Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 221 Intimacy

Director Liu's forehead was dripping with sweat. Minister Wang wanted to kill the suspect.

You have mischievous intentions against an ordinary doctor, this may be an ordinary case, but you follow a member of the chief health care team, what do you want to do?

"Don't worry, Minister Wang, we will investigate clearly as soon as possible." Director Liu promised hastily.

"Okay, Director Liu, if there is any progress in the case later, if it does not involve confidentiality, please remember to let me know."

Director Liu nodded with a wry smile, complaining secretly in his heart, "Minister Wang is a little too protective. Those who don't know think Li Chu is your son."

After understanding the situation clearly, Director Liu took his leave and left. He still has a lot of things to do.

After Director Liu left, the people in the house should do what they should do, and everyone still needs to go to work.

Wu Xiaoliu continued to stay with Li Chu until this matter was completely resolved.

After handing over the matter to Director Liu, Li Chu felt relieved. The pile of big rocks that had weighed on his heart in the past two days was finally able to move some of them away.

To be honest, he felt a little out of breath these two days.

When he came to the hospital, Li Chu first went to the pharmacy to meet his wife.

The moment Ding Qiunan saw him, she could obviously feel that she breathed a sigh of relief. Although Uncle Wang said that Li Chu was fine in the morning, she still couldn't be completely relieved if she didn't see him.

"Don't worry, daughter-in-law, I have already told Director Liu about the matter, and they will take over from now on."

"Huh, that's good, worry me to death."

Seeing that no one was paying attention, Li Chu stretched out his hand and squeezed his wife's little hand: "It's okay, it will pass soon."

Ding Qiunan was still not used to doing this kind of intimate behavior in public, so he pulled out his hand and gave her husband a blank look.

"My sister beat me badly this morning."

"Why did sister hit you?" Ding Qiunan asked in astonishment.

"It's not my fault that I didn't tell her. She only knew about it when her brother-in-law let her slip."

"You deserve it, you asked for it, you want to hide such a big matter from everyone." Ding Qiunan spat at him.

Originally, he wanted to find some comfort from his wife, but he was told he deserved it, and Li Chu was even more depressed.

"Haha" Seeing her husband's speechless affection, Ding Qiunan covered her mouth and chuckled.

Seeing his daughter-in-law finally smiled, Li Chu also smiled happily. That's right, life is to face with a smile.

After chatting with his wife for a few more words, Li Chu left and went straight to the Department of Nephrology. He was not in the mood for the past two days, and now he must return to normal working conditions.

At noon, I made dinner with my wife and went to the ward to eat with Aunt Wang and the others.

I told Aunt Wang about the matter, and prescribed medicine for Li Qiaoyun again, and her body recovered well.

The child is very healthy and does not seem to have inherited her mother's physique.

This little baby Ding Qiunan really likes her very much. Just kidding, if nothing else happens, this is her future daughter-in-law.

After dinner, Aunt Wang drove Ding Qiunan away, telling her to take the time to rest.

Li Chugang was about to go with his wife when Aunt Wang stopped him.

"Xiao Chu, what are you going to do about that kid from the Jiang family?"

"Auntie, it's no longer a question of what I plan to do. He may have broken the law of the country."

"What's going on?" Aunt Wang looked at him in surprise, and Li Qiaoyun on the hospital bed also looked over when she heard this.

Li Chu didn't tell them about the assisted investigation report just now. After all, this matter is still just an investigation, and he doesn't want to talk nonsense if there is no conclusion.

"What Director Liu said, Jiang Cheng seems to be involved in other cases, and I don't know the details." He could only say vaguely like this.

Aunt Wang knew that Li Chu must know what was going on, but she didn't continue to worry about it, but asked, "Then what do you think of his sister Jiang Li in the future?"

"Oh..." Li Chu sighed, and after thinking for a while, he said, "If Jiang Li hadn't participated in Jiang Cheng's affairs, I would still treat her like a friend. After all, she has no other friends in Forty-Nine City."

After listening to Li Chu's words, Aunt Wang thought about it: "Let's wait until Jiang Cheng's matter is completely resolved.

All right, Xiao Chu, let's go see your wife, Qiao Yun said that Qiu Nan didn't sleep all night last night. "

"That's right, Brother Chu, my sister-in-law Qiu Nan hid in the bathroom alone and cried for a long time last night."

Li Qiaoyun's words made Li Chu's nose sore, he forced a smile on his face, greeted Aunt Wang and Li Qiaoyun, and ran to his consulting room.

In the consulting room, Ding Qiunan was lying on the bed and fast asleep.

Li Chu quietly took a chair and sat by the bed, looking at his sleeping daughter-in-law.

He still clearly remembers how strong this woman was when he first met her. She recited the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine day and night every day.

At that time, it felt like being a strong woman.

But since the two of them got married, this woman has changed. In her eyes, it seems that she only has her own man, and only this family.

Thinking of this, Li Chu leaned his head and kissed his daughter-in-law's forehead lightly.

Ding Qiunan seemed to feel it, and there was a happy smile on his face in his sleep.

Seeing that it was time for work in the afternoon, Li Chu saw that his wife had no intention of waking up, so he went to Director Yang of the pharmacy to ask for another afternoon off for her.

When Ding Qiunan woke up, it was almost the end of get off work in the afternoon.

"What the hell, Li Chu, why didn't you call me? What time is it?" Ding Qiunan^_^'s husband complained.

Li Chu closed the book in his hand, put it aside casually, and grabbed his daughter-in-law who was about to get out of bed in a hurry: "You look at the watch first, don't you wear a watch on your hand?"

Only then did Ding Qiunan come to his senses, raised his hand to look at it, and exclaimed, "My god, it's past five o'clock."

"Pfft..." Li Chu laughed amusedly by his wife's fussy expression.

"You're still laughing, you didn't call me, let go of me and don't pull me, let me hurry over." Ding Qiunan patted his arm angrily.

Li Chu didn't let her go, instead he pulled her onto his lap and hugged her tightly, then buried his head in the hollow of her neck, and took a deep breath greedily.

"I've already asked you for leave, don't worry."

"Oh, don't make trouble, it's itchy. I haven't showered in three days, and I smell like a hospital every day." Ding Qiunan's neck was itchy from the stubble on her husband's chin.

"It's still your original milk scent." Li Chu said in a muffled voice.

"It's nonsense, how long has it been since weaned the child, how could it still smell like milk."

Li Chu didn't say anything, but raised his head and looked straight at her.

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