Rebirth Flowers Like Water

Chapter 528 Anyone with opinions is dead long ago

Jia Limin narrowed his eyes when he heard everyone exaggerating about the flourishing Tang Dynasty.

"Little brother, don't you see how young you are?"

Sheng Tang glanced at him, thinking that you can't sit still at last?

Sheng Tang nodded: "Yes, this big brother, you are not young, you are 35 six?"


One sentence almost choked Jia Limin to death.

He and Mu Xiaoyu are classmates, and both of them are 26 and 35 years old. Although he looks a bit older, he will definitely not look like [-] and [-], right?

Everyone else wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, looking at the two of them.

"Brother can really joke, Xiaoyu and I are classmates, how old is Xiaoyu this year, how could I be 35?"

Jia Limin said with a fake smile.

"That's not necessarily true. There are many people who can only be admitted to Han University after repeating their studies for four or five years. It's normal for such people to go to college, and it's normal to delay their graduation if they fail a course. Otherwise, why would everyone call you Lao Jia instead of Xiao Xiao?" Where's Jia?"

Sheng Tang looked at Jia Limin again, and said, "Looking at how smart I am, how many levels did you keep?"


Jia Limin's surname was Jia, but he couldn't stop smiling.

Fortunately, the classmate next to him saw that the atmosphere was not right, so he rescued him and said, "Sheng Tang really knows how to joke, Lao Jia is the same age as us!"

"Hehe, that's it, I was just joking!"

Sheng Tang sneered in his heart, still trying to make things difficult for me, dreaming?

But Jia Limin still didn't give up, and said: "I heard that the standard for staying in our Han University as a counselor is that the minimum is to start as a graduate student, and you may not be able to get in just after graduation. Like Xiaoyu who just graduated To stay in school, you need to be good enough!"

Then the conversation changed: "Little brother, since you are also a teacher at Han University, you must be very good, right?"

Jia Limin is digging a hole for Sheng Tang, because he knows that Sheng Tang is a freshman, if he agrees to come down, then Jia Limin will expose him in public and make him lose his lord!

"You have a good eye, I am indeed excellent!"

Sheng Tang laughed and said, but Jia Limin still wanted to continue asking about whether he was a teacher or not, but another student interrupted: "It seems that Lao Jia guessed wrong before, and Lao Jia also said that Mu Xiaoyu's Boyfriend, maybe he's a college student!"


Jia Limin immediately went to see Sheng Tang to see how he explained it.

Sheng Tang said with a smile: "Then this old man's vision is quite accurate. If you go to tell your fortune, you are guaranteed to make money."


Everyone was stunned, not because they were teasing Jia Limin, but because - so, he is really a student?

"Little brother, what do you mean by that?"

"You are not a teacher, but a student of Han University?"


Sheng Tang smiled: "When did I say that I am a teacher of Han University? I just entered Han University last year, a pure freshman."


Everyone was stunned, and this time it was a bit unacceptable.

Mu Xiaoyu went to school with them for four years, but she didn't fall in love. Now that she's working, she found a freshman. Why?

Is it because he is handsome?

Thinking of this, everyone's heart hurts even more, because Sheng Tang is really handsome...

Everyone else was stunned, but Jia Limin couldn't. He didn't expect Sheng Tang to be so brave. He thought Sheng Tang would vainly call him a teacher, but it's better to admit it.

Jia Limin asked: "Little brother, you just entered freshman year, and Xiaoyu has already worked, so there is a big age difference between you two?"

"Does love have anything to do with age?"

One sentence stopped Jia Limin, and then he said, "Then, does the school know about your dating?"

"This is our private matter, I don't care if the school knows about it!"

"You are a teacher-student relationship, if other people find out, they will gossip!"

"Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv are still in a teacher-student relationship. Have you ever seen them care about other people's opinions? Those who have opinions are already dead!"


Jia Limin was speechless again, he really wanted to ask, little brother, have you always been so brave?Won't you be beaten?

Seeing Jia Limin being bullied one after another, the other male classmates who were still aggrieved because Mu Xiaoyu had found a boyfriend from a college student suddenly felt insecure.

They found that besides being handsome, Sheng Tang also had a particularly sharp mouth...

There was also a very brave classmate who asked: "Sheng Tang...little brother, does her family know that you are in love with Mu Xiaoyu?"

According to their thinking, a freshman in the Tang Dynasty was much younger than Mu Xiaoyu. If Mu Xiaoyu's parents found out, they wouldn't agree to death. I can't see it at home either.

Who knows that Sheng Tang just glanced at him, and said calmly: "I slept at her house yesterday, do you think her house knows?"

"Oh, by the way, to be precise, I slept at her parents' house yesterday, and I went to sleep at her house today, so it's easier to understand?"


All the boys broke the defense directly, and didn't want to ask any more.

While feeling sad, they looked at Jia Limin, who was livid, and were immediately relieved: After all, their love for the goddess can only be regarded as a secret love, and Jia Limin is a clear love, he is the worst!

Sheng Tang took a sip of tea, looked at everyone's silence, and said with a smile: "Do you have any questions, keep asking?"


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking whoever is stupid should ask!

Seeing that they were shocked by him, Sheng Tang didn't give up, because he came here for "Xiao Jia" today, so he said with a smile: "Old Jia, right? I heard you have ideas about my girlfriend?"

According to Sheng Tang's thinking, the chances for him to meet Jia Limin are few and far between. Maybe after today, it is basically impossible to see him again in the future, so he has to make full use of this opportunity to make Jia Limin die—— He didn't want anyone to keep thinking about his woman... Well, since Mu Xiaoyu "slept" last night, Sheng Tang felt that she was his woman.


Jia Limin once again saw the "courage" of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but for a while he didn't know how to answer.

And Sheng Tang stared at Jia Limin, and simply said: "I don't care what you thought before, but you can't have such thoughts in the future."

When he said this, his eyes scanned the audience, and all the boys he caught a glimpse of lowered their heads, as if they had a guilty conscience and didn't dare to face him squarely.

Sheng Tang secretly thought, good guy, there are quite a few people who have thoughts about Mu Xiaoyu, fortunately I came here!

And Jia Limin was unconvinced, especially when he was taught by a freshman—so he said: "Little brother, Xiaoyu is just your girlfriend, not your wife, everyone is equal—"

"Equal to your mother!"

Sheng Tang greeted him directly: "I'm very stingy. If someone thinks about my girlfriend, I'm not happy. If I'm not happy, I might do something."



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