Rebirth Flowers Like Water

Chapter 529 Don't worry about him bullying others

Donghong Seafood, the first floor.

Liu Mengmeng pulled Mu Xiaoyu and said in a low voice, "Can you rest assured that you left your boyfriend alone in the room?"

"What is there to worry about?"

Mu Xiaoyu wrote lightly.

"Jia Limin!"

Liu Mengmeng looked around and found that Xu Jie was seriously watching the dishes with another female classmate, so she dared to continue: "Today's game is obviously specially set up for you, and now I see that you are bringing a male When a friend comes to participate, he must be in a panic, can you not trouble him? Can you rest assured that your little boyfriend is being bullied?"


Mu Xiaoyu was startled, nodded and said, "I'm a little worried after you say that."

"Yeah, I told you right?"

Liu Mengmeng wanted to persuade Mu Xiaoyu to go back, but Mu Xiaoyu's next sentence shocked her.

"I'm worried, he bullied others!"


"What are you two whispering about?"

At this time, Xu Jie suddenly turned around and said.

"Oh, nothing."

"Then hurry up and help with ordering, Xu Jie and I are almost blind!"

Another girl said the same.

Mu Xiaoyu and Liu Mengmeng just joined the ordering army, and the four discussed and ordered a table of dishes, and Xu Jie finally had the opportunity to talk to Mu Xiaoyu alone.

"Xiaoyu, long time no see!"

Xu Jie said the same thing as Jia Limin, so it seems that she and Jia Limin are somewhat similar.

"Yeah, long time no see."

After graduation, the class organized several class reunions, Mu Xiaoyu attended one, but Xu Jie did not attend that time, Mu Xiaoyu's dormitory party must not have Xu Jie, so if you do the calculations carefully, the two Haven't seen each other since graduation.

"Xiaoyu, you are still as beautiful as before."


Mu Xiaoyu was not used to Xu Jie's praise.

"Your boyfriend is also very handsome."

"Your boyfriend is also good."

Even though Xu Jie didn't introduce her, Mu Xiaoyu could still recognize that the only boy who was not in her class sitting next to Xu Jie must be Xu Jie's boyfriend.

"It's far worse than your boyfriend."

Xu Jie said something, and then asked: "By the way, what does your boyfriend do? Is he a colleague with you?"

Mu Xiaoyu shook her head and said generously, "It's my student."

Xu Jie's mouth became an "o" shape. She actually knew Sheng Tang's identity, because Jia Limin told her in advance that if she still wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to trick Mu Xiaoyu, she would blame her later, but she really didn't Thinking of Mu Xiaoyu being so straightforward:

Isn't she afraid of being laughed at?

"It's your student, no wonder I feel young! Xiaoyu, you are so amazing now!"


Mu Xiaoyu wasn't used to talking too much with Xu Jie, so she said, "After ordering, let's go upstairs!"

"All right!"

When Xu Jie was ordering downstairs, she picked and picked, and then pulled Mu Xiaoyu to talk, in order to delay time, because she also knew what Jia Limin was doing in the house.

But it should be almost the same now, and she also felt a little sympathetic to that good-looking freshman, who was probably bullied by Jia Limin.


When the four girls returned to the box again, they saw a strange scene—the only boy in the room was Sheng Tang, who was drinking tea in a relaxed manner with a smile on his face, and everyone else looked at each other in blank dismay. Both Liu Mengmeng and Liu Mengmeng were a little surprised. From the looks of it, he didn't seem to be bullied?

Only Mu Xiaoyu knew this well: there must be someone who can bully him, but not here.

"What are you talking about, making you happy like this?"

Mu Xiaoyu sat down, glanced at Sheng Tang and asked.

"It's nothing, your classmates are very interesting, it's a pleasure chatting with them!"


The male students including Jia Limin were speechless for a while, can that be called happiness?Finally threatened!

"is it?"

Mu Xiaoyu didn't ask further, because just by looking at the expressions on the faces of these male students, she could imagine how "happy" they were just now.

But Liu Mengmeng asked like a curious baby: "Really, what did you say so happy? Saying it makes us happy too?"


Jia Limin coughed and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just asked where this little brother went to high school. No one thought that he is still a freshman, and he is our little brother!"

Jia Limin was indeed intimidated by Sheng Tang just now, but he thought about the information Mu Xiangrong had given him before. Sheng Tang was a college student from an ordinary family, how could he be intimidated by his few words?

So while Mu Xiaoyu was around, he was going to show off his muscles.

So he said again: "Students are good, students are free. It's not the same as we work. We are busy at work every day, and we are also busy after get off work. Finally, it's the weekend, and we may even work overtime!"

When everyone heard this, they nodded their heads in agreement, and someone said, "Old Jia, you are different from us. You must be very busy working in the Education Bureau!"

"Yes, the Education Bureau is an iron rice bowl. It's normal to be busy."

"Isn't Mu Xiaoyu a teacher? You can contact Lao Jia more often. The Education Bureau is the higher-level department of the school. If you need anything in the future, you can just ask Lao Jia!"


Jia Limin didn't expect his classmates to be so talkative, he just said a word, and they took the initiative to bring the topic over.

So he waved his hand modestly and said, "It's just a job, everyone is the same, all the same!"

He said the same thing on his lips, but his face was full of pride and pride.

"How can this be the same?"

Some people continued to pat: "The Education Bureau is a government unit. How many people try to get in every year, but how many people can get in in the end?"


Jia Limin didn't speak, enjoying everyone's flattery, and deliberately glanced at Sheng Tang, thinking that young people are very angry, thinking that life is "fighting and killing", today I will open your eyes!

So he looked at Mu Xiaoyu, and said softly, "What Zhang Bo said just now is not unreasonable. Please remember my current phone number. If you encounter any problems at work in the future, just call me!"

Mu Xiaoyu shook her head with a smile, and politely refused: "Thank you, I usually just take care of the students. If I don't encounter any problems, how can I bother you?"

"No trouble, no trouble at all!"

Jia Limin immediately got excited and analyzed: "Xiaoyu, you just graduated last year and have only worked in Han University for a semester. There must be a lot of things that you don't know! Don't think that being a teacher is enough to lead the students well. Waiting for you After the intermediate level, do you want to be promoted to the deputy high school? After being promoted to the deputy high school, should you be promoted to the main high school? At that time, it will not only be enough to teach students well, but also to have a relationship!"



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