Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 281 Start

All afternoon, Li Chu kept writing and drawing in the consulting room.

When it was almost time to get off work, he put down his pen, looked at the pile of waste paper lying on the table, and shook his head helplessly.

The idea is good, but if you really want to come up with it, the difficulty is not one star and a half, so take your time.

After tidying up the table and washing his hands, Li Chu took down the satchel on the wall, and put on the cloth bag for the military uniform, ready to pick up the child.

When he walked out of the consultation room, Ding Qiunan had just finished his work and came out from the outpatient hall.

Picking up the child, on the way back, the two little guys took turns to confirm whether they could see Xiaobai and Goubao when they got home.

With repeated guarantees from Li Chu and Ding Qiunan, they happily ran home holding hands.

As soon as he entered the house, good guy, he didn't even bother to change his shoes, so he was dragged to the study.

Li Chu still didn't allow Xiao Hei and Xiao Hua to enter, and only took the two children into the study.

Wenhui and Wenxuan squatted beside Xiaobai's nest, looking at the four puppies huddled together with curiosity.

Watching Wenhui want to grab the puppy, Li Chu quickly blocked her hand.

"Hui Hui, why did Dad tell you just now, you can't touch the puppy."

"Why can't you move?" Xiao Wenhui looked at Li Chu pitifully.

"A mother dog recognizes her child by its smell. When you touch a puppy, it smells like you. Maybe Xiaobai won't recognize it as his child."

"Dad, when can we pet the puppy?"

"It will be ready in two days."

"Can it be done in two days?" Xiao Wenxuan stretched out his hand and gestured.

Li Chu knew that when telling the time to children, he must tell the exact time, so that they would have a correct understanding.

"Yes, it will be fine when we come back the afternoon of the day after tomorrow."

The two little guys were very happy after hearing what he said.

After watching for a while, Xiaobai had obviously become impatient, so he took the two of them out of the study.

In the next few days, Li Chu finally managed to write an outline of the basic knowledge of Chinese medicine that he was quite satisfied with, and the next step was to fill in the content.

Under Ding Qiunan's nagging every day, the photos I took were finally developed.

Li Chu didn't dare to waste time, so he took the photo and handed it to Master Lin on the same day.

He didn't expect that Ding Qiunan was more impatient than him this time, counting the days every day.

What made him even more unexpected was that the speed of Uncle Lin and Dean Liu was much faster than he had imagined.

On the third day after handing in the photos, Li Chu was called to the ministry by a phone call.

Arriving at the office of Chief Li Cheng of the Ministry, Dean Liu and another middle-aged soldier are also here.

After Director Cheng asked Li Chu to sit down, he looked down at the notice in his hands that Dean Liu had just given him, about the recruitment of Comrade Li Chu to the army.

The general hospital implements dual management. The specific business department has the guiding power, but when it comes to personnel, organizational relations, and finance, it is managed by the general logistics of the army.

Therefore, Li Chu's personnel relations and organizational relations must be transferred away.

Director Cheng put down the notice in his hand, looked at Li Chu, then turned to Dean Liu and said, "Dean Liu, I need to report to the leader."

"Of course, this is necessary." Dean Liu raised his hand to signal Director Cheng to be free.

Director Cheng picked up the phone on the table and dialed out.

After putting down the phone, he took the notice, greeted Dean Liu and the other three, and walked out of the office.

After Chief Cheng went out, Dean Liu introduced to Li Chu the identity of the person who came with him.


"Xiao Li, your wife's notice of enlistment has also been sent to the hospital. In the afternoon, Director Zhang will go over to handle her formalities."

"I know the dean."

Without saying a few words here, Director Cheng came back.

"Dean Liu, you've done a good job in this job, and you've already got through with Minister Qian in advance."

Dean Liu smiled: "If we don't report to the leader in advance, we don't dare to issue a notice casually."

Director Cheng thought for a while before saying, "Okay, I'll arrange for someone to take Officer Zhang to handle Dr. Li's file formalities."

After speaking, Director Cheng picked up the phone and dialed out.

When Li Chu walked out of the gate of the ministry, all his files and other materials had been taken away by Dean Liu and Officer Zhang.

From now on, although he is still a member of the expert health care group under the Health Bureau, his personnel affairs are no longer managed here.

Chief Cheng sent Li Chu to the gate today.

"Doctor Li, no matter whether you are a soldier or what your status is, this is your mother's home. Come back often if you have nothing to do."

Director Cheng extended his right hand and shook Li Chu's hand.

"Director Cheng, I am still a member of our health care team, and you will still be my leader in the future. If you need anything in the future, just ask."

Director Cheng smiled and patted Li Chu's hand with his left hand.

After bidding farewell to Director Cheng, Li Chu walked to the bus station.

I finished the procedures for my daughter-in-law in the afternoon, and I will go to the General Hospital to go through the procedures tomorrow.

After tomorrow, he and Ding Qiunan will become honorable soldiers.

After returning to the hospital, Director Sun notified Director Yang to look for him before entering the consultation room.

Li Chu came to the dean's office without stopping.

"Doctor Li, you have done a great job of keeping this secret, so you didn't tell me in advance."

As soon as he entered the office, Dean Yang complained.

"Dean, I didn't know whether it would be possible before, so I didn't say anything." Li Chupei said with a smile.

No matter what the reason was for Dean Yang, he was really kind to him after he came, and he also gave great support to his work. Li Chu still thanked him very much.

"It's a good thing to be able to join the army. I can't hinder your future. Have you completed all the procedures?" Dean Yang asked with concern.

"It's been done just now. The people from the general hospital will come to handle my wife's formalities in the afternoon, and they will also take away my backup data in our hospital."

"Oh..." Dean Yang sighed, walked over to pour a glass of water, and put it in front of Li Chu.

He didn't go to sit behind the desk either, he just leaned against the desk.

"It doesn't matter if you go to the general hospital, the current situation of our hospital is like this, Lao Zhang and the others... oh..."

Saying that, Dean Yang shook his head again, and sighed deeply.

During this time, Dean Yang was also in a difficult situation. He wanted to help Vice Dean Zhang and the others speak well, but he didn't dare to act recklessly against the general trend.

It can only be encouraged to maintain the current situation.

At present, many operations in the hospital cannot be performed.

This time, those who were summoned to study in the past were all the business backbones in the hospital, the big masters, and the chief and deputy directors of the departments.

This caused Dean Yang a lot of headaches, but he has nothing to do now.

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