room.

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