Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 222 Discussion

Ding Qiunan felt a little embarrassed to be stared at by her husband like this, and Li Chu blocked her mouth just as she was about to say something.

After a long time, the two separated, and Ding Qiunan cuddled tightly in her husband's arms.

"Li Chu, do you want the children to go back with aunt tonight?"

"It's better to let him live there first, and then go home after this matter is completely over, or else I'm still worried."

Ding Qiunan nodded: "Then if Qiaoyun is discharged from the hospital, do you plan to let me live there too?"

Li Chu thought for a while and asked, "What do you think?"

"I want to be with you." Ding Qiunan said without the slightest hesitation.

"Okay, after Qiaoyun is discharged from the hospital, we will all go home." Li Chu looked down at the daughter-in-law in his arms.

"Yes." Ding Qiunan smiled and offered her sweet kiss.

Soon it was time to get off work, Li Chu came to the security department and called home, asking Wu Xiaoliu to come to the hospital and have dinner together in the cafeteria.

The next day was the weekend. After waking up in the morning, before Li Chu went to the hospital, Ding Qiunan had already returned with her two children.

"Daddy, Daddy, we're back."

Seeing a pair of children running in from the door, Li Chu squatted down and hugged them with open arms.

Kissed one person on the cheek, and the two children also kissed their father's cheeks.

Wu Xiaoliu stood at the door of the living room, looking at the father and son enviously, and suddenly wanted to start a family.

Standing up with the child in his arms, Li Chu looked at the daughter-in-law who came in from behind and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

"I've eaten. When my aunt came over in the morning, she brought us the food."

The family of four entered the living room, Wu Xiaoliu did not disturb them, and hid in the west wing with the radio.

"Qiu Nan, you should go take a shower first."

"Well, it's time to wash. I haven't showered for several days. I'm so uncomfortable."

Li Chu spread the blanket on the floor, and the two children sat on it to play with toys as soon as they took off their shoes.

"Huihui, Xuanxuan."

As soon as Li Chu sat on the sofa, the voice of his mother-in-law came from the gate.

"Grandma, grandma is here."

Xiao Wenhui reacted the fastest, got up and was about to run outside, but was grabbed by Li Chu.

"Put on your shoes, grandma will come in. Xuanxuan, put on your shoes too."

After speaking, Li Chu went out first.

"Father, wait for me." Xiao Wenhui shouted anxiously.

"Mom, Dad, you are here."

"I'm off today, I'm fine at home, I'll come with your dad for a walk."

After talking, the two elders walked into the living room, saw the children who were sitting on the ground, scrambling to put on their shoes, and picked them up one by one.

"Hey, where's Nannan?" Ding's mother didn't see her daughter, so she turned around and asked.

"Mom, Dad, sit down first. Qiu Nan has been in bed in the hospital every day these days, and she just came back and went to take a shower."

"Accompanying me in the hospital? Who's wrong?" Upon hearing this, Ding's mother and Ding's father stared at him.

"Oh, it's okay. It's Uncle Wang's daughter-in-law who gave birth. She is not in good health and needs to stay in the hospital for a few days. My Aunt Wang and her natal mother are too old to stay up late at night. Where is Qiunan these two days?" Accompanying and taking care of him, it is estimated that he should be discharged from the hospital tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Ding's father and mother were relieved, as long as no one was sick and hospitalized.

"Dad, did you come over to see Jianguo?"

"I've been there, and Jianguo went to the Northeast with the car again, but I didn't see anyone." Dad Ding said helplessly.

The motorcade of the Food Bureau is very busy every day, and the old couple has not seen their son for some time.

"Grandma, let me tell you..."

"Grandpa, we have fun in the nursery..."

The two little ones were held in the arms of their grandparents, chattering to them about some interesting things that happened in the nursery.

Before the old couple had time to feel the difficulty of seeing their son, they were amused by the two little guys.

When Ding Qiunan was in the bathroom, she had already heard her parents coming outside. Fortunately, when she went in, she took all the clean clothes with her.

After washing, I came out neatly dressed.

"Dad, Mom, you are here."

Seeing his daughter-in-law coming out of the shower, Li Chu got up and walked over. Ding Qiunan handed him the towel he was holding naturally.

After receiving the towel, Li Chu stood behind her and began to wipe her hair.

Ding's father and Ding's mother looked at the movements of the young couple, and then looked at each other.

Mama Ding didn't say anything this time. This is how her daughter and son-in-law get along with each other, so don't make irresponsible remarks as her natal mother.

"Dad, Mom, the family hasn't bought food for the past two days, let's go to the restaurant to eat together at noon later."

"What kind of restaurant should I go? I can just go out and buy some food now." Mama Ding is firmly against waste.

"Oh mom, it's too late to go now, you don't know, you can't buy any food, why bother.

Li Chu, I'll call my sister's house later and call them over, let's have dinner together. "

Now it's hard for Ding's mother to say anything, so she can only let her daughter arrange it.

"Xiao Chu, Nan Nan, I want to discuss something with you. When we leave in the afternoon, I want to take Hui Hui and Xuan Xuan to live there for a few days, is that okay?"

"Mom, of course it's okay. You take the baby, we just have two days to rest." Of course, Li Chu raised his hand to agree with Ding's mother's proposal. He was still worried until the matter was completely resolved. Well, now the mother-in-law wants to take the child back, he can't wait for it, at least he doesn't have to worry about the child.

After thinking about it, Ding Qiunan agreed, she was willing to accompany her husband to face possible dangers together, and since the child was still young, now that she was taken away by grandparents, she felt more at ease.

Ding's parents were also very happy to see their daughter and son-in-law agreeing so readily. They were worried that the young couple would be reluctant to part with their children.

Xiao Wenhui and Xiao Wenxuan clapped their hands happily in the arms of their grandparents when they heard their parents agreed.

Li Chu's two children are very easy to take care of. Whether they sleep at Aunt Wang's house these two nights or go with grandma for a while, they will not make trouble.

Unlike some children, they are fine during the day, but when they go to bed at night, they cry non-stop when they don’t see their parents.

After Ding Qiunan waited for her husband to help her dry her hair, she called her sister's house and asked the three of them to come over and have dinner together.

When my sister and her family came over, the house became more lively, and they moved from the living room to the yard to bask in the sun and chat.

Now he didn't even bother to go out to eat, so Li Qin directly sent Wang Ziwen, Li Chu, and Wu Xiaoliu to the restaurant at the intersection to buy food for them.

When Mama Ding said that she would take the two children back to live for a while in the afternoon, Li Qin also agreed very much. When she came here just now, she had discussed with Wang Ziwen and planned to take the children to live with them.

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