Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 224 Eavesdropping

It was already getting dark, Wu Xiaoliu was not familiar with this place, so he didn't dare to walk too fast, there was everything in the buying station, who knew if he would bump or step on something and make a noise.

As he was walking carefully, suddenly he heard a rustling sound behind him. Looking back, it turned out that a dog had discovered him and was trotting towards him.

Wu Xiaoliu was so frightened that he straightened up and wanted to jump over the wall, but he didn't expect that the dog ran up to him and didn't bark, but kept wagging its tail at him.

This dog is at most half the size of the three dogs in Li Chu's family, and looks very thin.

But Wu Xiaoliu thinks this is normal. The three dogs of Li Chu's family are too evil. They stand up to the height of adults, eat well every day, and are very strong.

He even tried it when he was at home, and it was okay to deal with two with his bare hands, but he would be bitten to death if he dealt with three at the same time.

Especially Xiao Hei, if he makes a sudden pounce, he can be thrown down directly.

Looking at the dog wagging its tail at him in front of him, Wu Xiaoliu hesitated for a moment, instead of rushing over the wall, he took two steps towards the dog, and slowly reached out his hand to stroke the dog's head twice.

The dog seemed to like Wu Xiaoliu's appearance very much, so he lay down on the ground and showed his belly.

Now Wu Xiaoliu was completely relieved, he knew that the dog would definitely not attack him, and he probably wouldn't bark indiscriminately either.

After touching it a few more times, Wu Xiaoliu stretched out his index finger and made a shush on his mouth, then turned around and walked slowly towards the row of houses behind.The dog also stuck out its tongue, obediently following behind him.

With a short distance of tens of meters, by the time Wu Xiaoliu came to him, more than ten minutes had passed.

There is no way, there are too many debris on the ground, and he will step on something if he is not careful. He has to be careful to avoid making noise.

The door of the house was open, and voices could be vaguely heard coming from inside.

Wu Xiaoliu saw that he couldn't stay in front of the house, so he went to the back of this row of houses.

The dog did not follow him to the back, but lay at the door of the house with the lights on. It seems that the dog should be raised by the bearded man, and its purpose should be to guard the door, but I don’t know why. To the stranger did not bark.

Wu Xiaoliu touched the back window of the lighted house, the house is bright and the outside is dark, so as long as he doesn't make any noise behind, people in the house can't easily see him.

There were only two people in the room, one was a supply and marketing man who Wu Xiaoliu followed, and the other was a bearded man.

Two people were sitting at a small table eating, neither drinking nor smoking.

The two of them chatted casually while eating, and they talked about some trivial matters of the parents. Just when Wu Xiaoliu was a little impatient, the supply and marketing man raised his hand and looked at his watch.

"Old Fan, didn't you inform me at 07:30 tonight, why hasn't that Jiang Cheng come over yet?"

Hearing that Jiang Cheng was mentioned in it, Wu Xiaoliu immediately regained his spirits. It seemed that Jiang Cheng was with them, so why did he follow them quietly?

The bearded man known as Lao Fan took a mouthful of food in a leisurely manner, and after swallowing he said: "After Jiang Cheng entered their unit yesterday morning, he didn't come out until after nine o'clock in the evening. Early this morning, I rushed to his house to see it, probably because I didn’t go back at all last night, I guess maybe their unit has some new tasks, so they can’t make it through.”

After listening to the bearded man, the supply and marketing man put down his chopsticks: "You said he hasn't come out since he entered the unit yesterday morning?"

The bearded man nodded: "Yes."

"Could it be..." The supply and marketing man frowned and thought for a long time before he said, "Could he have been arrested?"

The bearded man also put down his chopsticks: "Why was he arrested?"

"That thing in the south."

"That thing was done by the two of us!"

Hearing Wu Xiaoliu outside the window, he became more focused. The matter in the south mentioned by these two people should be the report of the assisted investigation that Director Liu mentioned yesterday morning. I didn't expect that it was actually these two people. made.

The supply and marketing man shook his head and said: "We know that you and I did that thing, but the police don't know. After the police investigate, they will find that Jiang Cheng just went back at that time, and he and that man had another relationship. Qiu, the police will definitely suspect him."

The bearded man also shook his head: "The two of us deliberately left traces of two people at the scene, the police shouldn't suspect him, and he wasn't masked, and the man didn't die, as long as he wakes up, the police will know if he's right or not." Jiang Cheng."

"This bastard is asking for money and asking us to avenge him. If he can't find the person we want this time, let's see how I can make him survive." The supply and marketing man said through gritted teeth.

"Calm down, this time I finally met someone who can help us find the couple and child, and if you torture him to death, how will we find someone in the future?"

"Made, I'm just so angry that I didn't do anything, but the two of us will be his thugs first."

"Who told us to ask for help from others? Forty-Nine City is so big, and we have been inquiring about it for so many years, but we have gained nothing. Why did they hide the child so deeply?" The bearded man scratched his hair in distress. .

"Old Fan, do you think this Jiang Cheng will fool us? Does he know the person we are looking for?"

"We have read Jiang Cheng's information. Before his family went to the south, they were indeed in Nanniwan, so it is very likely that they knew the person we are looking for. And he knows the names of the couple."

"Sigh," the supply and marketing man sighed and said, "It's been more than ten years, and I can't find anyone. The superiors are already very dissatisfied."

The bearded man reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, we can only wait patiently now, after all, Jiang Cheng is our only solution."

Wu Xiaoliu was dumbfounded by the content of the two people's conversation. This is undoubtedly a spy organization.

These two people turned out to be looking for someone through Jiang Cheng. Now it seems that the person they are looking for should be Li Chu. As for why they are looking for it, it is not clear yet, but what they said means that they have been looking for more than ten years.

And it seemed that Jiang Cheng hadn't told them yet that the person he was looking for was Li Chu.

As for why Jiang Cheng asked someone to follow Li Chu, it should be to find out the specific address and then report it?

No matter how Wu Xiaoliu summed it up, he felt a little weird.

If the person they were looking for was really Li Chu, why didn't Jiang Cheng tell these two people directly, Li Chu's work unit.

But if the person he was looking for was not Li Chu, then why did Jiang Cheng find someone to follow Li Chu?

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