Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 223 Discovery

After eating at noon and chatting for a while, Ding's mother and Ding's father took their two children and prepared to leave.

Ding Qiunan packed a large bag of things for the children, and the whole family sent them to the station. After Ding's parents and mother took the children away, they went back to their respective homes.

Wu Xiaoliu did not follow Li Chu back with winking eyes, but went out alone.

Li Chu took his wife and ran home. For several days, he felt that he was about to be suffocated.

Ding Qiunan looked at her husband's anxious look, and gave him a lot of rollicking along the way.

After some cloud and rain, Ding Qiunan nestled tiredly in her husband's arms and fell asleep.

Li Chu, on the other hand, had a contented face, leaning against being stomped on.

Wu Xiaoliu didn't know where he was transferred, and he didn't come back after dinner.

After the young couple finished their lunch, Li Chu and Ding Qiunan went to the hospital together.

"Qiu Nan, where's the child?"

"Auntie, my parents came over today, and they took the child back to live for a few days."

"You child, don't you want to trouble me, that's why you called your parents over?"

"No, Auntie, I really didn't know they were here today."

"Oh, I could play with the two children when I go back at night, but now my old lady is left alone."

Seeing Aunt Wang's pretending to be pitiful, Li Chu covered her mouth and had fun there.

"Xiao Chu, what are you enjoying there? Go and fetch the child back for me, and don't come back if you can't." Aunt Wang glared at Li Chu angrily, and reprimanded her pretendingly.

Li Chu was so frightened that he ran away and didn't dare to stay in the hospital anymore. If there were three women in one scene, if he continued to be there, he didn't know how it would be arranged.

When he got home, Wu Xiaoliu hadn't come back yet. Li Chu felt that something was wrong. Even if he went out for a walk, he wouldn't come back now, right?

I wanted to go out and look for it, but I didn't know where to look, so I could only wait patiently at home.

This waited until after ten o'clock in the evening, and Wu Xiaoliu came back in disgrace.

Seeing that he didn't have a clean spot all over his body, Li Chu asked in surprise, "Sixth brother, what are you doing here?"

Although Wu Xiaoliu looked extremely embarrassed, his expression was very excited: "Xiao Chu, I have found out that the person who followed Jiang Cheng yesterday should belong to a spy organization, and they also have a cooperative relationship with Jiang Cheng."

The thunder made Li Chu dizzy, and he was stunned for a long time before he realized: "What what? Sixth brother, do you know what you are talking about?"

Wu Xiaoliu nodded with certainty: "I know what I'm talking about, and I can tell you with certainty, Xiao Chu, you heard me right, I discovered a spy organization, and Jiang Cheng also cooperates with them. "

After hearing this, Li Chu hurriedly dragged Wu Xiaoliu into the living room, and poured him a glass of water: "Brother Six, how did you find out?"

Wu Xiaoliu picked up the cup and didn't care about the scalding water. He drank several sips before saying, "It's like this..."

After sending Ding's parents away in the afternoon, Wu Xiaoliu went for a walk on the street alone.

I don't know if it's subconscious or what, he walked casually and came to near the family courtyard of Chengxi Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

Looking at the family courtyard across the road, Wu Xiaoliu felt a little strange. Why did he come here again? Just as he was about to leave, he felt that since he had already arrived, he couldn't see clearly that night, so he just turned around and looked around. see.

He walked across the road and turned around the family courtyard of the supply and marketing cooperative. After walking around, he realized that there was only one door in this family courtyard, and he couldn't get out from other places, and the concierge of the family courtyard was still very responsible. Yes, strangers basically can't get in.

That person walked in straight away the night before yesterday, which means that person must have lived in it.

Those who can live here are either employees of the supply and marketing cooperative or their family members. Wu Xiaoliu simply turned around in the west of the city. The supply and marketing cooperative is at work today, and he wants to see if he can find that person.

It should be his luck that he saw the person working in the sales office of a supply and marketing cooperative a few hundred meters away from the family courtyard.

Wu Xiaoliu checked the time, it was not long before he got off work, and he was waiting across the road. He was also going to follow this man to see what he was doing and why he followed Jiang Cheng.

The emperor paid off, this person did not go home after get off work, but walked to a waste collection station that was at least four or five kilometers away from his work place.

Along the way, Wu Xiaoliu became more and more sure that there was something wrong with this person, and the problem was not small.

Normal people walking, who would frequently make some movements to avoid being followed, even the people in Director Liu's unit, would not do this on the normal commute to and from get off work or when going out for a walk.

Wu Xiaoliu hid behind a tree and watched the man knock on the door of the buying station. After a while, someone opened the door.

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged man who looked about 50 years old, with a big beard on his face. After the door opened, both of them behaved normally. It's a normal visit.

Just when Wu Xiaoliu was about to walk over to have a look, he stopped again and continued to hide behind the tree without moving, carefully observing the gate of the purchasing station.

Sure enough, one or two minutes later, the door was suddenly opened, and the bearded man came out from inside, stood at the door and watched carefully back and forth. After looking for a while, he didn't seem to find anything, and then he went in again and closed the door.

Standing behind the tree, Wu Xiaoliu breathed a sigh of relief. If he had just walked over, he might have met the bearded man face to face, which might have attracted his attention.

Because this buying station is in a dead end, the surrounding area is full of buying stations, and there are no other houses at all.

Seeing the bearded man go in and close the door again, Wu Xiaoliu came out from behind the tree, walked slowly to the door, lay down on the crack of the door and looked inside.

It's a pity that I can only see a row of houses on the left hand side of the gate, but it seems that the lights are all dark, I can't see anything, and I can't hear any movement inside.

Wu Xiaoliu straightened up and walked tens of meters along the left side of the gate. The wall here was not too high, so he climbed on top of the wall with a little run-up.

He carefully exposed half of his head and looked inside, and found that besides the entrance, there is a row of houses in this buying station, and there is another row of houses behind, and the light in one of the rooms is on. It is not clear how many people are inside, but they just came in The man and the bearded man should be there.

Wu Xiaoliu observed carefully, found nothing, so he quietly went in, intending to go to the house to have a look.

After landing, he didn't move, but listened carefully for a while, and there was really no movement, and then walked over there along the base of the wall with his back bent.

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